John, Carlos and Friends
(too old to reply)
2005-05-01 04:43:58 UTC
Still appealing for a *generous* poster to send some of John's later years,
B4 the groups disbandment. Many thanks in advance (and appreciation).

Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source <><><><><><><><>
:KidHacker NP-b54
2005-05-02 02:54:03 UTC
On 1 May 2005 04:43:58 GMT, "David" <***@> wrote:

:>Still appealing for a *generous* poster to send some of John's later years,
:>B4 the groups disbandment. Many thanks in advance (and appreciation).

David --

Please try to understand that those later photos are *private*. Some
of them have been shared privately with a very few trusted friends who
are sworn *not* to post them publicly. "Generosity", or a lack
thereof, has nothing to do with it. It's a trust, a promise made
between friends. Would you have someone break such a trust??

ONE of those photos managed, somehow, to slip out recently. Noone
seems to know how, but it did, nonetheless. It's a hazard of trusting
people, and sharing. Sooner or later, someone will "leak" something to
someone else, who "leaks" it to someone else, and eventually it's in
the hands of someone who doesn't care about the boys, or their
privacy, or "trust." Fortunately, it's only happened once, so far. It
may happen again, but I sincerely hope it doesn't, for the boys' sake.

What I'm saying here, David, is that it's not selfishness, or private
greed, that's keeping more photos from being posted. It's a promise. A
promise made, in fact, to a very special boy. A promise made for some
very good reasons, including his privacy, his safety, and his fear of
a repeat of a trip through Hell they all endured some years ago.

Let him, let *them*, grow up in peace and safety, David. Is that
asking too much?

I *have* been told that eventually, when the boys are grown enough,
and adults, and far enough removed, permission may be granted to one
or two people to share more of those photos. If their wishes are
respected, it will *not* happen until that permission is given.

Just as an example, I've personally had that later photo of John since
very early in 2002. It was given to me as a special treasure, on the
promise that it'd go no further. I got it because I was trusted. I've
never posted it, nor will I *ever*, even though it's now public. I
promised, and that's that.

I must add, btw, that in spite of the many rumors I've watched flying
by over time, there's been no "disbandment," nor have there been
arrests, or any of the other interesting twists I've read in these
groups. Yes, most all of the boys have moved on, and moved away, but
only because their lives have moved on. They're growing, and happy,
and healthy, and they even stay in touch. No laws, and no "evil", were
involved in it at all. Just the flow of life.

John still lives with the same adopted father he lived with in 98.
He's 15, and as of now, he's spoiled rotten, a total football fanatic,
an absolutely confirmed naturist who wears clothes only when he's
forced to, and a total nutcase. He also speaks vastly better English
than I speak Spanish, and he's developed a serious fascination with
photography. And he's getting good at it...

Let them be, David. If promises are kept, you won't see more until
after they're grown. And then, it'll be up to them. I don't rule out
the possibility that John, himself, might be the poster. In maybe 2010
or so...

Take care, and see ya.

KH NP-b54

"Artificial Intelligence will never be
a match for natural stupidity."
Sebastian NP-g06
2005-05-02 09:22:02 UTC
Hi KidHacker !-)

Just to say:

I agree with you. Some private photos must be not shared.
Especially in your case, this is important to respect
the privacy, the point of view, and the life from the
original poster. Including the respect of your own friends.
And i respect that too.

Confidence is the most important "pillar" in the friendship.
Without this confidence, i do not call that "friendship".
To break this confidence and the private life of that boys
would be a treason in this particular case. We all must respect
that choice. The most important thing, it is your "contract
with your friends. (It's my point of view, of curse).

I am very happy to learn these different rumours about John
and hes friends or familly was a fake! That would have been
horible! A nightmare for all BL's. I never believe that
rumours, never. Am happy to read finally the truth!
(Thank's God).

I hope John is well, like all his friends too. And i hope he
make some beautiful photos and he will become a futur champion
of football !. Hahaha ;-D

KidHacker, i congrulate you about your friendship and
especially the confidence and your repect. It is a very rare
"feature" of quality in this world.

Cya KidHacker my friend.



