LoGiCaL SCieNCe!
(too old to reply)
2005-05-11 15:44:29 UTC
star spangled spanner wrote:
:::: Y-Not:: wrote:
::: In article <***@g49g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>,
::: star spangled spanner <***@hotmail.com> wrote:
:: You are so full of shit Y pedo that you deserve a second response.
:::: And you won't know until you get dragged kicking and screaming to
:::: prison. Reminds me of a story about a child molester who got
:::: killed in prison. He had been locked up with a father of one of
:::: the children he had molested (the rockspider didn't know that
:::: though) :-). One day he is crossing the prison yard and this guy
:::: cuts his throat with a jagged piece of steel. Point is not even
:::: the gaurds bothered to try and save the pedo they all just stood
:::: there gaurds and inmates and watched him die. Its nice too know
:::: you have something too look forward to. =^)
::: I don't support harming children. I've damaged some who have, and
::: helped put some behind bars. Most of the people here are NOT
::: molesters, just people who appreciate some children in ways that
::: you dislike. They can't help who they are, or who they're attracted
::: to, because they have no choice in that. This does NOT make them
::: child molesters. That's a choice, that they don't have to make. I'm
::: here to help them to choose wisely. You are interfering with this,
::: my work. Those who actually DO harm children, are very unlikely to
::: post here, and risk exposure. Two did, and thanks to the good
::: people here, they are in prison.
:: You will be joining them shortly read the above story again it is
:: true.
::::: I have been told about one (it's been mentioned
::::: here), but I don't think he could keep his mental health problems
::::: under enough control,
:::: Well you certainly would know Y-Pedo.
::: Of course I would know, but you're a little confused. I'm a shrink.
::: I'm here to help people, whether they want help or not. :-)
::: Want some counseling?
:: Yeah right graduate with Edmo did ya. idiot.
::: What you're doing here doesn't help children. You're doing this
::: because you just like to bully people, and feel, incorrectly, that
::: these people are deserving targets for your aggression. If you
::: really want to help children, you should ask in your community how
::: you can help through volunteering. Many people do, so can you. It
::: doesn't even have to involve direct contact with children, if you
::: personally dislike them.
:: Pontification.
::: Crossposting is against Usenet custom. You're violating that
::: custom. I hope you aren't against other people violating other
::: Usenet customs, because that would make you look kind of, er, well,
::: ah, not very bright.
::: Also, there are some abusive people who say that all who post in
::: these particular newsgroups must be "pedos", completely ignoring
::: the fact that they are also including themselves in that label,
::: because they are posting here when they are saying that. When this
::: is pointed out to them, they get confused and angry. I do hope you
::: aren't going to have this kind of problem. I thought I'd mention
::: it, though, just in case.
:: How did it feel when those two brain cells collided and you were able
:: to come up with that logical arguement? Was it pleasant or painful?

I get a painful headache from Y-Tards reaking hot air.....
It spends an awful long time defending it's sick perversions.

::::: Take care,
::::: Y Not
::::: "Opening the mind can open the heart.
::::: Opening the heart can open the mind."
:::: What? you just made that up didn't you?
::: Y Not
::: "The extent of a man's ignorance
::: is not measured in what he doesn't know,
::: but in what he refuses to learn."
::: "You are what you do repeatedly" =)

SS~ :)
Nice set of photos. i have a decent digital camera and would love to take
pix of children at the zoo or park or beach but my god it is so dangerous
today. Poor Mrs Todger was one of the best child photographers i have
known ---well you know what happened to him. such a tragedy. it is a
totally different world out there now. see u later
"May Dragons Fly Everywhere in Your Dreams"

damn is he cute. i could hug and squeeze him until he farts
"May Dragon Fly Everywhere in Your Dreams"

He sure is a cute kid. does he need bathing. i do good back massages
"May Dragon Fly Everywhere in Your Dreams"

I am neither a boy lover or a boy hater. so here is an outsiders opinion
and i hope i make myself clear
there is a line between fantasy and fact. if someone sees a cute boy here
and his lets imagination runs away with ideas then that is fantasy. if he
touches a boy then the fantasy becomes a fact. and then and ONLY then
should he be dealt with the full extent of the law. see guys there is
nothing wrong with fantasy. I can dream of winning a lottery and travel the
world and look at all the cute boys in the process. but i sure better not
touch one.......get MY point guys. so why are boylovers hated so much. is
because that line is crossed too many time and some poor unexpecting kid
gets hurt

