Little Tommy gets circumsized - "kiss3.gif" 25.3 kBytes yEnc
(too old to reply)
2005-05-25 19:32:11 UTC
: On 24-May-2005, Lil Stinker NP-g07 <***@uwant2> wrote:
:: On Wed, 25 May 2005 04:35:32 GMT, F_Monk <***@any.way> wrote:
:: That's almost as bad as the Fat Girls kissing you!
:: LOL,
:: Lil Stinker NP-g07
:: "just havin' fun!"
: I grabbed a fat chicks tits last night! LOL!

Liar pedo. I expect even a fat chic wouldn't let a baby fucker like you near her.
SS~ :)

I am trying to find myself. If I should return before I come back, please ask me to wait.

. .
\`-" ' "-'/
} 6 6 {
=. Y ,=
/^^^\ .
/ \ )
( ) - ( )/
"" ""
2005-05-25 22:23:49 UTC
Dr. Steelhammer wrote:
: Re: Gary Burnore/Fred Hall weeps for the cop camera
: Fred "Leaky kill file" Pawn Hall wept:
:::: From: northernsurferboy
:::: Gary Burnore/Fred Hall smiles for the cop camera
:::: Loading Image...
::: So...the hypocrite/Fred that goes around wailing
::: and weeping "kiddie fucker" accusations so often
::: ...is really a "kiddie fucker"?
:: Fantasizing about a young boy's penis. I'm a kiddie fucker.
:: I am such a spanked dumbass.
: Knew it all along, pedo. Guilty conscience?
: <*poke*>
: "You brought me here. Damn! I'd better haul my ass on out of here.
: I'm scared now. it's hands (posts off for me). kill file." [Date: Jan
: 2005]
: ~Fred (Ready to Bawl) Hall, admitting to being a controlled,
: blistered and owned pawn - a scared pawn...too spanked to do as s/h/it
: wishes

Kiss my sweet ass... you poast editing piece of shit.

: ++++++++++
: From: "S.Shortcake" <***@ofthe.dragonlover>
: Newsgroups:
: Subject: Re: Little Tommy gets circumsized - "kiss3.gif" 25.3 kBytes
: yEnc
: Date: Wed, 25 May 2005 15:32:11 -0400
: Organization: Meow Meow Army
: Lines: 34
: Sender: ***@databasix.com
: Message-ID: <d72pii$m57$***@badtz-maru.databasix.com>
: References: <***@4ax.com>
: <***@4ax.com>
: <***@4ax.com>
: <***@4ax.com>
: <***@4ax.com>
: <42941149$0$50321$***@newscene.com>
: Reply-To: "S.Shortcake" <***@ofthe.dragonlover>
: NNTP-Posting-Host: badtz-maru.databasix.com
: X-Trace: badtz-maru.databasix.com 1117055378 22695 (25 May 2005
: 21:09:38 GMT)
: X-Complaints-To: ***@databasix.com
: NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 25 May 2005 21:09:38 +0000 (UTC)
: X-Priority: 3
: X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
: X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2900.2180
: X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.2180
: X-Antivirus: avast! (VPS 0521-2, 05/25/2005), Outbound message
: X-Antivirus-Status: Clean
:: On 24-May-2005, Lil Stinker NP-g07 <***@uwant2> wrote:
::: On Wed, 25 May 2005 04:35:32 GMT, F_Monk <***@any.way> wrote:
::: That's almost as bad as the Fat Girls kissing you!
::: LOL,
::: Lil Stinker NP-g07
::: "just havin' fun!"
:: I grabbed a fat chicks tits last night! LOL!
: Liar pedo. I expect even a fat chic wouldn't let a baby fucker like
: you near her.
: ++++++++++
SS~ :)

I am trying to find myself. If I should return before I come back, please ask me to wait.

. .
\`-" ' "-'/
} 6 6 {
=. Y ,=
/^^^\ .
/ \ )
( ) - ( )/
"" ""
Fred Hall
2005-05-25 22:48:48 UTC
On Wed, 25 May 2005 18:23:49 -0400, "S.Shortcake"
Post by S.Shortcake
: Re: Gary Burnore/Fred Hall weeps for the cop camera
:::: From: northernsurferboy
:::: Gary Burnore/Fred Hall smiles for the cop camera
:::: http://home.nyc.rr.com/cypherpunk/Burnore.jpg
::: So...the hypocrite/Fred that goes around wailing
::: and weeping "kiddie fucker" accusations so often
::: ...is really a "kiddie fucker"?
:: Fantasizing about a young boy's penis. I'm a kiddie fucker.
:: I am such a spanked dumbass.
: Knew it all along, pedo. Guilty conscience?
: <*poke*>
: "You brought me here. Damn! I'd better haul my ass on out of here.
: I'm scared now. it's hands (posts off for me). kill file." [Date: Jan
: 2005]
: ~Fred (Ready to Bawl) Hall, admitting to being a controlled,
: blistered and owned pawn - a scared pawn...too spanked to do as s/h/it
: wishes
Kiss my sweet ass... you poast editing piece of shit.
Yep, poast editing piece of shit is a good description of Dr.
Steelhummer aka Ditamask aka Sniggler aka Tuxedo Mask aka a hundred
other socks. Several years ago UT Bill, Frogbutt, the UTB came
through alt.fan.madonna and left it a smoking crater. Only one left
here is Steelhummer (DitaFuck), who is, by the way, an award winning
kook. Kook of the Month and Golden Killfile in about October last

The pathetic creature stands guard here over the rotting corpse of
afm. Poast editing is all the fuckhead has. Check out my sig for the
profile the kook posted several years ago.
Post by S.Shortcake
: ++++++++++
: Subject: Re: Little Tommy gets circumsized - "kiss3.gif" 25.3 kBytes
: yEnc
: Date: Wed, 25 May 2005 15:32:11 -0400
: Organization: Meow Meow Army
: Lines: 34
: NNTP-Posting-Host: badtz-maru.databasix.com
: X-Trace: badtz-maru.databasix.com 1117055378 22695 (25 May 2005
: 21:09:38 GMT)
: NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 25 May 2005 21:09:38 +0000 (UTC)
: X-Priority: 3
: X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
: X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2900.2180
: X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.2180
: X-Antivirus: avast! (VPS 0521-2, 05/25/2005), Outbound message
: X-Antivirus-Status: Clean
::: That's almost as bad as the Fat Girls kissing you!
::: LOL,
::: Lil Stinker NP-g07
::: "just havin' fun!"
:: I grabbed a fat chicks tits last night! LOL!
: Liar pedo. I expect even a fat chic wouldn't let a baby fucker like
: you near her.
: ++++++++++
Fred Hall
2005-05-25 23:08:26 UTC
Post by Fred Hall
On Wed, 25 May 2005 18:23:49 -0400, "S.Shortcake"
Post by S.Shortcake
: Re: Gary Burnore/Fred Hall weeps for the cop camera
:::: From: northernsurferboy
:::: Gary Burnore/Fred Hall smiles for the cop camera
:::: http://home.nyc.rr.com/cypherpunk/Burnore.jpg
::: So...the hypocrite/Fred that goes around wailing
::: and weeping "kiddie fucker" accusations so often
::: ...is really a "kiddie fucker"?
:: Fantasizing about a young boy's penis. I'm a kiddie fucker.
:: I am such a spanked dumbass.
: Knew it all along, pedo. Guilty conscience?
: <*poke*>
: "You brought me here. Damn! I'd better haul my ass on out of here.
: I'm scared now. it's hands (posts off for me). kill file." [Date: Jan
: 2005]
: ~Fred (Ready to Bawl) Hall, admitting to being a controlled,
: blistered and owned pawn - a scared pawn...too spanked to do as s/h/it
: wishes
Kiss my sweet ass... you poast editing piece of shit.
Yep, poast editing piece of shit is a good description of Dr.
Steelhummer aka Ditamask aka Sniggler aka Tuxedo Mask aka a hundred
other socks. Several years ago UT Bill, Frogbutt, the UTB came
through alt.fan.madonna and left it a smoking crater. Only one left
here is Steelhummer (DitaFuck), who is, by the way, an award winning
kook. Kook of the Month and Golden Killfile in about October last
The pathetic creature stands guard here over the rotting corpse of
afm. Poast editing is all the fuckhead has. Check out my sig for the
profile the kook posted several years ago.
Post by Fred Hall
Post by S.Shortcake
: ++++++++++
: Subject: Re: Little Tommy gets circumsized - "kiss3.gif" 25.3 kBytes
: yEnc
: Date: Wed, 25 May 2005 15:32:11 -0400
: Organization: Meow Meow Army
: Lines: 34
: NNTP-Posting-Host: badtz-maru.databasix.com
: X-Trace: badtz-maru.databasix.com 1117055378 22695 (25 May 2005
: 21:09:38 GMT)
: NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 25 May 2005 21:09:38 +0000 (UTC)
: X-Priority: 3
: X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
: X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2900.2180
: X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.2180
: X-Antivirus: avast! (VPS 0521-2, 05/25/2005), Outbound message
: X-Antivirus-Status: Clean
::: That's almost as bad as the Fat Girls kissing you!
::: LOL,
::: Lil Stinker NP-g07
::: "just havin' fun!"
:: I grabbed a fat chicks tits last night! LOL!
: Liar pedo. I expect even a fat chic wouldn't let a baby fucker like
: you near her.
: ++++++++++

Name or Alias or Nickname (optional) :Kristine(Tuxedo).
Sex, m/f : Female.
Age :33.
Height :5'8".
Hair Colour/Length :Auburn/Shoulder length.
Country :USA.
Town/City :Bismark.
Ethinc Group :Caucasian.
Job/School :Skilled labor.
Favourite Madonna Single :Holiday.
Favourite Madonna Album :Bedtime stories.
Favourite Hobby/s :Usenet and tennis.
Women - Fave colour nail polish :Natural.
Do you have any pets, if so what :A little Chihuahua with one testicle.
Favourite Magazine :Style.
Favourite Movie/s :Young Frankenstein.
Favourite TV Show :MASH.
Favourite TV Channel :Discovery.
Your least liked TV Channel :TNN.
What Would You Do Section :-
What would you do if............
..You came face to face with an alien :Challenge it to a game of
Chinese Checkers.
..You saw a big ghost and it is staring at you :Show it my 11 year old
toenail collection.
..Had only 60 minutes to live :
..Were famous :Go shopping with Madonna.
..Were rich but not famous :Adopt all of the unwanted Chihuahuas in the
The Rest :-
Do you drive :Yo.
If so what car :1998 Ford truck.
Favourite food :Greek.
Favourite Actor :Jimmy Stewart and Chris Jericho.
Favourite Actress :Madonna and Ginger Rogers.
Most Embarrasing Moment :Walked in on my Grandfather by accident when he
was playing with himself.
Most Scariest Moment :When some punks were trying to break into my house
when I was home alone. They didn't get in.
Happiest Moment :When my sister got married.
What is your biggest fear :That I lose my ISP someday :B

The End, with thanks.