Sebastian NP-g06
:KidHacker NP-b54
2005-05-03 03:01:02 UTC
On 2 May 2005 04:22:02 -0500, "Sebastian NP-g06" <!***@com> wrote:

:>Hi KidHacker !-)

Hi Sebastian!!!

:>Just to say:
:>I agree with you. Some private photos must be not shared.
:>Especially in your case, this is important to respect
:>the privacy, the point of view, and the life from the
:>original poster. Including the respect of your own friends.
:>And i respect that too.

I'm *very* pleased to see that I'm not the only one who feels this

:>Confidence is the most important "pillar" in the friendship.
:>Without this confidence, i do not call that "friendship".
:>To break this confidence and the private life of that boys
:>would be a treason in this particular case. We all must respect
:>that choice. The most important thing, it is your "contract
:>with your friends. (It's my point of view, of curse).

Your point of view is mine, Seb. A true friendship implies trust. It's
not spoken, it's felt. If you break it, you break the friendship, and
in the process, you hurt someone who believed in you. I could never do
that. It's not how I am, or who I am.

:>I am very happy to learn these different rumours about John
:>and hes friends or familly was a fake! That would have been
:>horible! A nightmare for all BL's. I never believe that
:>rumours, never. Am happy to read finally the truth!
:>(Thank's God).

I've read many of them, and I've tried to just let them slide. In some
ways, it's best to let the rumors prevail, because they can refocus
attention in other directions and actually help protect those who
really need protecting.

This time, though, in the face of another of the many ongoing requests
for "more," it "felt" like it was time to say something. I have no
idea why. It just "felt" like it. Not too much, but just enough to
hopefully catch the attention of those who really care.

And BOING!!! You appeared out of nowhere... hehehe...

:>I hope John is well, like all his friends too. And i hope he
:>make some beautiful photos and he will become a futur champion
:>of football !. Hahaha ;-D

They're all, every one, healthy, happy, growing teens, all headed in
their own directions. With teenagers, that's all subject to sudden
change without notice, but so far, so good.

John is a monster. He's into electronics, and computers, and
photography, and he's so far survived messing with football without
dying from it, (though he endured 8 weeks or so with a cast on his arm
a year or so ago...), and in one instant he's heading "stage left,"
and in the next, it's "stage right," and the instant after that he's
out in the yard somewhere climbing a tree and mooning a cat. He's
impossible... Kinda like an NP with an accent... heheheheheee...

:>KidHacker, i congrulate you about your friendship and
:>especially the confidence and your repect. It is a very rare
:>"feature" of quality in this world.

It's something that you and I obviously have in common, Seb. It
requires no congratulations. It's just how we think. Maybe we're a
minority. I hope not...

:>Cya KidHacker my friend.

Cya Seb.And thanks!



KH NP-b54

"Artificial Intelligence will never be
a match for natural stupidity."
2005-05-03 20:15:01 UTC
Post by :KidHacker NP-b54
:>Hi KidHacker !-)
Hi Sebastian!!!
:>I agree with you. Some private photos must be not shared.
:>Especially in your case, this is important to respect
:>the privacy, the point of view, and the life from the
:>original poster. Including the respect of your own friends.
:>And i respect that too.
I'm *very* pleased to see that I'm not the only one who feels this
I enjoyed the pics nathan provided us with since the first time they
appeared on the groups.

I enjoyed the smiles, the fun and beauty of the boys.

And yeah i have seen that 'older' picture of John and i wished, and i
still wish i could see more.

But thats just my wish, As boylover, the boys needs are lots more

They are growing up, as in the past they wanted to have hte pictures
shared, its up to them and the ones close to them to decide if they want
them open and in public ... its not our choice, its theirs.

And as much as i want to see more of them, i prefer them to be safe and

So its up to them.

John,Carlos, Jimmy, all, ... have a great time, have a great life and
thanks for sharing your lives with us. Who know, perhaps once we ll see
the sequal.

Take care !!!