That isn't fair to judge this group that way. There is nothing more
discusting than going to a group
and have some dude post a thousand photos you don't like.
He has flooded the group with his choice and that is not the choice of
the viewer.
So now you have to scoll down past his mess to get to the next set of
photos. "retro" is a prime example.
Sure it is ok to post videos that way but not here.
I am trying so hard to give a new group (old name) something different
for everyone to enjoy.
If a kid wants to come here and see dragons, it will be here, If a guy
wants to see cars, it will be here,
If a guy wants to see naked kids it will be here If a guy wants to see
fantasy photos, it will be here,
If a guy wants to see scenic views of a foreign country, it will be
Do you finally understand what i am trying to acheive. Every group
i have seen has posters with a "one track mind"
they can't see beyond their noses. not here, dear friends.
I am so sorry to see an "oldie" come here then bitch
because he can't get his way about posting with his flood of photos.
He is being selfish and acting like a spoiled little boy.
This is primarily a "boy" lover group..a "BOYS group for boys.
Boys like toys and that is what they are going to see.
Even the hard core boy lover wants to see something different than
seeing someones weanie
I am not trying to be offensive but trying to get my point across.
Thanks for listening and love to all
"Fang, Fire and Claws, Oh----to be a Dragon"

Hi everyone. First i wish to thank you for your support in making
something out of aavfff.
I am a very old man who has lingered in the groups for years,
collecting oddities.

Now I have a dream. To take a inactive group and create a new set of
photos for all BL to enjoy.
God's finest creature is as boy. We should love them all. Not because
they may have an erection.
But just because they are a boy. Full of mischief, into everything,
curious about the items around him,
Sticking his nose where it does not belong. Playing in a fantasy
world that only a boy can do.
That my friends is a true boy. And IF you are a TRUE boylover you will
know exactly what i am talking about.
WE are all different, and so lets have a group that is different from
the other groups, for each and everyone to come here and enjoy a
particular set of photos. If you like a set then sit back and watch
the show, if you don't like that ONE then move onto the next set.

I hope we (all of us) can make a different BL group and a better group
then the rest of them. A little of this, and a little of that.
Show nudes (not heavy sexual) or not show nudes, that is your
preference. If you like boy art, it will be here
If you like fantasy, it will be here. If you like anime, it will be
here. If you like studio poses, it will be here
The only thing is to limit the posts to 30 Max (No Videos) so each
individual can view and post to his liking.

Thanks guys. I love you all
"May Dragon Fly Ever in your Dreams"