It is with great admiration and inspiration that I return to this News

Tuxedo --- In MID <917-37F69CAD-***@newsd-232.iap.bryant.webtv.net>
2005-05-26 00:31:35 UTC
Fred Hall wrote:
: On Wed, 25 May 2005 17:48:48 -0500, Fred Hall <***@databasix.com>
: wrote:
:: On Wed, 25 May 2005 18:23:49 -0400, "S.Shortcake"
:: <***@ofthe.dragonlover> wrote:
::: Dr. Steelhammer wrote:
:::: Re: Gary Burnore/Fred Hall weeps for the cop camera
:::: Fred "Leaky kill file" Pawn Hall wept:
::::::: From: northernsurferboy
::::::: Gary Burnore/Fred Hall smiles for the cop camera
::::::: http://home.nyc.rr.com/cypherpunk/Burnore.jpg
:::::: So...the hypocrite/Fred that goes around wailing
:::::: and weeping "kiddie fucker" accusations so often
:::::: ...is really a "kiddie fucker"?
::::: Fantasizing about a young boy's penis. I'm a kiddie fucker.
::::: I am such a spanked dumbass.
:::: Knew it all along, pedo. Guilty conscience?
:::: <*poke*>
:::: "You brought me here. Damn! I'd better haul my ass on out of here.
:::: I'm scared now. it's hands (posts off for me). kill file." [Date:
:::: Jan 2005]
:::: ~Fred (Ready to Bawl) Hall, admitting to being a controlled,
:::: blistered and owned pawn - a scared pawn...too spanked to do as
:::: s/h/it wishes
::: Kiss my sweet ass... you poast editing piece of shit.
:: Yep, poast editing piece of shit is a good description of Dr.
:: Steelhummer aka Ditamask aka Sniggler aka Tuxedo Mask aka a hundred
:: other socks. Several years ago UT Bill, Frogbutt, the UTB came
:: through alt.fan.madonna and left it a smoking crater. Only one left
:: here is Steelhummer (DitaFuck), who is, by the way, an award winning
:: kook. Kook of the Month and Golden Killfile in about October last
:: year.
:: The pathetic creature stands guard here over the rotting corpse of
:: afm. Poast editing is all the fuckhead has. Check out my sig for
:: the profile the kook posted several years ago.
: Oops.


Oh wait. Dammit. Now I hafta stop luvin' M*A*S*H. :(

:::: ++++++++++
:::: From: "S.Shortcake" <***@ofthe.dragonlover>
:::: Newsgroups:
:::: Subject: Re: Little Tommy gets circumsized - "kiss3.gif" 25.3
:::: kBytes yEnc
:::: Date: Wed, 25 May 2005 15:32:11 -0400
:::: Organization: Meow Meow Army
:::: Lines: 34
:::: Sender: ***@databasix.com
:::: Message-ID: <d72pii$m57$***@badtz-maru.databasix.com>
:::: References: <***@4ax.com>
:::: <***@4ax.com>
:::: <***@4ax.com>
:::: <***@4ax.com>
:::: <***@4ax.com>
:::: <42941149$0$50321$***@newscene.com>
:::: Reply-To: "S.Shortcake" <***@ofthe.dragonlover>
:::: NNTP-Posting-Host: badtz-maru.databasix.com
:::: X-Trace: badtz-maru.databasix.com 1117055378 22695 (25 May 2005
:::: 21:09:38 GMT)
:::: X-Complaints-To: ***@databasix.com
:::: NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 25 May 2005 21:09:38 +0000 (UTC)
:::: X-Priority: 3
:::: X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
:::: X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2900.2180
:::: X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.2180
:::: X-Antivirus: avast! (VPS 0521-2, 05/25/2005), Outbound message
:::: X-Antivirus-Status: Clean
::::: On 24-May-2005, Lil Stinker NP-g07 <***@uwant2> wrote:
:::::: On Wed, 25 May 2005 04:35:32 GMT, F_Monk <***@any.way> wrote:
:::::: That's almost as bad as the Fat Girls kissing you!
:::::: LOL,
:::::: Lil Stinker NP-g07
:::::: "just havin' fun!"
::::: I grabbed a fat chicks tits last night! LOL!
:::: Liar pedo. I expect even a fat chic wouldn't let a baby fucker like
:::: you near her.
:::: ++++++++++
SS~ :)

I am trying to find myself. If I should return before I come back, please ask me to wait.

. .
\`-" ' "-'/
} 6 6 {
=. Y ,=
/^^^\ .
/ \ )
( ) - ( )/
"" ""
2005-05-26 00:29:51 UTC
Fred Hall wrote:
: On Wed, 25 May 2005 18:23:49 -0400, "S.Shortcake"
: <***@ofthe.dragonlover> wrote:
:: Dr. Steelhammer wrote:
::: Re: Gary Burnore/Fred Hall weeps for the cop camera
::: Fred "Leaky kill file" Pawn Hall wept:
:::::: From: northernsurferboy
:::::: Gary Burnore/Fred Hall smiles for the cop camera
:::::: http://home.nyc.rr.com/cypherpunk/Burnore.jpg
::::: So...the hypocrite/Fred that goes around wailing
::::: and weeping "kiddie fucker" accusations so often
::::: ...is really a "kiddie fucker"?
:::: Fantasizing about a young boy's penis. I'm a kiddie fucker.
:::: I am such a spanked dumbass.
::: Knew it all along, pedo. Guilty conscience?
::: <*poke*>
::: "You brought me here. Damn! I'd better haul my ass on out of here.
::: I'm scared now. it's hands (posts off for me). kill file." [Date:
::: Jan 2005]
::: ~Fred (Ready to Bawl) Hall, admitting to being a controlled,
::: blistered and owned pawn - a scared pawn...too spanked to do as
::: s/h/it wishes
:: Kiss my sweet ass... you poast editing piece of shit.

Hey Fred... you can kiss it too.


: Yep, poast editing piece of shit is a good description of Dr.
: Steelhummer aka Ditamask aka Sniggler aka Tuxedo Mask aka a hundred
: other socks.

Thank you.

Several years ago UT Bill, Frogbutt, the UTB came
: through alt.fan.madonna and left it a smoking crater. Only one left
: here is Steelhummer (DitaFuck), who is, by the way, an award winning
: kook. Kook of the Month and Golden Killfile in about October last
: year.
: The pathetic creature stands guard here over the rotting corpse of
: afm. Poast editing is all the fuckhead has.

It seems pathetic.

Check out my sig for the
: profile the kook posted several years ago.


::: ++++++++++
::: From: "S.Shortcake" <***@ofthe.dragonlover>
::: Newsgroups:
::: Subject: Re: Little Tommy gets circumsized - "kiss3.gif" 25.3 kBytes
::: yEnc
::: Date: Wed, 25 May 2005 15:32:11 -0400
::: Organization: Meow Meow Army
::: Lines: 34
::: Sender: ***@databasix.com
::: Message-ID: <d72pii$m57$***@badtz-maru.databasix.com>
::: References: <***@4ax.com>
::: <***@4ax.com>
::: <***@4ax.com>
::: <***@4ax.com>
::: <***@4ax.com>
::: <42941149$0$50321$***@newscene.com>
::: Reply-To: "S.Shortcake" <***@ofthe.dragonlover>
::: NNTP-Posting-Host: badtz-maru.databasix.com
::: X-Trace: badtz-maru.databasix.com 1117055378 22695 (25 May 2005
::: 21:09:38 GMT)
::: X-Complaints-To: ***@databasix.com
::: NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 25 May 2005 21:09:38 +0000 (UTC)
::: X-Priority: 3
::: X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
::: X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2900.2180
::: X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.2180
::: X-Antivirus: avast! (VPS 0521-2, 05/25/2005), Outbound message
::: X-Antivirus-Status: Clean
:::: On 24-May-2005, Lil Stinker NP-g07 <***@uwant2> wrote:
::::: On Wed, 25 May 2005 04:35:32 GMT, F_Monk <***@any.way> wrote:
::::: That's almost as bad as the Fat Girls kissing you!
::::: LOL,
::::: Lil Stinker NP-g07
::::: "just havin' fun!"
:::: I grabbed a fat chicks tits last night! LOL!
::: Liar pedo. I expect even a fat chic wouldn't let a baby fucker like
::: you near her.
::: ++++++++++
SS~ :)

I am trying to find myself. If I should return before I come back, please ask me to wait.

. .
\`-" ' "-'/
} 6 6 {
=. Y ,=
/^^^\ .
/ \ )
( ) - ( )/
"" ""
2005-05-26 15:02:14 UTC
Post by Fred Hall
On Wed, 25 May 2005 18:23:49 -0400, "S.Shortcake"
Post by S.Shortcake
: Re: Gary Burnore/Fred Hall weeps for the cop camera
:::: From: northernsurferboy
:::: Gary Burnore/Fred Hall smiles for the cop camera
:::: http://home.nyc.rr.com/cypherpunk/Burnore.jpg
::: So...the hypocrite/Fred that goes around wailing
::: and weeping "kiddie fucker" accusations so often
::: ...is really a "kiddie fucker"?
:: Fantasizing about a young boy's penis. I'm a kiddie fucker.
:: I am such a spanked dumbass.
: Knew it all along, pedo. Guilty conscience?
: <*poke*>
: "You brought me here. Damn! I'd better haul my ass on out of here.
: I'm scared now. it's hands (posts off for me). kill file." [Date: Jan
: 2005]
: ~Fred (Ready to Bawl) Hall, admitting to being a controlled,
: blistered and owned pawn - a scared pawn...too spanked to do as s/h/it
: wishes
Kiss my sweet ass... you poast editing piece of shit.
Yep, poast editing piece of shit is a good description of Dr.
Steelhummer aka Ditamask aka Sniggler aka Tuxedo Mask aka a hundred
other socks. Several years ago UT Bill, Frogbutt, the UTB came
through alt.fan.madonna and left it a smoking crater.
A time that lives on to this day. Just look at this barren wasteland.

