2005-10-20 13:11:49 UTC
You are such a Lamer. The remailer probably doesnt work for YOU because you probably ABUSEit orSPAM yourself dumbass. Works forme everytime without fail. Get a life dummy.
Dipshit scribbles:
Ultimate Anonymity
Using a wide range of phony nics, this out of control scam spammer
makes hundreds of spamming posts to the Usenet on a daily basis.
In addition to this newsgroup, this scam spammer preys on suckers in adult
type newsgroups across the broad spectrum of Usenet.
Here's a sample from one of his customers:
Newsgroups: alt.privacy
From: "Chester" <***@isp.com> - Find messages by this author
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2004 11:17:38 -0700
Local: Wed, Jul 14 2004 11:17 am
Subject: Re: I am using ultimate anonymity remop
Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Report Abuse
Ultimate Anonymity is a joke, and their re-mailer doesn't even work half the
time, everything they offer you can get on the net for free! Even the
"free" software they offer to "members" is not only available for free on
the net, but is years out of date! Don't waste your money.
This out of control scam spammer even brags about his scamming!
"Has netted over $200,000.00 (documented) in a single year working
average 6 hours a day from home."
William Moffatt
907 N Wilson Ave #302
Bartow, FL 33830
www.ultimate-anonymity.com,ultimate-anonymity.org & www.ultimate-anonymity.net 6 years in business, established privacy & anonymity
Has netted over $200,000.00 (documented) in a single year working average 6 hours a day from home. Am pursuing other ventures.
Dipshit scribbles:
Ultimate Anonymity
Using a wide range of phony nics, this out of control scam spammer
makes hundreds of spamming posts to the Usenet on a daily basis.
In addition to this newsgroup, this scam spammer preys on suckers in adult
type newsgroups across the broad spectrum of Usenet.
Here's a sample from one of his customers:
Newsgroups: alt.privacy
From: "Chester" <***@isp.com> - Find messages by this author
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2004 11:17:38 -0700
Local: Wed, Jul 14 2004 11:17 am
Subject: Re: I am using ultimate anonymity remop
Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Report Abuse
Ultimate Anonymity is a joke, and their re-mailer doesn't even work half the
time, everything they offer you can get on the net for free! Even the
"free" software they offer to "members" is not only available for free on
the net, but is years out of date! Don't waste your money.
This out of control scam spammer even brags about his scamming!
"Has netted over $200,000.00 (documented) in a single year working
average 6 hours a day from home."
William Moffatt
907 N Wilson Ave #302
Bartow, FL 33830
www.ultimate-anonymity.com,ultimate-anonymity.org & www.ultimate-anonymity.net 6 years in business, established privacy & anonymity
Has netted over $200,000.00 (documented) in a single year working average 6 hours a day from home. Am pursuing other ventures.