Pope Frogbutt I
2005-05-14 00:37:35 UTC
Post by S.Shortcake
Post by S.Shortcake
Well, for the sake of the joke it's OK, but there wasn't much
real logic in it, just fishy deductions. A pond reflection...
By the way, I don't think you're LEA. I don't know, for sure, of
any regular poster who is.
And you won't know until you get dragged kicking and screaming to
prison. Reminds me of a story about a child molester who got
killed in prison. He had been locked up with a father of one of
the children he had molested (the rockspider didn't know that
though) :-). One day he is crossing the prison yard and this guy
cuts his throat with a jagged piece of steel. Point is not even
the gaurds bothered to try and save the pedo they all just stood
there gaurds and inmates and watched him die. Its nice too know
you have something too look forward to. =^)
I don't support harming children. I've damaged some who have, and
helped put some behind bars. Most of the people here are NOT
molesters, just people who appreciate some children in ways that you
dislike. They can't help who they are, or who they're attracted to,
because they have no choice in that. This does NOT make them child
molesters. That's a choice, that they don't have to make. I'm here
to help them to choose wisely. You are interfering with this, my
work. Those who actually DO harm children, are very unlikely to post
here, and risk exposure. Two did, and thanks to the good people
here, they are in prison.
Post by S.Shortcake
I have been told about one (it's been mentioned
here), but I don't think he could keep his mental health
enough control,
Well you certainly would know Y-Pedo.
Of course I would know, but you're a little confused. I'm a shrink.
I'm here to help people, whether they want help or not. :-)
Want some counseling?
What you're doing here doesn't help children. You're doing this
because you just like to bully people, and feel, incorrectly, that
these people are deserving targets for your aggression. If you
really want to help children, you should ask in your community how
you can help through volunteering. Many people do, so can you. It
doesn't even have to involve direct contact with children, if you
personally dislike them.
Crossposting is against Usenet custom. You're violating that custom.
I hope you aren't against other people violating other Usenet
customs, because that would make you look kind of, er, well, ah, not
very bright.
Also, there are some abusive people who say that all who post in
these particular newsgroups must be "pedos", completely ignoring the
fact that they are also including themselves in that label, because
they are posting here when they are saying that. When this is
pointed out to them, they get confused and angry. I do hope you
aren't going to have this kind of problem. I thought I'd mention it,
though, just in case.
Post by S.Shortcake
Take care,
Y Not
"Opening the mind can open the heart.
Opening the heart can open the mind."
What? you just made that up didn't you?
Nope. I've been using that for about three or four years. I have
over 140 tags I've created from parts of my posts, that I use when I
feel like it. My first tag line I wrote down when I was ten, from an
idea I first had when I was four. I could post it for you, if you
want. Some people in a software group collect tags. They like mine.
I'll put one here that I borrowed from one of them, who had posted
some Hubble pictures. :-)
Y Not
"The extent of a man's ignorance
is not measured in what he doesn't know,
but in what he refuses to learn."
(borrowed with permission from oDDz Bodtkin, who shares the
Hi Y-Not,
Good post!
Really! I appreciate!
If you continue like this I might become one of your sock puppets!
(if I still didn't doubt your honesty though)
How can you think it was a good post, if you doubt my honesty, and
therefore what I post, including this one?
A dishonest person is dishonest in all he does. This is the condition
that is described by this label.
With who I am, and what I do here, you don't get the luxury of picking
and choosing what to label of my posts, honest (not that you ever
have) or dishonest. It's an all or one thing. All I do comes from the
same person, with the same personal qualities. If I'm dishonest, then
my security posts are are dishonest, and should not be accepted, even
though some of my self-chosen enemies agree with those posts. If I'm
dishonest, then my counseling posts are false, even though they've
sometimes helped people. Was what I said to you dishonest, when I
helped you to understand how to deal with a security type issue, about
Thai school children who have their names on their uniforms? You
didn't acknowledge that help, but I saw you immediately put that help
to good use. Even though you personally dislike me, that doesn't stop
you from using my help. Would you do this if it was false? A great
many people do exactly the same thing with my help. I see it all the
Labeling me dishonest, devalues all the good and useful work I do
here, that actually does benefit people, sometimes in spite of
themselves. Even some of my most virulent detractors have said that I
help people. Do you really want this label, which is unsupported by
any real evidence, to be applied to me?
I am who I am, as honest as a person can be, who has to maintain his
personal security in Usenet posts. Think about this. Have I ever
violated my mission statement? No. Has anyone else even posted a
complete one, or fully described why they're here? No. Has anyone who
has agreed to a set of rules themselves for for how they post, ever
complied with them? No. Has anyone who has required me to obey some
posting rules, ever obeyed them themselves? No. Even if you want to
think that I have said a few lies, how do they compare, in quantity
and nastiness, with my detractors? One to a thousand? If you can't
accept that I don't lie at all (I do make mistakes, I'm not perfect),
you would still have to accept this degree of comparative honesty, if
YOU are honest. Is it possible for ANYONE to be MORE honest in these
groups, and still maintain their personal security, than I am? No.
I don't want any "sock puppets". I don't need or want supporters. They
just get in the way, and they get attacked by crazed idiots, causing
more problems. If you want to support the ideals I value, such as
truth, honesty and helpfulness, please do, but you don't need to
interfere with me to do that.
See my post here to the alphabet guy for more.
Take care,
Y Not
³When you spend time,
Do you get back change?²
I know what you are Y-Tard. You're a fucking moron.
Meet the f'loons:

Lady Motown: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=185542
Deggie: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181922
Pam: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=180995
Kenny: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181357
John: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181326
Keesha: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181273