< This space for rent >
Fred Hall
2005-05-26 15:05:53 UTC
Post by UTBill
Post by Fred Hall
On Wed, 25 May 2005 18:23:49 -0400, "S.Shortcake"
Post by S.Shortcake
: Re: Gary Burnore/Fred Hall weeps for the cop camera
:::: From: northernsurferboy
:::: Gary Burnore/Fred Hall smiles for the cop camera
:::: http://home.nyc.rr.com/cypherpunk/Burnore.jpg
::: So...the hypocrite/Fred that goes around wailing
::: and weeping "kiddie fucker" accusations so often
::: ...is really a "kiddie fucker"?
:: Fantasizing about a young boy's penis. I'm a kiddie fucker.
:: I am such a spanked dumbass.
: Knew it all along, pedo. Guilty conscience?
: <*poke*>
: "You brought me here. Damn! I'd better haul my ass on out of here.
: I'm scared now. it's hands (posts off for me). kill file." [Date: Jan
: 2005]
: ~Fred (Ready to Bawl) Hall, admitting to being a controlled,
: blistered and owned pawn - a scared pawn...too spanked to do as s/h/it
: wishes
Kiss my sweet ass... you poast editing piece of shit.
Yep, poast editing piece of shit is a good description of Dr.
Steelhummer aka Ditamask aka Sniggler aka Tuxedo Mask aka a hundred
other socks. Several years ago UT Bill, Frogbutt, the UTB came
through alt.fan.madonna and left it a smoking crater.
A time that lives on to this day. Just look at this barren wasteland.
A barren wasteland inhabited by DitaFuck the Tuxedo Hack and its
hundreds of socks. The freak kinda reminds me of Gollum, sitting in
the dark and talking to itself.
Post by UTBill
< This space for rent >

It's true, I'm leaving. This newsgroup is starting to SUCK and I don't
want to be around when my WebTV counter drops to 700 postings. To
Jennifer, don't post my photos (like you'd ever get around to it),
because it's a J-O-K-E. My name isn't really "Kristine" and I'm not
really a girl, DUH!!!!!!!!!! 8P

Spnakzilla in Message-ID: <18268-3896EC37-***@storefull-238.iap.bryant.webtv.net>#1/1
2005-05-26 18:08:28 UTC
Fred Hall wrote:
: On Thu, 26 May 2005 09:02:14 -0600, UTBill <***@home.com> wrote:
:: On Wed, 25 May 2005 17:48:48 -0500, wrote:
::: On Wed, 25 May 2005 18:23:49 -0400, "S.Shortcake"
::: <***@ofthe.dragonlover> wrote:
:::: Dr. Steelhammer wrote:
::::: Re: Gary Burnore/Fred Hall weeps for the cop camera
::::: Fred "Leaky kill file" Pawn Hall wept:
:::::::: From: northernsurferboy
:::::::: Gary Burnore/Fred Hall smiles for the cop camera
:::::::: http://home.nyc.rr.com/cypherpunk/Burnore.jpg
::::::: So...the hypocrite/Fred that goes around wailing
::::::: and weeping "kiddie fucker" accusations so often
::::::: ...is really a "kiddie fucker"?
:::::: Fantasizing about a young boy's penis. I'm a kiddie fucker.
:::::: I am such a spanked dumbass.
::::: Knew it all along, pedo. Guilty conscience?
::::: <*poke*>
::::: "You brought me here. Damn! I'd better haul my ass on out of
::::: here. I'm scared now. it's hands (posts off for me). kill file."
::::: [Date: Jan 2005]
::::: ~Fred (Ready to Bawl) Hall, admitting to being a controlled,
::::: blistered and owned pawn - a scared pawn...too spanked to do as
::::: s/h/it wishes
:::: Kiss my sweet ass... you poast editing piece of shit.
::: Yep, poast editing piece of shit is a good description of Dr.
::: Steelhummer aka Ditamask aka Sniggler aka Tuxedo Mask aka a hundred
::: other socks. Several years ago UT Bill, Frogbutt, the UTB came
::: through alt.fan.madonna and left it a smoking crater.
:: A time that lives on to this day. Just look at this barren wasteland.
: A barren wasteland inhabited by DitaFuck the Tuxedo Hack and its
: hundreds of socks. The freak kinda reminds me of Gollum, sitting in
: the dark and talking to itself.

It reminds me of zoggie.

Here is a copy of the "Pedo Sheriff's" post

Posted by "The Pedo Sheriff":

The Pedo of the month

Computer name: user-0c937g5

ISP: mindspring

IP Address:

# 1

# 2

Webpage 1 DoD Dio-on-Demand

Webpage 2 http://www.catch-the-rainbow.c­om/

Confirmed address

Terry Herzog

671 Waycross Road Suite B

Cincinnati, OH 45240

United States

Phone: 513-403-1888










Inmate Information for TERRY A HERZOG

Inmate Register Number : 03247-060


Age : 56

Race : WHITE

Date Released : 2/13/02

Domain name: catch-the-rainbow.com


Terry Herzog (ZZJ5A) ***@earthlink.net

671 Waycross Road Suite B

Cincinnati, OH 45240

United States

Phone: (513)4031888

Administrative Contact:

Terry Herzog (ZZJ5A) ***@earthlink.net

671 Waycross Road Suite B

Cincinnati, OH 45240

United States

Phone: (513)4031888

Technical Contact:

A+ Net (AD384-ORG) ***@aplus.net

A+Net Internet Services

10350 Barnes Canyon Road

San Diego, CA 92121

United States

Phone: (858) 410-6900

Billing Contact:

Terry Herzog (ZZJ5A) ***@earthlink.net

671 Waycross Road Suite B

Cincinnati, OH 45240

United States

Phone: (513)4031888

Record last updated on 2004-05-20 00:00:00

Record created on 2002-06-18 00:00:00

Record expires on 2006-06-18 00:00:00

Domain servers in listed order:



Registration Service Provider: aplus.net


(858) 410-6929


Registrar: NAMES4EVER, http://www.names4ever.com

The usenet poster known as TeRRy among his many aliases (GOD, I Smack Da
Wereo Bitch,Ý, zipperhead,Phillip, phil, dr. phil,
willy, Waldo, I Am Waldo, ozzy sucks, etc.) is a well known gay pedophile
and convicted sexualpredator. He has spent time in federal prison for his
crimes againstchildren which, in his sick and twisted mind, was to him a
vacation. he was busted for sending child porn of little boys to an FBI

Kiddie porn case brings 12 charges


Grand jury indicts Springfield Twp. man


The Cincinnati Enquirer

A federal grand jury has charged Terry A. Herzog with sending 12 sexually
explicit computer images of young boys across state lines from his
Springfield Township home.

Grand jurors also charged him with possession of files of similar
pornographic computer images involving boys under age 18.

The 13-count indictment, handed up in Cincinnati on Wednesday, said most of
the pictures showed boys under 18 lasciviously displaying their genitals.

Remaining images involved underage boys engaged in sexual acts, grand jurors

A spokesman for the U.S. attorney said Thursday that Mr. Herzog, now 51, has
not been arrested. Instead, he will receive a summons through attorney H.
Louis Sirkin.

Neither Mr. Herzog nor Mr. Sirkin could be reached for comment on Thursday.

The spokesman would not say whether the boys were Tristate residents, nor
would he say how many were pictured or what their ages were.

Mr. Herzog was indicted under kiddie porn laws that have a five-year statute
of limitations.

Grand jurors said the pornographic images were transmitted between Aug. 10
and Oct. 23, 1994, and the files were in Mr. Herzog's possession in
September 1995, when his home was searched.

The delay in prosecuting him reflected agents' difficulty finding the images
in Mr. Herzog's confiscated Power MacIntosh 8100 computer, an FBI
spokeswoman said on Thursday.

Mr. Herzog's home was one of 125 searched nationally in September 1995 as
part of the FBI's continuing "Innocent Images Project."

The indictment did not indicate why Mr. Herzog became a target, but those
familiar with the probe suggested he transmitted the images involved in the
indictment "to the wrong people." Whether recipients were federal agents or
kiddie porn aficionados who cooperated with prosecutors was unclear.

Other cities where 1995 raids took place included Dayton, New York City,
Dallas, Miami and Newark.

People who posted child pornography pictures on the America Online computer
service or repeatedly copied or downloaded the pictures were among those
being served with the warrants, the Justice Department said then.

Pornographic evidence collected elsewhere during the raids included pictures
of children, ages 2-13, who were forced to pose in real and simulated sex
acts with adults, animals and other children.

Man pleads guilty to child porn


Feds: He hid images with encryption


The Cincinnati Enquirer

A Forest Park resident pleaded guilty Monday to possession of child
pornography after the FBI defeated his efforts to hide dozens of images on
his computer hard drive.

Terry A. Herzog, 52, of Waycross Road was released on his promise to return
to court in a couple of months when U.S. District Judge Susan J. Dlott
sentences him.

Tuesday, his attorney, H. Louis Sirkin, said this was Mr. Herzog's first
child pornography offense and he probably faces eight to 18 months in

U.S. Attorney Sharon J. Zealey and Sheri A. Farrar, agent in charge of
Cincinnati's FBI office, reconstructed the investigation this way:

. An undercover Florida law enforcement agent received child pornography
through American Online several times in 1994 from Mr. Herzog.

. Mr. Herzog hid his identity with a screen name and turned to encryption to
hide dozens of pornographic files on his hard drive when he learned the FBI
was asking about him.

. After the FBI's national anti- porn program, "Innocent Images," cracked
the AOL screen name, Cincinnati agents searched Mr. Herzog's home and seized
his Macintosh computer in September 1995.

. Agents realized that Mr. Herzog had encrypted the contents of his hard
drive, and they sent the computer to the FBI's Computer Analysis Response
Team in Washington, D.C. There, the encryption was cracked and dozens of
Internet images - of minors in sexually explicit conduct - were found.

"I'm glad the bureau stuck with it," Ms. Zealey said. "It wasn't an easy

Tuesday, Agent Edward P. Woods said the delay between search and plea
included two years to get to Mr. Herzog's machine and past the passwords and
encoding protecting the illicit secret.

There also were months of negotiations leading to Monday's court appearance.

Even so, Mr. Sirkin called the four years between search and indictment and
more than five years since the case began "unconscionable."

AOL is not a defendant. Federal law generally exempts such Internet
providers from crimes committed by customers, just as it does not hold
telephone companies accountable for crimes committed by callers.

Internet news group header


From: +GOD+ <***@heaven.net>

Newsgroups: alt.music.dio

Subject: Re: BWHAHAHAA

Organization: Heaven

References: <***@corp.supernew­s.com>
<***@corp.supernew­s.com> <AJbvc.490$***@clgrps13>

User-Agent: MT-NewsWatcher/3.4 (PPC Mac OS X)

Message-ID: <god-***@new­s2.west.earthlink.net>

Lines: 31

Date: Wed, 02 Jun 2004 03:50:19 GMT


X-Complaints-To: ***@earthlink.net

X-Trace: newsread1.news.pas.earthlink.n­et 1086148219 (Tue, 01
Jun 2004 20:50:19 PDT)

NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 01 Jun 2004 20:50:19 PDT

Xref: attbi_master12 alt.music.dio:19553

X-Received-Date: Wed, 02 Jun 2004 03:50:19 GMT (attbi_s52)

SS~ :)

I am trying to find myself. If I should return before I come back, please ask me to wait.