2005-05-02 17:15:43 UTC

Thanks Kidhacker for your contribution here. Most of us who do continue to
hang around here do care very much for all of the boys. Certainly I am happy
to learn John is all right and doing well. Of course I would love to have
more pictures of him and the others, but if they insist privacy is at the
moment the first priority, so be it, who am I to juge.
As you appear to know them, perhaps you can also report a little about the
other boys, like Carlos, Tomas, Jimmy etc. Are they doing well also?
Thanks again and regards

Post by :KidHacker NP-b54
:>Still appealing for a *generous* poster to send some of John's later years,
:>B4 the groups disbandment. Many thanks in advance (and appreciation).
David --
Please try to understand that those later photos are *private*. Some
of them have been shared privately with a very few trusted friends who
are sworn *not* to post them publicly. "Generosity", or a lack
thereof, has nothing to do with it. It's a trust, a promise made
between friends. Would you have someone break such a trust??
ONE of those photos managed, somehow, to slip out recently. Noone
seems to know how, but it did, nonetheless. It's a hazard of trusting
people, and sharing. Sooner or later, someone will "leak" something to
someone else, who "leaks" it to someone else, and eventually it's in
the hands of someone who doesn't care about the boys, or their
privacy, or "trust." Fortunately, it's only happened once, so far. It
may happen again, but I sincerely hope it doesn't, for the boys' sake.
What I'm saying here, David, is that it's not selfishness, or private
greed, that's keeping more photos from being posted. It's a promise. A
promise made, in fact, to a very special boy. A promise made for some
very good reasons, including his privacy, his safety, and his fear of
a repeat of a trip through Hell they all endured some years ago.
Let him, let *them*, grow up in peace and safety, David. Is that
asking too much?
I *have* been told that eventually, when the boys are grown enough,
and adults, and far enough removed, permission may be granted to one
or two people to share more of those photos. If their wishes are
respected, it will *not* happen until that permission is given.
Just as an example, I've personally had that later photo of John since
very early in 2002. It was given to me as a special treasure, on the
promise that it'd go no further. I got it because I was trusted. I've
never posted it, nor will I *ever*, even though it's now public. I
promised, and that's that.
I must add, btw, that in spite of the many rumors I've watched flying
by over time, there's been no "disbandment," nor have there been
arrests, or any of the other interesting twists I've read in these
groups. Yes, most all of the boys have moved on, and moved away, but
only because their lives have moved on. They're growing, and happy,
and healthy, and they even stay in touch. No laws, and no "evil", were
involved in it at all. Just the flow of life.
John still lives with the same adopted father he lived with in 98.
He's 15, and as of now, he's spoiled rotten, a total football fanatic,
an absolutely confirmed naturist who wears clothes only when he's
forced to, and a total nutcase. He also speaks vastly better English
than I speak Spanish, and he's developed a serious fascination with
photography. And he's getting good at it...
Let them be, David. If promises are kept, you won't see more until
after they're grown. And then, it'll be up to them. I don't rule out
the possibility that John, himself, might be the poster. In maybe 2010
or so...
Take care, and see ya.
KH NP-b54
"Artificial Intelligence will never be
a match for natural stupidity."
:KidHacker NP-b54
2005-05-03 03:52:01 UTC
On Mon, 02 May 2005 17:15:43 GMT, "Dianthus" <***@chello.nl>

:>Thanks Kidhacker for your contribution here. Most of us who do continue to
:>hang around here do care very much for all of the boys. Certainly I am happy
:>to learn John is all right and doing well. Of course I would love to have
:>more pictures of him and the others, but if they insist privacy is at the
:>moment the first priority, so be it, who am I to juge.
:>As you appear to know them, perhaps you can also report a little about the
:>other boys, like Carlos, Tomas, Jimmy etc. Are they doing well also?
:>Thanks again and regards

Hi, Dianthus!

You "unlurk" pretty rarely these days. Kewl to see you!

The safety of the boys is the utmost priority. They endured some
serious Hell a few years ago because of a mistake. They survived it,
and they also learned from it.

Now, what they want most is to grow up, being themselves, without
further exposure. They already gave us enough. Anything further would,
for us, just be "icing on the cake." Sorry, but we'll have to wait...

