Fred Hall
2006-04-13 04:17:45 UTC
On Wed, 12 Apr 2006 19:26:18 -0700, Nyehad Erebnyef
Proof, lying kiddie fucker?
astoundingly stupid, even for a kiddie fucker.
threats and posting illegal materials. Didn't you read the TOS/AUP?
for little boys to sexually abuse.
<taps foot, waiting for impotent boy fucker to do something.>
All the hits all the time
Too late. Death threats and soliciting others to kill are no-no's.
Funny, that's never stopped you before...You've called for torture, genital mutilation, and death plenty of times.
Proof?In my case, the sentiment was in jest. My announcement of that a
retraction of it disproves any serious intent.
Liar.retraction of it disproves any serious intent.
Your sophomoric understanding of the first amendment and basic criminal
law aside, doggie fucker, I would not relish the though of any person
coming to actual physical harm from things that I post in usenet groups.
Liar. Your lack of knowledge of death threats and criminal law islaw aside, doggie fucker, I would not relish the though of any person
coming to actual physical harm from things that I post in usenet groups.
astoundingly stupid, even for a kiddie fucker.
On the other hand, your intent through the years (God, how pathetic of
you to still be at this, despite your obvious impotence), has clearly
been malicious, telling others to kill themselves, taunting people with
idiotic ramblings about hunting people down and killing them, etc.
Proof?you to still be at this, despite your obvious impotence), has clearly
been malicious, telling others to kill themselves, taunting people with
idiotic ramblings about hunting people down and killing them, etc.
I wouldn't doubt that really do know how unlikely it would be for any
LEA with even a layman's knowledge of the law to lift a finger against
me unless I named names, or even had any idea who the people are that
read my posts.
Ah, but your NSP and ISP know who you are, and they frown on deathLEA with even a layman's knowledge of the law to lift a finger against
me unless I named names, or even had any idea who the people are that
read my posts.
threats and posting illegal materials. Didn't you read the TOS/AUP?
The nearest legal precedent that exists to prosecute something like the
joke I posted is a charge of "incitement", which, inorder to be
successfully prosecuted requires the originator of the call for action
to have a reasonable expectation of his call to be carried out.
So you admit you broke the law. Sweating a little now, aren't youjoke I posted is a charge of "incitement", which, inorder to be
successfully prosecuted requires the originator of the call for action
to have a reasonable expectation of his call to be carried out.
If this were not the case, their are thousands upon thousands of people
in this country right now who would be subject to arrest and prosecution
for threatening the life of the President of the United States. And
don't think for a minute the Bush administration wouldn't jump that the
chance to "make an example" of someone who made an actionable threat
against King George (who, by the way, I'd love to see swinging from a
rope in Afghanistan or Iraq some day).
Why? You didn't have to go to Iraq. You've been right here lookingin this country right now who would be subject to arrest and prosecution
for threatening the life of the President of the United States. And
don't think for a minute the Bush administration wouldn't jump that the
chance to "make an example" of someone who made an actionable threat
against King George (who, by the way, I'd love to see swinging from a
rope in Afghanistan or Iraq some day).
for little boys to sexually abuse.
You're such an idiot, you think the retraction of a statement like mine
has anything to do with fear of legal reprisals?
Yes.has anything to do with fear of legal reprisals?
Damn, you really do sniff your own undies, don't you?
Back off freak, I'm too old for you.The trial will begin shortly...first you have to be arraigned.
Get cracking, kiddie fucker.<taps foot, waiting for impotent boy fucker to do something.>
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