. .
\`-" ' "-'/
} 6 6 {
=. Y ,=
/^^^\ .
/ \ )
( ) - ( )/
"" ""
Fred Hall
2005-05-26 18:19:33 UTC
On Thu, 26 May 2005 14:08:28 -0400, "S.Shortcake"
Post by S.Shortcake
::: On Wed, 25 May 2005 18:23:49 -0400, "S.Shortcake"
::::: Re: Gary Burnore/Fred Hall weeps for the cop camera
:::::::: From: northernsurferboy
:::::::: Gary Burnore/Fred Hall smiles for the cop camera
:::::::: http://home.nyc.rr.com/cypherpunk/Burnore.jpg
::::::: So...the hypocrite/Fred that goes around wailing
::::::: and weeping "kiddie fucker" accusations so often
::::::: ...is really a "kiddie fucker"?
:::::: Fantasizing about a young boy's penis. I'm a kiddie fucker.
:::::: I am such a spanked dumbass.
::::: Knew it all along, pedo. Guilty conscience?
::::: <*poke*>
::::: "You brought me here. Damn! I'd better haul my ass on out of
::::: here. I'm scared now. it's hands (posts off for me). kill file."
::::: [Date: Jan 2005]
::::: ~Fred (Ready to Bawl) Hall, admitting to being a controlled,
::::: blistered and owned pawn - a scared pawn...too spanked to do as
::::: s/h/it wishes
:::: Kiss my sweet ass... you poast editing piece of shit.
::: Yep, poast editing piece of shit is a good description of Dr.
::: Steelhummer aka Ditamask aka Sniggler aka Tuxedo Mask aka a hundred
::: other socks. Several years ago UT Bill, Frogbutt, the UTB came
::: through alt.fan.madonna and left it a smoking crater.
:: A time that lives on to this day. Just look at this barren wasteland.
: A barren wasteland inhabited by DitaFuck the Tuxedo Hack and its
: hundreds of socks. The freak kinda reminds me of Gollum, sitting in
: the dark and talking to itself.
It reminds me of zoggie.
Post by S.Shortcake
Here is a copy of the "Pedo Sheriff's" post
The Pedo of the month
Computer name: user-0c937g5
ISP: mindspring
# 1
# 2
Webpage 1 DoD Dio-on-Demand
Webpage 2 http://www.catch-the-rainbow.c­om/
Confirmed address
Terry Herzog
671 Waycross Road Suite B
Cincinnati, OH 45240
United States
Phone: 513-403-1888
Inmate Information for TERRY A HERZOG
Inmate Register Number : 03247-060
Age : 56
Race : WHITE
Date Released : 2/13/02
Domain name: catch-the-rainbow.com
671 Waycross Road Suite B
Cincinnati, OH 45240
United States
Phone: (513)4031888
671 Waycross Road Suite B
Cincinnati, OH 45240
United States
Phone: (513)4031888
A+Net Internet Services
10350 Barnes Canyon Road
San Diego, CA 92121
United States
Phone: (858) 410-6900
671 Waycross Road Suite B
Cincinnati, OH 45240
United States
Phone: (513)4031888
Record last updated on 2004-05-20 00:00:00
Record created on 2002-06-18 00:00:00
Record expires on 2006-06-18 00:00:00
Registration Service Provider: aplus.net
(858) 410-6929
Registrar: NAMES4EVER, http://www.names4ever.com
The usenet poster known as TeRRy among his many aliases (GOD, I Smack Da
Wereo Bitch,Ý, zipperhead,Phillip, phil, dr. phil,
willy, Waldo, I Am Waldo, ozzy sucks, etc.) is a well known gay pedophile
and convicted sexualpredator. He has spent time in federal prison for his
crimes againstchildren which, in his sick and twisted mind, was to him a
vacation. he was busted for sending child porn of little boys to an FBI
Kiddie porn case brings 12 charges
Grand jury indicts Springfield Twp. man
The Cincinnati Enquirer
A federal grand jury has charged Terry A. Herzog with sending 12 sexually
explicit computer images of young boys across state lines from his
Springfield Township home.
Grand jurors also charged him with possession of files of similar
pornographic computer images involving boys under age 18.
The 13-count indictment, handed up in Cincinnati on Wednesday, said most of
the pictures showed boys under 18 lasciviously displaying their genitals.
Remaining images involved underage boys engaged in sexual acts, grand jurors
A spokesman for the U.S. attorney said Thursday that Mr. Herzog, now 51, has
not been arrested. Instead, he will receive a summons through attorney H.
Louis Sirkin.
Neither Mr. Herzog nor Mr. Sirkin could be reached for comment on Thursday.
The spokesman would not say whether the boys were Tristate residents, nor
would he say how many were pictured or what their ages were.
Mr. Herzog was indicted under kiddie porn laws that have a five-year statute
of limitations.
Grand jurors said the pornographic images were transmitted between Aug. 10
and Oct. 23, 1994, and the files were in Mr. Herzog's possession in
September 1995, when his home was searched.
The delay in prosecuting him reflected agents' difficulty finding the images
in Mr. Herzog's confiscated Power MacIntosh 8100 computer, an FBI
spokeswoman said on Thursday.
Mr. Herzog's home was one of 125 searched nationally in September 1995 as
part of the FBI's continuing "Innocent Images Project."
The indictment did not indicate why Mr. Herzog became a target, but those
familiar with the probe suggested he transmitted the images involved in the
indictment "to the wrong people." Whether recipients were federal agents or
kiddie porn aficionados who cooperated with prosecutors was unclear.
Other cities where 1995 raids took place included Dayton, New York City,
Dallas, Miami and Newark.
People who posted child pornography pictures on the America Online computer
service or repeatedly copied or downloaded the pictures were among those
being served with the warrants, the Justice Department said then.
Pornographic evidence collected elsewhere during the raids included pictures
of children, ages 2-13, who were forced to pose in real and simulated sex
acts with adults, animals and other children.
Man pleads guilty to child porn
Feds: He hid images with encryption
The Cincinnati Enquirer
A Forest Park resident pleaded guilty Monday to possession of child
pornography after the FBI defeated his efforts to hide dozens of images on
his computer hard drive.
Terry A. Herzog, 52, of Waycross Road was released on his promise to return
to court in a couple of months when U.S. District Judge Susan J. Dlott
sentences him.
Tuesday, his attorney, H. Louis Sirkin, said this was Mr. Herzog's first
child pornography offense and he probably faces eight to 18 months in
U.S. Attorney Sharon J. Zealey and Sheri A. Farrar, agent in charge of
. An undercover Florida law enforcement agent received child pornography
through American Online several times in 1994 from Mr. Herzog.
. Mr. Herzog hid his identity with a screen name and turned to encryption to
hide dozens of pornographic files on his hard drive when he learned the FBI
was asking about him.
. After the FBI's national anti- porn program, "Innocent Images," cracked
the AOL screen name, Cincinnati agents searched Mr. Herzog's home and seized
his Macintosh computer in September 1995.
. Agents realized that Mr. Herzog had encrypted the contents of his hard
drive, and they sent the computer to the FBI's Computer Analysis Response
Team in Washington, D.C. There, the encryption was cracked and dozens of
Internet images - of minors in sexually explicit conduct - were found.
"I'm glad the bureau stuck with it," Ms. Zealey said. "It wasn't an easy
Tuesday, Agent Edward P. Woods said the delay between search and plea
included two years to get to Mr. Herzog's machine and past the passwords and
encoding protecting the illicit secret.
There also were months of negotiations leading to Monday's court appearance.
Even so, Mr. Sirkin called the four years between search and indictment and
more than five years since the case began "unconscionable."
AOL is not a defendant. Federal law generally exempts such Internet
providers from crimes committed by customers, just as it does not hold
telephone companies accountable for crimes committed by callers.
Internet news group header
Newsgroups: alt.music.dio
Subject: Re: BWHAHAHAA
Organization: Heaven
User-Agent: MT-NewsWatcher/3.4 (PPC Mac OS X)
Lines: 31
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 2004 03:50:19 GMT
X-Trace: newsread1.news.pas.earthlink.n­et 1086148219 (Tue, 01
Jun 2004 20:50:19 PDT)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 01 Jun 2004 20:50:19 PDT
Xref: attbi_master12 alt.music.dio:19553
X-Received-Date: Wed, 02 Jun 2004 03:50:19 GMT (attbi_s52)
2005-05-26 18:25:35 UTC
Fred Hall wrote:
: On Thu, 26 May 2005 14:08:28 -0400, "S.Shortcake"
: <***@ofthe.dragonlover> wrote:
:: Fred Hall wrote:
::: On Thu, 26 May 2005 09:02:14 -0600, UTBill <***@home.com> wrote:
:::: On Wed, 25 May 2005 17:48:48 -0500, wrote:
::::: On Wed, 25 May 2005 18:23:49 -0400, "S.Shortcake"
::::: <***@ofthe.dragonlover> wrote:
:::::: Dr. Steelhammer wrote:
::::::: Re: Gary Burnore/Fred Hall weeps for the cop camera
::::::: Fred "Leaky kill file" Pawn Hall wept:
:::::::::: From: northernsurferboy
:::::::::: Gary Burnore/Fred Hall smiles for the cop camera
:::::::::: http://home.nyc.rr.com/cypherpunk/Burnore.jpg
::::::::: So...the hypocrite/Fred that goes around wailing
::::::::: and weeping "kiddie fucker" accusations so often
::::::::: ...is really a "kiddie fucker"?
:::::::: Fantasizing about a young boy's penis. I'm a kiddie fucker.
:::::::: I am such a spanked dumbass.
::::::: Knew it all along, pedo. Guilty conscience?
::::::: <*poke*>
::::::: "You brought me here. Damn! I'd better haul my ass on out of
::::::: here. I'm scared now. it's hands (posts off for me). kill file."
::::::: [Date: Jan 2005]
::::::: ~Fred (Ready to Bawl) Hall, admitting to being a
::::::: controlled, blistered and owned pawn - a scared pawn...too
::::::: spanked to do as s/h/it wishes
:::::: Kiss my sweet ass... you poast editing piece of shit.
::::: Yep, poast editing piece of shit is a good description of Dr.
::::: Steelhummer aka Ditamask aka Sniggler aka Tuxedo Mask aka a
::::: hundred other socks. Several years ago UT Bill, Frogbutt, the
::::: UTB came through alt.fan.madonna and left it a smoking crater.
:::: A time that lives on to this day. Just look at this barren
:::: wasteland.
::: A barren wasteland inhabited by DitaFuck the Tuxedo Hack and its
::: hundreds of socks. The freak kinda reminds me of Gollum, sitting in
::: the dark and talking to itself.
:: It reminds me of zoggie.
: Zoggie?
zoggie. See below. :)