As to the other boys: Carlos, a few years ago, moved "upcountry" with
his family, shortly after the last posted photos of him were taken. He
bashed in during an ICQ session a year or so ago, so I know he's still
"around." That session also ended rather abruptly, due to a major
distraction. <evil grin> He and John apparently hadn't seen each other
for about 6 months...

Beyond that, I know little more than "he's kool."

Tomas was, for a while, phucked by a serious family hassle, which
brought an end to his appearances before the camera. As of now, it's
over and done with, and I've heard he's doing well, and all is kewl
with him as well.

Jimmy was one of Nathan's earliest boys, and he came and went with the
only sets we have being the only sets we'll ever see. I have no idea
what he's doing now, or where he is, but I wish him all the best. He's
about 20 right now.

Just a brief summary, at best.

Take care, Dianthus, and see ya.

KH NP-b54

"Artificial Intelligence will never be
a match for natural stupidity."
2005-05-04 05:34:16 UTC
Hello Kidkacker,

see below
Post by :KidHacker NP-b54
:>Thanks Kidhacker for your contribution here. Most of us who do continue to
:>hang around here do care very much for all of the boys. Certainly I am happy
:>to learn John is all right and doing well. Of course I would love to have
:>more pictures of him and the others, but if they insist privacy is at the
:>moment the first priority, so be it, who am I to juge.
:>As you appear to know them, perhaps you can also report a little about the
:>other boys, like Carlos, Tomas, Jimmy etc. Are they doing well also?
:>Thanks again and regards
Hi, Dianthus!
You "unlurk" pretty rarely these days. Kewl to see you!
Yes, thanks. I am therefore amazed you still remember. I had an unfortunate
encounter about two years ago and therefore I still have to keep a low
profile for another year and a half or so. At the time Johnie was a big
Post by :KidHacker NP-b54
The safety of the boys is the utmost priority. They endured some
serious Hell a few years ago because of a mistake. They survived it,
and they also learned from it.
Now, what they want most is to grow up, being themselves, without
further exposure. They already gave us enough. Anything further would,
for us, just be "icing on the cake." Sorry, but we'll have to wait...
As to the other boys: Carlos, a few years ago, moved "upcountry" with
his family, shortly after the last posted photos of him were taken. He
bashed in during an ICQ session a year or so ago, so I know he's still
"around." That session also ended rather abruptly, due to a major
distraction. <evil grin> He and John apparently hadn't seen each other
for about 6 months...
Beyond that, I know little more than "he's kool."
Tomas was, for a while, phucked by a serious family hassle, which
brought an end to his appearances before the camera. As of now, it's
over and done with, and I've heard he's doing well, and all is kewl
with him as well.
Jimmy was one of Nathan's earliest boys, and he came and went with the
only sets we have being the only sets we'll ever see. I have no idea
what he's doing now, or where he is, but I wish him all the best. He's
about 20 right now.
Just a brief summary, at best.
Thanks again. Seems a pity they have drifted apart so much, after being such
good friends. For me the big attraction was always the happy faces together
on the pictures. I knew the pictures were originally posted bij Nathan, but
that was before my time. I first saw them posted by Andrew on Supernews.
Never heard from him since though. I do not know the relation between the
two either.
Meanwhile is it possible to see some other pictures. I remember vaguely
there was a boy called Dani, of whom I have only one or two pictures. Is
there a possibility there?
Anyway, thanks again and take care (in all meanings of the word)

Post by :KidHacker NP-b54
Take care, Dianthus, and see ya.
KH NP-b54
"Artificial Intelligence will never be
a match for natural stupidity."
Just David
2005-05-04 03:44:46 UTC
I fully agree with Dianthus. If we could get *a little news* on the day-to-day
happenings of the boys it would be greatly appreciated. You, KidHacker, appear
to be closest to them, maybe you could enlighten us? It would be a shame
(at least to myself) if they simply sank into the sunset. That is unless
they preferred it to be so. Just David.
Post by Dianthus
Thanks Kidhacker for your contribution here. Most of us who do continue to
hang around here do care very much for all of the boys. Certainly I am happy
to learn John is all right and doing well. Of course I would love to have
more pictures of him and the others, but if they insist privacy is at the
moment the first priority, so be it, who am I to juge.
As you appear to know them, perhaps you can also report a little about the
other boys, like Carlos, Tomas, Jimmy etc. Are they doing well also?
Thanks again and regards
Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source <><><><><><><><>
2005-05-03 05:32:08 UTC
two bad is no video clips of this boys.. :S
Hello, :KidHacker!
You wrote on 1 May 2005 21:54:03 -0500:

KNb> :>Still appealing for a *generous* poster to send some of John's later
KNb> years, :>B4 the groups disbandment. Many thanks in advance (and
KNb> appreciation).

