young and shy fat boy
(too old to reply)
Fred Hall
2006-04-14 03:10:51 UTC
Me and carole are IN!! We have been looking for someone like you for a
long time now. Believe me when I tell you that we are a lot older than
you, but that has never stood in our way before. Bob has been bringing
teenage boys home for as long as I can remember, and they are always so
much fun! Hope you don't mind sticking your finger up my ass while Bob
cums in your face! That is such a turn on for me!

Admission of defeat noted, kiddie fuckers. You've got one moron
(lookin/Goober) firing off dozens of blank posts, another forging his
fellow BL's to settle a vendetta, and now we have a kiddie fucker
forging bobandcarole.


This is fucking hilarious.
"Don't even bother with this guy, Fred Hall. From what I have seen, he
fits into the categories of internet troll, megalomaniac and religous

Leria aka Chrissie Kidwell in Message-ID: <***@z34g2000cwc.googlegroups.com>
Spank, spank, spank.... spank your monkey
2006-04-14 06:49:35 UTC
Fred Hall ripped open a bag of Fritos, watched the inhabitants of a
Sears' dressing room masturbate ferociously, and sputtered...
Post by Fred Hall
Me and carole are IN!! We have been looking for someone like you for a
long time now. Believe me when I tell you that we are a lot older than
you, but that has never stood in our way before. Bob has been bringing
teenage boys home for as long as I can remember, and they are always so
much fun! Hope you don't mind sticking your finger up my ass while Bob
cums in your face! That is such a turn on for me!
Admission of defeat noted, kiddie fuckers. You've got one moron
(lookin/Goober) firing off dozens of blank posts, another forging his
fellow BL's to settle a vendetta, and now we have a kiddie fucker
forging bobandcarole.
This is fucking hilarious.
Their level of desperation has risen to staggering heights.

Perhaps a "Nice try, butt-plug", gift basket is in order??? I'm really
good at that kind of thing. : )

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