:: *~*~*
:: Here is a copy of the "Pedo Sheriff's" post
:: Posted by "The Pedo Sheriff":
:: The Pedo of the month
:: Computer name: user-0c937g5
:: ISP: mindspring
:: IP Address:
:: # 1
:: # 2
:: Webpage 1 DoD Dio-on-Demand
:: Webpage 2 http://www.catch-the-rainbow.c­om/
:: Confirmed address
:: Terry Herzog
:: 671 Waycross Road Suite B
:: Cincinnati, OH 45240
:: United States
:: Phone: 513-403-1888
:: 513-825-7916
:: Link1
:: http://www.mcse.ms/archive177-­2004-2-424195.html
:: Link2
:: http://www.hcso.org/records/qr­yByZipCode3form.ASP?SearchValu­e=n&%5BEn...
:: Link3
:: http://www.esorn.ag.state.oh.u­s/Secured/p23.aspx?oid=22621
:: Link4
:: http://www.catch-the-rainbow.c­om/site%20gifs/Me&Dio.html
:: Inmate Information for TERRY A HERZOG
:: Inmate Register Number : 03247-060
:: Age : 56
:: Race : WHITE
:: Date Released : 2/13/02
:: Domain name: catch-the-rainbow.com
:: Registrant:
:: Terry Herzog (ZZJ5A) ***@earthlink.net
:: 671 Waycross Road Suite B
:: Cincinnati, OH 45240
:: United States
:: Phone: (513)4031888
:: Administrative Contact:
:: Terry Herzog (ZZJ5A) ***@earthlink.net
:: 671 Waycross Road Suite B
:: Cincinnati, OH 45240
:: United States
:: Phone: (513)4031888
:: Technical Contact:
:: A+ Net (AD384-ORG) ***@aplus.net
:: A+Net Internet Services
:: 10350 Barnes Canyon Road
:: San Diego, CA 92121
:: United States
:: Phone: (858) 410-6900
:: Billing Contact:
:: Terry Herzog (ZZJ5A) ***@earthlink.net
:: 671 Waycross Road Suite B
:: Cincinnati, OH 45240
:: United States
:: Phone: (513)4031888
:: Record last updated on 2004-05-20 00:00:00
:: Record created on 2002-06-18 00:00:00
:: Record expires on 2006-06-18 00:00:00
:: Domain servers in listed order:
:: ns2.abac.com
:: ns1.abac.com
:: Registration Service Provider: aplus.net
:: ***@aplus.net
:: (858) 410-6929
:: http://www.aplus.net
:: Registrar: NAMES4EVER, http://www.names4ever.com
:: The usenet poster known as TeRRy among his many aliases (GOD, I
:: Smack Da Wereo Bitch,Ý, zipperhead,Phillip, phil, dr. phil,
:: ***@aol.com,***@aol.com,
:: warden
:: willy, Waldo, I Am Waldo, ozzy sucks, etc.) is a well known gay
:: pedophile and convicted sexualpredator. He has spent time in federal
:: prison for his crimes againstchildren which, in his sick and twisted
:: mind, was to him a vacation. he was busted for sending child porn of
:: little boys to an FBI agent.
:: Kiddie porn case brings 12 charges
:: ------------------------------­------------------------------­----------------
:: Grand jury indicts Springfield Twp. man
:: The Cincinnati Enquirer
:: A federal grand jury has charged Terry A. Herzog with sending 12
:: sexually explicit computer images of young boys across state lines
:: from his Springfield Township home.
:: Grand jurors also charged him with possession of files of similar
:: pornographic computer images involving boys under age 18.
:: The 13-count indictment, handed up in Cincinnati on Wednesday, said
:: most of the pictures showed boys under 18 lasciviously displaying
:: their genitals.
:: Remaining images involved underage boys engaged in sexual acts,
:: grand jurors said.
:: A spokesman for the U.S. attorney said Thursday that Mr. Herzog, now
:: 51, has not been arrested. Instead, he will receive a summons
:: through attorney H. Louis Sirkin.
:: Neither Mr. Herzog nor Mr. Sirkin could be reached for comment on
:: Thursday.
:: The spokesman would not say whether the boys were Tristate
:: residents, nor would he say how many were pictured or what their
:: ages were.
:: Mr. Herzog was indicted under kiddie porn laws that have a five-year
:: statute of limitations.
:: Grand jurors said the pornographic images were transmitted between
:: Aug. 10 and Oct. 23, 1994, and the files were in Mr. Herzog's
:: possession in September 1995, when his home was searched.
:: The delay in prosecuting him reflected agents' difficulty finding
:: the images in Mr. Herzog's confiscated Power MacIntosh 8100
:: computer, an FBI spokeswoman said on Thursday.
:: Mr. Herzog's home was one of 125 searched nationally in September
:: 1995 as part of the FBI's continuing "Innocent Images Project."
:: The indictment did not indicate why Mr. Herzog became a target, but
:: those familiar with the probe suggested he transmitted the images
:: involved in the indictment "to the wrong people." Whether recipients
:: were federal agents or kiddie porn aficionados who cooperated with
:: prosecutors was unclear.
:: Other cities where 1995 raids took place included Dayton, New York
:: City, Dallas, Miami and Newark.
:: People who posted child pornography pictures on the America Online
:: computer service or repeatedly copied or downloaded the pictures
:: were among those being served with the warrants, the Justice
:: Department said then.
:: Pornographic evidence collected elsewhere during the raids included
:: pictures of children, ages 2-13, who were forced to pose in real and
:: simulated sex acts with adults, animals and other children.
:: Man pleads guilty to child porn
:: ------------------------------­------------------------------­----------------
:: Feds: He hid images with encryption
:: The Cincinnati Enquirer
:: A Forest Park resident pleaded guilty Monday to possession of child
:: pornography after the FBI defeated his efforts to hide dozens of
:: images on his computer hard drive.
:: Terry A. Herzog, 52, of Waycross Road was released on his promise to
:: return to court in a couple of months when U.S. District Judge Susan
:: J. Dlott sentences him.
:: Tuesday, his attorney, H. Louis Sirkin, said this was Mr. Herzog's
:: first child pornography offense and he probably faces eight to 18
:: months in prison.
:: U.S. Attorney Sharon J. Zealey and Sheri A. Farrar, agent in charge
:: of Cincinnati's FBI office, reconstructed the investigation this way:
:: . An undercover Florida law enforcement agent received child
:: pornography through American Online several times in 1994 from Mr.
:: Herzog.
:: . Mr. Herzog hid his identity with a screen name and turned to
:: encryption to hide dozens of pornographic files on his hard drive
:: when he learned the FBI was asking about him.
:: . After the FBI's national anti- porn program, "Innocent Images,"
:: cracked the AOL screen name, Cincinnati agents searched Mr. Herzog's
:: home and seized his Macintosh computer in September 1995.
:: . Agents realized that Mr. Herzog had encrypted the contents of his
:: hard drive, and they sent the computer to the FBI's Computer
:: Analysis Response Team in Washington, D.C. There, the encryption was
:: cracked and dozens of Internet images - of minors in sexually
:: explicit conduct - were found.
:: "I'm glad the bureau stuck with it," Ms. Zealey said. "It wasn't an
:: easy case."
:: Tuesday, Agent Edward P. Woods said the delay between search and plea
:: included two years to get to Mr. Herzog's machine and past the
:: passwords and encoding protecting the illicit secret.
:: There also were months of negotiations leading to Monday's court
:: appearance.
:: Even so, Mr. Sirkin called the four years between search and
:: indictment and more than five years since the case began
:: "unconscionable."
:: AOL is not a defendant. Federal law generally exempts such Internet
:: providers from crimes committed by customers, just as it does not
:: hold telephone companies accountable for crimes committed by callers.
:: Internet news group header
:: Path:
:: attbi_s52!attbi_slave62!attbi_­s51!attbi_s01!attbi_slave11!at­tbi_master12!wn1
:: 3feed!worldnet.att.net!207.217­.77.102!elnk-nf2-pas!newsfeed.­earthlink.net!st
:: amper.news.pas.earthlink.net!n­ewsread1.news.pas.earthlink.ne­t.POSTED!f6aba68
:: f!not-for-mail
:: From: +GOD+ <***@heaven.net>
:: Newsgroups: alt.music.dio
:: Subject: Re: BWHAHAHAA
:: Organization: Heaven
:: References: <***@corp.supernew­s.com>
:: <waldo-***@n­ews1.west.earthlink.net>
:: <***@corp.supernew­s.com> <AJbvc.490$***@clgrps13>
:: User-Agent: MT-NewsWatcher/3.4 (PPC Mac OS X)
:: Message-ID: <god-***@new­s2.west.earthlink.net>
:: Lines: 31
:: Date: Wed, 02 Jun 2004 03:50:19 GMT
:: NNTP-Posting-Host:
:: X-Complaints-To: ***@earthlink.net
:: X-Trace: newsread1.news.pas.earthlink.n­et 1086148219
:: (Tue, 01 Jun 2004 20:50:19 PDT)
:: NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 01 Jun 2004 20:50:19 PDT
:: Xref: attbi_master12 alt.music.dio:19553
:: X-Received-Date: Wed, 02 Jun 2004 03:50:19 GMT (attbi_s52)
:: *~*~*
SS~ :)

I am trying to find myself. If I should return before I come back, please ask me to wait.