KNb> David --

KNb> Please try to understand that those later photos are *private*. Some
KNb> of them have been shared privately with a very few trusted friends who
KNb> are sworn *not* to post them publicly. "Generosity", or a lack
KNb> thereof, has nothing to do with it. It's a trust, a promise made
KNb> between friends. Would you have someone break such a trust??

KNb> ONE of those photos managed, somehow, to slip out recently. Noone
KNb> seems to know how, but it did, nonetheless. It's a hazard of trusting
KNb> people, and sharing. Sooner or later, someone will "leak" something to
KNb> someone else, who "leaks" it to someone else, and eventually it's in
KNb> the hands of someone who doesn't care about the boys, or their
KNb> privacy, or "trust." Fortunately, it's only happened once, so far. It
KNb> may happen again, but I sincerely hope it doesn't, for the boys' sake.

KNb> What I'm saying here, David, is that it's not selfishness, or private
KNb> greed, that's keeping more photos from being posted. It's a promise. A
KNb> promise made, in fact, to a very special boy. A promise made for some
KNb> very good reasons, including his privacy, his safety, and his fear of
KNb> a repeat of a trip through Hell they all endured some years ago.

KNb> Let him, let *them*, grow up in peace and safety, David. Is that
KNb> asking too much?

KNb> I *have* been told that eventually, when the boys are grown enough,
KNb> and adults, and far enough removed, permission may be granted to one
KNb> or two people to share more of those photos. If their wishes are
KNb> respected, it will *not* happen until that permission is given.

KNb> Just as an example, I've personally had that later photo of John since
KNb> very early in 2002. It was given to me as a special treasure, on the
KNb> promise that it'd go no further. I got it because I was trusted. I've
KNb> never posted it, nor will I *ever*, even though it's now public. I
KNb> promised, and that's that.

KNb> I must add, btw, that in spite of the many rumors I've watched flying
KNb> by over time, there's been no "disbandment," nor have there been
KNb> arrests, or any of the other interesting twists I've read in these
KNb> groups. Yes, most all of the boys have moved on, and moved away, but
KNb> only because their lives have moved on. They're growing, and happy,
KNb> and healthy, and they even stay in touch. No laws, and no "evil", were
KNb> involved in it at all. Just the flow of life.

KNb> John still lives with the same adopted father he lived with in 98.
KNb> He's 15, and as of now, he's spoiled rotten, a total football fanatic,
KNb> an absolutely confirmed naturist who wears clothes only when he's
KNb> forced to, and a total nutcase. He also speaks vastly better English
KNb> than I speak Spanish, and he's developed a serious fascination with
KNb> photography. And he's getting good at it...

KNb> Let them be, David. If promises are kept, you won't see more until
KNb> after they're grown. And then, it'll be up to them. I don't rule out
KNb> the possibility that John, himself, might be the poster. In maybe 2010
KNb> or so...

KNb> Take care, and see ya.

KNb> KH NP-b54

With best regards, kkkkkk. E-mail: ***@gmail.com
Cody James
2005-05-10 22:04:15 UTC
that was a awesome post you made and yes i know the boys your talking
of .. im 18 and i lived my own hell not like jimmy john and the rest
of them did but i lived it 4 only one day and it was a day i live with
and will my whole life .... dude u have alot of class i come here
becoz i am a friend of the boys your talking about

i dont know you but its good knowing john jimmy and the rest have u as a
trusted friend

Peace ::::: Out ::::: Cody
2005-05-11 15:44:54 UTC
Cody James wrote:
:: Dude
:: that was a awesome post you made and yes i know the boys your
:: talking of .. im 18

Oh great. A pedo in the making.

and i lived my own hell


not like jimmy john
:: and the rest of them did but i lived it 4 only one day and it was
:: a day i live with and will my whole life .... dude u have alot of
:: class i come here becoz i am a friend of the boys your talking
:: about

You come here to see pix of naked children, period. Freak.