"HIAY HU WANTZ 2 FEELL MAI TITS?////" - Britney Spears discovers the
Pope Frogbutt I
2005-05-14 00:41:18 UTC
The edict of the Fort is that you don't cross post to other groups.
Now I don't see anyone stopping this cross post and with time on my
hands. Which I see to have a lot of these days. What with upgrading my
systems software and losing some applications (Computing a program or
piece of software designed and written to fulfill a particular purpose
of the user. ) in the process. I figured to kill some time making hash
of your cross post just for fun. I suppose that is Troll like behavior
on my part but then cross posting is on your part the same in my eyes.
A boy is watching television and hears the name Jesus Christ.
Wondering who Jesus Christ is, he asks his mother. She tells him that
she is busy, and to ask his father. His father is also busy so he asks
his brother. His brother kicks him out of the room because he doesn't
have time to answer his stupid questions, so he goes downtown and sees
a bum in an alley.
He asks the bum, "Who's Jesus Christ?"
The bum replies, "Well, I am."
The boy, not believing the bum, asks for proof. So the bum takes the
boy into the bar down the street and takes him inside. They walk up to
the bar and the bartender exclaims, "Jesus Christ, are you in here
Lil Stinker NP-g07
"they're coming to take me away....!"
In article <1>.
Post by S.Shortcake
Well, for the sake of the joke it's OK, but there wasn't much real
logic in it, just fishy deductions. A pond reflection...
By the way, I don't think you're Lost Egrets Associated Press
Release. I
don't know, for sure, of any
Post by S.Shortcake
regular wantoon who is a smart as a wallbie.
And you won't know until you get dragged kicking and screaming to
prison. Reminds me of a story about a child molester who got killed
in prison. He had been locked up with a father of one of the
children he had molested (the rockspider didn't know that though)
:-(. One day he is crossing the prison yard and this guy cuts his
throat with a jagged piece of steel. Point is not even the gaurds
bothered to try and save the pedo they all just stood there gaurds
and inmates and watched him die. Its nice too know you have
something too look forward up)
I don't support harming children. I've damaged some who have, and
helped put some behind bars. Most of the people here are NOT
molesters, just people who appreciate some children in ways that you
dislike. They can't help who they are, or who they're attracted to,
because they have no choice in that. This does NOT make them child
molesters. That's a choice, that they don't have to make. I'm here
to help them to choose wisely. You are interfering with this, my
work. Those who actually DO harm children, are very unlikely to post
here, and risk exposure. Two did, and thanks to the good people
here, they are in prison.
Post by S.Shortcake
I have been told about one (it's been mentioned
here), but I don't think he could keep his mental health problems
enough control,
Well you certainly would know Y-Pedo.
Of course I would know, but you're a little confused. I'm a shrink.
I'm here to help people, whether they want help or not. :-)
Want some counseling?
What you're doing here doesn't help children. You're doing this
because you just like to bully people, and feel, incorrectly, that
these people are deserving targets for your aggression. If you
really want to help children, you should ask in your community how
you can help through volunteering. Many people do, so can you. It
doesn't even have to involve direct contact with children, if you
personally dislike them.
Any guy working with kids is suspect nowadays.
So let kids be taught and brought up by women!
But, would women want that? Is that good for kids?
Straight guys instead of sicko's! Sounds great huh!?
Crossposting is against Usenet custom. You're violating that custom.
I hope you aren't against other people violating other Usenet
customs, because that would make you look kind of, er, well, ah, not
very bright.
Also, there are some abusive people who say that all who post in
these particular newsgroups must be "pedos", completely ignoring the
fact that they are also including themselves in that label, because
they are posting here when they are saying that. When this is
pointed out to them, they get confused and angry. I do hope you
aren't going to have this kind of problem. I thought I'd mention it,
though, just in case.
Post by S.Shortcake
Take care,
Y Not
"Opening the mind can open the heart.
Opening the heart can open the mind."
What? you just made that up didn't you?
Nope. I've been using that for about three or four years. I have
over 140 tags I've created from parts of my posts, that I use when I
feel like it. My first tag line I wrote down when I was ten, from an
idea I first had when I was four. I could post it for you, if you
want. Some people in a software group collect tags. They like mine.
I'll put one here that I borrowed from one of them, who had posted
some Hubble pictures. :-)
Y Not
"The extent of a man's ignorance
is not measured in what he doesn't know,
but in what he refuses to learn."
(borrowed with permission from oDDz Bodtkin, who shares the stars.)
Why the fuck not, Loonis?
Meet the f'loons:

Lady Motown: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=185542
Deggie: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181922
Pam: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=180995
Kenny: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181357
John: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181326
Keesha: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181273

"HIAY HU WANTZ 2 FEELL MAI TITS?////" - Britney Spears discovers the