. .
\`-" ' "-'/
} 6 6 {
=. Y ,=
/^^^\ .
/ \ )
( ) - ( )/
"" ""
Fred Hall
2005-05-26 18:40:52 UTC
On Thu, 26 May 2005 14:25:35 -0400, "S.Shortcake"
Post by S.Shortcake
: On Thu, 26 May 2005 14:08:28 -0400, "S.Shortcake"
::::: On Wed, 25 May 2005 18:23:49 -0400, "S.Shortcake"
::::::: Re: Gary Burnore/Fred Hall weeps for the cop camera
:::::::::: From: northernsurferboy
:::::::::: Gary Burnore/Fred Hall smiles for the cop camera
:::::::::: http://home.nyc.rr.com/cypherpunk/Burnore.jpg
::::::::: So...the hypocrite/Fred that goes around wailing
::::::::: and weeping "kiddie fucker" accusations so often
::::::::: ...is really a "kiddie fucker"?
:::::::: Fantasizing about a young boy's penis. I'm a kiddie fucker.
:::::::: I am such a spanked dumbass.
::::::: Knew it all along, pedo. Guilty conscience?
::::::: <*poke*>
::::::: "You brought me here. Damn! I'd better haul my ass on out of
::::::: here. I'm scared now. it's hands (posts off for me). kill file."
::::::: [Date: Jan 2005]
::::::: ~Fred (Ready to Bawl) Hall, admitting to being a
::::::: controlled, blistered and owned pawn - a scared pawn...too
::::::: spanked to do as s/h/it wishes
:::::: Kiss my sweet ass... you poast editing piece of shit.
::::: Yep, poast editing piece of shit is a good description of Dr.
::::: Steelhummer aka Ditamask aka Sniggler aka Tuxedo Mask aka a
::::: hundred other socks. Several years ago UT Bill, Frogbutt, the
::::: UTB came through alt.fan.madonna and left it a smoking crater.
:::: A time that lives on to this day. Just look at this barren
:::: wasteland.
::: A barren wasteland inhabited by DitaFuck the Tuxedo Hack and its
::: hundreds of socks. The freak kinda reminds me of Gollum, sitting in
::: the dark and talking to itself.
:: It reminds me of zoggie.
: Zoggie?
zoggie. See below. :)
Oh, shit. I didn't make the connection the first time.

Hey, there is a resemblance.
Post by S.Shortcake
:: *~*~*
:: Here is a copy of the "Pedo Sheriff's" post
:: The Pedo of the month
:: Computer name: user-0c937g5
:: ISP: mindspring
:: # 1
:: # 2
:: Webpage 1 DoD Dio-on-Demand
:: Webpage 2 http://www.catch-the-rainbow.c­om/
:: Confirmed address
:: Terry Herzog
:: 671 Waycross Road Suite B
:: Cincinnati, OH 45240
:: United States
:: Phone: 513-403-1888
:: 513-825-7916
:: Link1
:: http://www.mcse.ms/archive177-­2004-2-424195.html
:: Link2
:: http://www.hcso.org/records/qr­yByZipCode3form.ASP?SearchValu­e=n&%5BEn...
:: Link3
:: http://www.esorn.ag.state.oh.u­s/Secured/p23.aspx?oid=22621
:: Link4
:: http://www.catch-the-rainbow.c­om/site%20gifs/Me&Dio.html
:: Inmate Information for TERRY A HERZOG
:: Inmate Register Number : 03247-060
:: Age : 56
:: Race : WHITE
:: Date Released : 2/13/02
:: Domain name: catch-the-rainbow.com
:: 671 Waycross Road Suite B
:: Cincinnati, OH 45240
:: United States
:: Phone: (513)4031888
:: 671 Waycross Road Suite B
:: Cincinnati, OH 45240
:: United States
:: Phone: (513)4031888
:: A+Net Internet Services
:: 10350 Barnes Canyon Road
:: San Diego, CA 92121
:: United States
:: Phone: (858) 410-6900
:: 671 Waycross Road Suite B
:: Cincinnati, OH 45240
:: United States
:: Phone: (513)4031888
:: Record last updated on 2004-05-20 00:00:00
:: Record created on 2002-06-18 00:00:00
:: Record expires on 2006-06-18 00:00:00
:: ns2.abac.com
:: ns1.abac.com
:: Registration Service Provider: aplus.net
:: (858) 410-6929
:: http://www.aplus.net
:: Registrar: NAMES4EVER, http://www.names4ever.com
:: The usenet poster known as TeRRy among his many aliases (GOD, I
:: Smack Da Wereo Bitch,Ý, zipperhead,Phillip, phil, dr. phil,
:: warden
:: willy, Waldo, I Am Waldo, ozzy sucks, etc.) is a well known gay
:: pedophile and convicted sexualpredator. He has spent time in federal
:: prison for his crimes againstchildren which, in his sick and twisted
:: mind, was to him a vacation. he was busted for sending child porn of
:: little boys to an FBI agent.
:: Kiddie porn case brings 12 charges
:: ------------------------------­------------------------------­----------------
:: Grand jury indicts Springfield Twp. man
:: The Cincinnati Enquirer
:: A federal grand jury has charged Terry A. Herzog with sending 12
:: sexually explicit computer images of young boys across state lines
:: from his Springfield Township home.
:: Grand jurors also charged him with possession of files of similar
:: pornographic computer images involving boys under age 18.
:: The 13-count indictment, handed up in Cincinnati on Wednesday, said
:: most of the pictures showed boys under 18 lasciviously displaying
:: their genitals.
:: Remaining images involved underage boys engaged in sexual acts,
:: grand jurors said.
:: A spokesman for the U.S. attorney said Thursday that Mr. Herzog, now
:: 51, has not been arrested. Instead, he will receive a summons
:: through attorney H. Louis Sirkin.
:: Neither Mr. Herzog nor Mr. Sirkin could be reached for comment on
:: Thursday.
:: The spokesman would not say whether the boys were Tristate
:: residents, nor would he say how many were pictured or what their
:: ages were.
:: Mr. Herzog was indicted under kiddie porn laws that have a five-year
:: statute of limitations.
:: Grand jurors said the pornographic images were transmitted between
:: Aug. 10 and Oct. 23, 1994, and the files were in Mr. Herzog's
:: possession in September 1995, when his home was searched.
:: The delay in prosecuting him reflected agents' difficulty finding
:: the images in Mr. Herzog's confiscated Power MacIntosh 8100
:: computer, an FBI spokeswoman said on Thursday.
:: Mr. Herzog's home was one of 125 searched nationally in September
:: 1995 as part of the FBI's continuing "Innocent Images Project."
:: The indictment did not indicate why Mr. Herzog became a target, but
:: those familiar with the probe suggested he transmitted the images
:: involved in the indictment "to the wrong people." Whether recipients
:: were federal agents or kiddie porn aficionados who cooperated with
:: prosecutors was unclear.
:: Other cities where 1995 raids took place included Dayton, New York
:: City, Dallas, Miami and Newark.
:: People who posted child pornography pictures on the America Online
:: computer service or repeatedly copied or downloaded the pictures
:: were among those being served with the warrants, the Justice
:: Department said then.
:: Pornographic evidence collected elsewhere during the raids included
:: pictures of children, ages 2-13, who were forced to pose in real and
:: simulated sex acts with adults, animals and other children.
:: Man pleads guilty to child porn
:: ------------------------------­------------------------------­----------------
:: Feds: He hid images with encryption
:: The Cincinnati Enquirer
:: A Forest Park resident pleaded guilty Monday to possession of child
:: pornography after the FBI defeated his efforts to hide dozens of
:: images on his computer hard drive.
:: Terry A. Herzog, 52, of Waycross Road was released on his promise to
:: return to court in a couple of months when U.S. District Judge Susan
:: J. Dlott sentences him.
:: Tuesday, his attorney, H. Louis Sirkin, said this was Mr. Herzog's
:: first child pornography offense and he probably faces eight to 18
:: months in prison.
:: U.S. Attorney Sharon J. Zealey and Sheri A. Farrar, agent in charge
:: . An undercover Florida law enforcement agent received child
:: pornography through American Online several times in 1994 from Mr.
:: Herzog.
:: . Mr. Herzog hid his identity with a screen name and turned to
:: encryption to hide dozens of pornographic files on his hard drive
:: when he learned the FBI was asking about him.
:: . After the FBI's national anti- porn program, "Innocent Images,"
:: cracked the AOL screen name, Cincinnati agents searched Mr. Herzog's
:: home and seized his Macintosh computer in September 1995.
:: . Agents realized that Mr. Herzog had encrypted the contents of his
:: hard drive, and they sent the computer to the FBI's Computer
:: Analysis Response Team in Washington, D.C. There, the encryption was
:: cracked and dozens of Internet images - of minors in sexually
:: explicit conduct - were found.
:: "I'm glad the bureau stuck with it," Ms. Zealey said. "It wasn't an
:: easy case."
:: Tuesday, Agent Edward P. Woods said the delay between search and plea
:: included two years to get to Mr. Herzog's machine and past the
:: passwords and encoding protecting the illicit secret.
:: There also were months of negotiations leading to Monday's court
:: appearance.
:: Even so, Mr. Sirkin called the four years between search and
:: indictment and more than five years since the case began
:: "unconscionable."
:: AOL is not a defendant. Federal law generally exempts such Internet
:: providers from crimes committed by customers, just as it does not
:: hold telephone companies accountable for crimes committed by callers.
:: Internet news group header
:: attbi_s52!attbi_slave62!attbi_­s51!attbi_s01!attbi_slave11!at­tbi_master12!wn1
:: 3feed!worldnet.att.net!207.217­.77.102!elnk-nf2-pas!newsfeed.­earthlink.net!st
:: amper.news.pas.earthlink.net!n­ewsread1.news.pas.earthlink.ne­t.POSTED!f6aba68
:: f!not-for-mail
:: Newsgroups: alt.music.dio
:: Subject: Re: BWHAHAHAA
:: Organization: Heaven
:: User-Agent: MT-NewsWatcher/3.4 (PPC Mac OS X)
:: Lines: 31
:: Date: Wed, 02 Jun 2004 03:50:19 GMT
:: NNTP-Posting-Host:
:: X-Trace: newsread1.news.pas.earthlink.n­et 1086148219
:: (Tue, 01 Jun 2004 20:50:19 PDT)
:: NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 01 Jun 2004 20:50:19 PDT
:: Xref: attbi_master12 alt.music.dio:19553
:: X-Received-Date: Wed, 02 Jun 2004 03:50:19 GMT (attbi_s52)
:: *~*~*

"Victory; a matter of staying power."