:: i dont know you but its good knowing john jimmy and the rest have u
:: as a trusted friend
:: Peace ::::: Out ::::: Cody

Go home, asswipe.

SS~ :)
Nice set of photos. i have a decent digital camera and would love to take
pix of children at the zoo or park or beach but my god it is so dangerous
today. Poor Mrs Todger was one of the best child photographers i have
known ---well you know what happened to him. such a tragedy. it is a
totally different world out there now. see u later
"May Dragons Fly Everywhere in Your Dreams"

damn is he cute. i could hug and squeeze him until he farts
"May Dragon Fly Everywhere in Your Dreams"

He sure is a cute kid. does he need bathing. i do good back massages
"May Dragon Fly Everywhere in Your Dreams"

I am neither a boy lover or a boy hater. so here is an outsiders opinion
and i hope i make myself clear
there is a line between fantasy and fact. if someone sees a cute boy here
and his lets imagination runs away with ideas then that is fantasy. if he
touches a boy then the fantasy becomes a fact. and then and ONLY then
should he be dealt with the full extent of the law. see guys there is
nothing wrong with fantasy. I can dream of winning a lottery and travel the
world and look at all the cute boys in the process. but i sure better not
touch one.......get MY point guys. so why are boylovers hated so much. is
because that line is crossed too many time and some poor unexpecting kid
gets hurt

That isn't fair to judge this group that way. There is nothing more
discusting than going to a group
and have some dude post a thousand photos you don't like.
He has flooded the group with his choice and that is not the choice of
the viewer.
So now you have to scoll down past his mess to get to the next set of
photos. "retro" is a prime example.
Sure it is ok to post videos that way but not here.
I am trying so hard to give a new group (old name) something different
for everyone to enjoy.
If a kid wants to come here and see dragons, it will be here, If a guy
wants to see cars, it will be here,
If a guy wants to see naked kids it will be here If a guy wants to see
fantasy photos, it will be here,
If a guy wants to see scenic views of a foreign country, it will be
Do you finally understand what i am trying to acheive. Every group
i have seen has posters with a "one track mind"
they can't see beyond their noses. not here, dear friends.
I am so sorry to see an "oldie" come here then bitch
because he can't get his way about posting with his flood of photos.
He is being selfish and acting like a spoiled little boy.
This is primarily a "boy" lover group..a "BOYS group for boys.
Boys like toys and that is what they are going to see.
Even the hard core boy lover wants to see something different than
seeing someones weanie
I am not trying to be offensive but trying to get my point across.
Thanks for listening and love to all
"Fang, Fire and Claws, Oh----to be a Dragon"

Hi everyone. First i wish to thank you for your support in making
something out of aavfff.
I am a very old man who has lingered in the groups for years,
collecting oddities.

Now I have a dream. To take a inactive group and create a new set of
photos for all BL to enjoy.
God's finest creature is as boy. We should love them all. Not because
they may have an erection.
But just because they are a boy. Full of mischief, into everything,
curious about the items around him,
Sticking his nose where it does not belong. Playing in a fantasy
world that only a boy can do.
That my friends is a true boy. And IF you are a TRUE boylover you will
know exactly what i am talking about.
WE are all different, and so lets have a group that is different from
the other groups, for each and everyone to come here and enjoy a
particular set of photos. If you like a set then sit back and watch
the show, if you don't like that ONE then move onto the next set.

I hope we (all of us) can make a different BL group and a better group
then the rest of them. A little of this, and a little of that.
Show nudes (not heavy sexual) or not show nudes, that is your
preference. If you like boy art, it will be here
If you like fantasy, it will be here. If you like anime, it will be
here. If you like studio poses, it will be here
The only thing is to limit the posts to 30 Max (No Videos) so each
individual can view and post to his liking.

Thanks guys. I love you all
"May Dragon Fly Ever in your Dreams"