~ Elbert Hubbard ~
2005-05-27 19:56:24 UTC
Fred Hall wrote:
: On Thu, 26 May 2005 14:25:35 -0400, "S.Shortcake"
: <***@ofthe.dragonlover> wrote:
:: Fred Hall wrote:
::: On Thu, 26 May 2005 14:08:28 -0400, "S.Shortcake"
::: <***@ofthe.dragonlover> wrote:
:::: Fred Hall wrote:
::::: On Thu, 26 May 2005 09:02:14 -0600, UTBill <***@home.com> wrote:
:::::: On Wed, 25 May 2005 17:48:48 -0500, wrote:
::::::: On Wed, 25 May 2005 18:23:49 -0400, "S.Shortcake"
::::::: <***@ofthe.dragonlover> wrote:
:::::::: Dr. Steelhammer wrote:
::::::::: Re: Gary Burnore/Fred Hall weeps for the cop camera
::::::::: Fred "Leaky kill file" Pawn Hall wept:
:::::::::::: From: northernsurferboy
:::::::::::: Gary Burnore/Fred Hall smiles for the cop camera
:::::::::::: http://home.nyc.rr.com/cypherpunk/Burnore.jpg
::::::::::: So...the hypocrite/Fred that goes around wailing
::::::::::: and weeping "kiddie fucker" accusations so often
::::::::::: ...is really a "kiddie fucker"?
:::::::::: Fantasizing about a young boy's penis. I'm a kiddie fucker.
:::::::::: I am such a spanked dumbass.
::::::::: Knew it all along, pedo. Guilty conscience?
::::::::: <*poke*>
::::::::: "You brought me here. Damn! I'd better haul my ass on out of
::::::::: here. I'm scared now. it's hands (posts off for me). kill
::::::::: file." [Date: Jan 2005]
::::::::: ~Fred (Ready to Bawl) Hall, admitting to being a
::::::::: controlled, blistered and owned pawn - a scared pawn...too
::::::::: spanked to do as s/h/it wishes
:::::::: Kiss my sweet ass... you poast editing piece of shit.
::::::: Yep, poast editing piece of shit is a good description of Dr.
::::::: Steelhummer aka Ditamask aka Sniggler aka Tuxedo Mask aka a
::::::: hundred other socks. Several years ago UT Bill, Frogbutt, the
::::::: UTB came through alt.fan.madonna and left it a smoking crater.
:::::: A time that lives on to this day. Just look at this barren
:::::: wasteland.
::::: A barren wasteland inhabited by DitaFuck the Tuxedo Hack and its
::::: hundreds of socks. The freak kinda reminds me of Gollum, sitting
::::: in the dark and talking to itself.
:::: It reminds me of zoggie.
::: Zoggie?
:: zoggie. See below. :)
: Oh, shit. I didn't make the connection the first time.


: Hey, there is a resemblance.

Yup. Same nonsensable blathering. Same kinda poast editing. The only difference I can see is teh CAPS LOCK crap that zoggie prefers
is not in evidence here. Tell me, has *this* "it" ever went just a little goat kooky for a couple days?

:::: *~*~*
:::: Here is a copy of the "Pedo Sheriff's" post
:::: Posted by "The Pedo Sheriff":
:::: The Pedo of the month
:::: Computer name: user-0c937g5
:::: ISP: mindspring
:::: IP Address:
:::: # 1
:::: # 2
:::: Webpage 1 DoD Dio-on-Demand
:::: Webpage 2 http://www.catch-the-rainbow.c­om/
:::: Confirmed address
:::: Terry Herzog
:::: 671 Waycross Road Suite B
:::: Cincinnati, OH 45240
:::: United States
:::: Phone: 513-403-1888
:::: 513-825-7916
:::: Link1
:::: http://www.mcse.ms/archive177-­2004-2-424195.html
:::: Link2
:::: http://www.hcso.org/records/qr­yByZipCode3form.ASP?SearchValu­e=n&%5BEn...
:::: Link3
:::: http://www.esorn.ag.state.oh.u­s/Secured/p23.aspx?oid=22621
:::: Link4
:::: http://www.catch-the-rainbow.c­om/site%20gifs/Me&Dio.html
:::: Inmate Information for TERRY A HERZOG
:::: Inmate Register Number : 03247-060
:::: Name : TERRY A HERZOG
:::: Age : 56
:::: Race : WHITE
:::: Date Released : 2/13/02
:::: Domain name: catch-the-rainbow.com
:::: Registrant:
:::: Terry Herzog (ZZJ5A) ***@earthlink.net
:::: 671 Waycross Road Suite B
:::: Cincinnati, OH 45240
:::: United States
:::: Phone: (513)4031888
:::: Administrative Contact:
:::: Terry Herzog (ZZJ5A) ***@earthlink.net
:::: 671 Waycross Road Suite B
:::: Cincinnati, OH 45240
:::: United States
:::: Phone: (513)4031888
:::: Technical Contact:
:::: A+ Net (AD384-ORG) ***@aplus.net
:::: A+Net Internet Services
:::: 10350 Barnes Canyon Road
:::: San Diego, CA 92121
:::: United States
:::: Phone: (858) 410-6900
:::: Billing Contact:
:::: Terry Herzog (ZZJ5A) ***@earthlink.net
:::: 671 Waycross Road Suite B
:::: Cincinnati, OH 45240
:::: United States
:::: Phone: (513)4031888
:::: Record last updated on 2004-05-20 00:00:00
:::: Record created on 2002-06-18 00:00:00
:::: Record expires on 2006-06-18 00:00:00
:::: Domain servers in listed order:
:::: ns2.abac.com
:::: ns1.abac.com
:::: Registration Service Provider: aplus.net
:::: ***@aplus.net
:::: (858) 410-6929
:::: http://www.aplus.net
:::: Registrar: NAMES4EVER, http://www.names4ever.com
:::: The usenet poster known as TeRRy among his many aliases (GOD, I
:::: Smack Da Wereo Bitch,Ý, zipperhead,Phillip, phil, dr. phil,
:::: ***@aol.com,***@aol.com,
:::: warden
:::: willy, Waldo, I Am Waldo, ozzy sucks, etc.) is a well known gay
:::: pedophile and convicted sexualpredator. He has spent time in
:::: federal prison for his crimes againstchildren which, in his sick
:::: and twisted mind, was to him a vacation. he was busted for sending
:::: child porn of little boys to an FBI agent.
:::: Kiddie porn case brings 12 charges
:::: ------------------------------­------------------------------­----------------
:::: Grand jury indicts Springfield Twp. man
:::: The Cincinnati Enquirer
:::: A federal grand jury has charged Terry A. Herzog with sending 12
:::: sexually explicit computer images of young boys across state lines
:::: from his Springfield Township home.
:::: Grand jurors also charged him with possession of files of similar
:::: pornographic computer images involving boys under age 18.
:::: The 13-count indictment, handed up in Cincinnati on Wednesday, said
:::: most of the pictures showed boys under 18 lasciviously displaying
:::: their genitals.
:::: Remaining images involved underage boys engaged in sexual acts,
:::: grand jurors said.
:::: A spokesman for the U.S. attorney said Thursday that Mr. Herzog,
:::: now 51, has not been arrested. Instead, he will receive a summons
:::: through attorney H. Louis Sirkin.
:::: Neither Mr. Herzog nor Mr. Sirkin could be reached for comment on
:::: Thursday.
:::: The spokesman would not say whether the boys were Tristate
:::: residents, nor would he say how many were pictured or what their
:::: ages were.
:::: Mr. Herzog was indicted under kiddie porn laws that have a
:::: five-year statute of limitations.
:::: Grand jurors said the pornographic images were transmitted between
:::: Aug. 10 and Oct. 23, 1994, and the files were in Mr. Herzog's
:::: possession in September 1995, when his home was searched.
:::: The delay in prosecuting him reflected agents' difficulty finding
:::: the images in Mr. Herzog's confiscated Power MacIntosh 8100
:::: computer, an FBI spokeswoman said on Thursday.
:::: Mr. Herzog's home was one of 125 searched nationally in September
:::: 1995 as part of the FBI's continuing "Innocent Images Project."
:::: The indictment did not indicate why Mr. Herzog became a target, but
:::: those familiar with the probe suggested he transmitted the images
:::: involved in the indictment "to the wrong people." Whether
:::: recipients were federal agents or kiddie porn aficionados who
:::: cooperated with prosecutors was unclear.
:::: Other cities where 1995 raids took place included Dayton, New York
:::: City, Dallas, Miami and Newark.
:::: People who posted child pornography pictures on the America Online
:::: computer service or repeatedly copied or downloaded the pictures
:::: were among those being served with the warrants, the Justice
:::: Department said then.
:::: Pornographic evidence collected elsewhere during the raids included
:::: pictures of children, ages 2-13, who were forced to pose in real
:::: and simulated sex acts with adults, animals and other children.
:::: Man pleads guilty to child porn
:::: ------------------------------­------------------------------­----------------
:::: Feds: He hid images with encryption
:::: The Cincinnati Enquirer
:::: A Forest Park resident pleaded guilty Monday to possession of child
:::: pornography after the FBI defeated his efforts to hide dozens of
:::: images on his computer hard drive.
:::: Terry A. Herzog, 52, of Waycross Road was released on his promise
:::: to return to court in a couple of months when U.S. District Judge
:::: Susan J. Dlott sentences him.
:::: Tuesday, his attorney, H. Louis Sirkin, said this was Mr. Herzog's
:::: first child pornography offense and he probably faces eight to 18
:::: months in prison.
:::: U.S. Attorney Sharon J. Zealey and Sheri A. Farrar, agent in charge
:::: of Cincinnati's FBI office, reconstructed the investigation this
:::: way:
:::: . An undercover Florida law enforcement agent received child
:::: pornography through American Online several times in 1994 from Mr.
:::: Herzog.
:::: . Mr. Herzog hid his identity with a screen name and turned to
:::: encryption to hide dozens of pornographic files on his hard drive
:::: when he learned the FBI was asking about him.
:::: . After the FBI's national anti- porn program, "Innocent Images,"
:::: cracked the AOL screen name, Cincinnati agents searched Mr.
:::: Herzog's home and seized his Macintosh computer in September 1995.
:::: . Agents realized that Mr. Herzog had encrypted the contents of his
:::: hard drive, and they sent the computer to the FBI's Computer
:::: Analysis Response Team in Washington, D.C. There, the encryption
:::: was cracked and dozens of Internet images - of minors in sexually
:::: explicit conduct - were found.
:::: "I'm glad the bureau stuck with it," Ms. Zealey said. "It wasn't an
:::: easy case."
:::: Tuesday, Agent Edward P. Woods said the delay between search and
:::: plea included two years to get to Mr. Herzog's machine and past the
:::: passwords and encoding protecting the illicit secret.
:::: There also were months of negotiations leading to Monday's court
:::: appearance.
:::: Even so, Mr. Sirkin called the four years between search and
:::: indictment and more than five years since the case began
:::: "unconscionable."
:::: AOL is not a defendant. Federal law generally exempts such Internet
:::: providers from crimes committed by customers, just as it does not
:::: hold telephone companies accountable for crimes committed by
:::: callers.
:::: Internet news group header
:::: Path:
:::: attbi_s52!attbi_slave62!attbi_­s51!attbi_s01!attbi_slave11!at­tbi_master12!wn1
:::: 3feed!worldnet.att.net!207.217­.77.102!elnk-nf2-pas!newsfeed.­earthlink.net!st
:::: amper.news.pas.earthlink.net!n­ewsread1.news.pas.earthlink.ne­t.POSTED!f6aba68
:::: f!not-for-mail
:::: From: +GOD+ <***@heaven.net>
:::: Newsgroups: alt.music.dio
:::: Subject: Re: BWHAHAHAA
:::: Organization: Heaven
:::: References: <***@corp.supernew­s.com>
:::: <waldo-***@n­ews1.west.earthlink.net>
:::: <***@corp.supernew­s.com> <AJbvc.490$***@clgrps13>
:::: User-Agent: MT-NewsWatcher/3.4 (PPC Mac OS X)
:::: Message-ID: <god-***@new­s2.west.earthlink.net>
:::: Lines: 31
:::: Date: Wed, 02 Jun 2004 03:50:19 GMT
:::: NNTP-Posting-Host:
:::: X-Complaints-To: ***@earthlink.net
:::: X-Trace: newsread1.news.pas.earthlink.n­et 1086148219
:::: (Tue, 01 Jun 2004 20:50:19 PDT)
:::: NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 01 Jun 2004 20:50:19 PDT
:::: Xref: attbi_master12 alt.music.dio:19553
:::: X-Received-Date: Wed, 02 Jun 2004 03:50:19 GMT (attbi_s52)
:::: *~*~*
SS~ :)

I am trying to find myself. If I should return before I come back, please ask me to wait.

. .
\`-" ' "-'/
} 6 6 {
=. Y ,=
/^^^\ .
/ \ )
( ) - ( )/
"" ""
Pope Frogbutt I
2005-05-28 01:51:30 UTC
Post by UTBill
Post by Fred Hall
On Wed, 25 May 2005 18:23:49 -0400, "S.Shortcake"
Post by S.Shortcake
: Re: Gary Burnore/Fred Hall weeps for the cop camera
:::: From: northernsurferboy
:::: Gary Burnore/Fred Hall smiles for the cop camera
:::: http://home.nyc.rr.com/cypherpunk/Burnore.jpg
::: So...the hypocrite/Fred that goes around wailing
::: and weeping "kiddie fucker" accusations so often
::: ...is really a "kiddie fucker"?
:: Fantasizing about a young boy's penis. I'm a kiddie fucker.
:: I am such a spanked dumbass.
: Knew it all along, pedo. Guilty conscience?
: <*poke*>
: "You brought me here. Damn! I'd better haul my ass on out of here.
: I'm scared now. it's hands (posts off for me). kill file." [Date: Jan
: 2005]
: ~Fred (Ready to Bawl) Hall, admitting to being a controlled,
: blistered and owned pawn - a scared pawn...too spanked to do as s/h/it
: wishes
Kiss my sweet ass... you poast editing piece of shit.
Yep, poast editing piece of shit is a good description of Dr.
Steelhummer aka Ditamask aka Sniggler aka Tuxedo Mask aka a hundred
other socks. Several years ago UT Bill, Frogbutt, the UTB came
through alt.fan.madonna and left it a smoking crater.
A time that lives on to this day. Just look at this barren wasteland.
< This space for rent >
I wonder how that fucking rose group the UTB trashed is these days. That
dump was described as the nuclear winter of newsgroups when we were
active in it. God, what a fucking mess that dump was.
Meet the f'loons:

Lady Motown: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=185542
Deggie: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181922
Pam: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=180995
Kenny: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181357
John: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181326
Keesha: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181273

"HIAY HU WANTZ 2 FEELL MAI TITS?////" - Britney Spears discovers the
2005-05-26 00:26:05 UTC
Dr. Steelhammer wrote:
: Pawn, you seem upset. ;)

...and you seem like a freak.

: <*poke*>

Eeeeewwwwww. Keep your poker to yourself
SS~ :)

I am trying to find myself. If I should return before I come back, please ask me to wait.

. .
\`-" ' "-'/
} 6 6 {
=. Y ,=
/^^^\ .
/ \ )
( ) - ( )/
"" ""
2005-05-26 18:08:24 UTC
"My Alpine system sucks used cock" wrote:
S.Shortcake wrote:
: Dr. Steelhummer wrote:
::: Pawn, you seem upset. ;)
:: ...and you seem like a freak.
::: <*poke*>
:: Eeeeewwwwww. Keep your poker to yourself.

: [every time I open my gob, Fred Hall shoves his 9" member in there to shut me up and I LOVE it]

Yuck... you fucking pervert!
SS~ :)

I am trying to find myself. If I should return before I come back, please ask me to wait.

. .
\`-" ' "-'/
} 6 6 {
=. Y ,=
/^^^\ .
/ \ )
( ) - ( )/
"" ""
Fred Hall
2005-05-26 18:14:20 UTC
On Thu, 26 May 2005 14:08:24 -0400, "S.Shortcake"
Post by S.Shortcake
::: Pawn, you seem upset. ;)
:: ...and you seem like a freak.
::: <*poke*>
:: Eeeeewwwwww. Keep your poker to yourself.
: [every time I open my gob, Fred Hall shoves his 9" member in there to shut me up and I LOVE it]
Yuck... you fucking pervert!
Please note that Dr Foolhammer is deathly afraid of AUK. And
alt.troll. A real coward.

Post by S.Shortcake
Hell, I might have even posted
that I was abducted by aliens and that I ended up having sex with a
twelve-breasted she-male with three heads that lived 1500 miles below
the surface of Mars, but it would have been the "real me" making all
What, that I've always been kooky and off-the-wall? Everybody knows
that. Okay, maybe you're referring to the big fat lie I told? Well it's
true, I did lie about being a lesbian named Kristine. I also lied about
2005-05-26 18:29:26 UTC
Fred Hall wrote:
: On Thu, 26 May 2005 14:08:24 -0400, "S.Shortcake"
: <***@ofthe.dragonlover> wrote:
:: "My Alpine system sucks used cock" wrote:
:: S.Shortcake wrote:
::: Dr. Steelhummer wrote:
::::: Pawn, you seem upset. ;)
:::: ...and you seem like a freak.
::::: <*poke*>
:::: Eeeeewwwwww. Keep your poker to yourself.
::: [every time I open my gob, Fred Hall shoves his 9" member in there
::: to shut me up and I LOVE it]
:: Yuck... you fucking pervert!
: Please note that Dr Foolhammer is deathly afraid of AUK. And
: alt.troll. A real coward.

Well we wouldn't wanna scare it off now would we?

:: Hell, I might have even posted
:: that I was abducted by aliens and that I ended up having sex with a
:: twelve-breasted she-male with three heads that lived 1500 miles below
:: the surface of Mars, but it would have been the "real me" making all
:: those postings...not an "act" that I read in some "act" book.
:: Trollzilla in Message-ID:
:: <19554-389CD0F4-***@storefull-238.iap.bryant.webtv.net>
:: What act? "Kristine" was a very bad joke that lasted far too long.
:: Trollzilla in Message-ID:
:: <19554-389CD0F4-***@storefull-238.iap.bryant.webtv.net>
:: What, that I've always been kooky and off-the-wall? Everybody knows
:: that. Okay, maybe you're referring to the big fat lie I told? Well
:: it's
:: true, I did lie about being a lesbian named Kristine. I also lied
:: about
:: having a 23" penis. Trollzilla in Message-ID:
:: <19554-389CD0F4-***@storefull-238.iap.bryant.webtv.net>
SS~ :)

I am trying to find myself. If I should return before I come back, please ask me to wait.

. .
\`-" ' "-'/
} 6 6 {
=. Y ,=
/^^^\ .
/ \ )
( ) - ( )/
"" ""
Fred Hall
2005-05-26 18:38:56 UTC
On Thu, 26 May 2005 14:29:26 -0400, "S.Shortcake"
Post by S.Shortcake
: On Thu, 26 May 2005 14:08:24 -0400, "S.Shortcake"
::::: Pawn, you seem upset. ;)
:::: ...and you seem like a freak.
::::: <*poke*>
:::: Eeeeewwwwww. Keep your poker to yourself.
::: [every time I open my gob, Fred Hall shoves his 9" member in there
::: to shut me up and I LOVE it]
:: Yuck... you fucking pervert!
: Please note that Dr Foolhammer is deathly afraid of AUK. And
: alt.troll. A real coward.
Well we wouldn't wanna scare it off now would we?
Not a chance. Anytime you're bored, just post the word *profile* in
alt.fan.madonna and watch Dr Fuckhammer post three replies to it using
three socks.
Post by S.Shortcake
:: Hell, I might have even posted
:: that I was abducted by aliens and that I ended up having sex with a
:: twelve-breasted she-male with three heads that lived 1500 miles below
:: the surface of Mars, but it would have been the "real me" making all
:: those postings...not an "act" that I read in some "act" book.
:: What act? "Kristine" was a very bad joke that lasted far too long.
:: What, that I've always been kooky and off-the-wall? Everybody knows
:: that. Okay, maybe you're referring to the big fat lie I told? Well
:: it's
:: true, I did lie about being a lesbian named Kristine. I also lied
:: about

It's true, I'm leaving. This newsgroup is starting to SUCK and I don't
want to be around when my WebTV counter drops to 700 postings. To
Jennifer, don't post my photos (like you'd ever get around to it),
because it's a J-O-K-E. My name isn't really "Kristine" and I'm not
really a girl, DUH!!!!!!!!!! 8P

Spnakzilla in Message-ID: <18268-3896EC37-***@storefull-238.iap.bryant.webtv.net>#1/1
2005-05-27 19:42:18 UTC
Fred Hall wrote:
: On Thu, 26 May 2005 14:29:26 -0400, "S.Shortcake"
: <***@ofthe.dragonlover> wrote:
:: Fred Hall wrote:
::: On Thu, 26 May 2005 14:08:24 -0400, "S.Shortcake"
::: <***@ofthe.dragonlover> wrote:
:::: "My Alpine system sucks used cock" wrote:
:::: S.Shortcake wrote:
::::: Dr. Steelhummer wrote:
::::::: Pawn, you seem upset. ;)
:::::: ...and you seem like a freak.
::::::: <*poke*>
:::::: Eeeeewwwwww. Keep your poker to yourself.
::::: [every time I open my gob, Fred Hall shoves his 9" member in there
::::: to shut me up and I LOVE it]
:::: Yuck... you fucking pervert!
::: Please note that Dr Foolhammer is deathly afraid of AUK. And
::: alt.troll. A real coward.
:: Well we wouldn't wanna scare it off now would we?
: Not a chance. Anytime you're bored, just post the word *profile* in
: alt.fan.madonna and watch Dr Fuckhammer post three replies to it using
: three socks.

I already find it boring. <yawn>
SS~ :)

I am trying to find myself. If I should return before I come back, please ask me to wait.

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