Fred Hall wrote:
: On Thu, 26 May 2005 14:25:35 -0400, "S.Shortcake"
: <***@ofthe.dragonlover> wrote:
:: Fred Hall wrote:
::: On Thu, 26 May 2005 14:08:28 -0400, "S.Shortcake"
::: <***@ofthe.dragonlover> wrote:
:::: Fred Hall wrote:
::::: On Thu, 26 May 2005 09:02:14 -0600, UTBill <***> wrote:
:::::: On Wed, 25 May 2005 17:48:48 -0500, wrote:
::::::: On Wed, 25 May 2005 18:23:49 -0400, "S.Shortcake"
::::::: <***@ofthe.dragonlover> wrote:
:::::::: Dr. Steelhammer wrote:
::::::::: Re: Gary Burnore/Fred Hall weeps for the cop camera
::::::::: Fred "Leaky kill file" Pawn Hall wept:
:::::::::::: From: northernsurferboy
:::::::::::: Gary Burnore/Fred Hall smiles for the cop camera
::::::::::: So...the hypocrite/Fred that goes around wailing
::::::::::: and weeping "kiddie fucker" accusations so often
::::::::::: really a "kiddie fucker"?
:::::::::: Fantasizing about a young boy's penis. I'm a kiddie fucker.
:::::::::: I am such a spanked dumbass.
::::::::: Knew it all along, pedo. Guilty conscience?
::::::::: <*poke*>
::::::::: "You brought me here. Damn! I'd better haul my ass on out of
::::::::: here. I'm scared now. it's hands (posts off for me). kill
::::::::: file." [Date: Jan 2005]
::::::::: ~Fred (Ready to Bawl) Hall, admitting to being a
::::::::: controlled, blistered and owned pawn - a scared pawn...too
::::::::: spanked to do as s/h/it wishes
:::::::: Kiss my sweet ass... you poast editing piece of shit.
::::::: Yep, poast editing piece of shit is a good description of Dr.
::::::: Steelhummer aka Ditamask aka Sniggler aka Tuxedo Mask aka a
::::::: hundred other socks. Several years ago UT Bill, Frogbutt, the
::::::: UTB came through and left it a smoking crater.
:::::: A time that lives on to this day. Just look at this barren
:::::: wasteland.
::::: A barren wasteland inhabited by DitaFuck the Tuxedo Hack and its
::::: hundreds of socks. The freak kinda reminds me of Gollum, sitting
::::: in the dark and talking to itself.
:::: It reminds me of zoggie.
::: Zoggie?
:: zoggie. See below. :)
: Oh, shit. I didn't make the connection the first time.
: Hey, there is a resemblance.
Yup. Same nonsensable blathering. Same kinda poast editing. The only difference I can see is teh CAPS LOCK crap that zoggie prefers
is not in evidence here. Tell me, has *this* "it" ever went just a little goat kooky for a couple days?
:::: *~*~*
:::: Here is a copy of the "Pedo Sheriff's" post
:::: Posted by "The Pedo Sheriff":
:::: The Pedo of the month
:::: Computer name: user-0c937g5
:::: ISP: mindspring
:::: IP Address:
:::: # 1
:::: # 2
:::: Webpage 1 DoD Dio-on-Demand
:::: Webpage 2
:::: Confirmed address
:::: Terry Herzog
:::: 671 Waycross Road Suite B
:::: Cincinnati, OH 45240
:::: United States
:::: Phone: 513-403-1888
:::: 513-825-7916
:::: Link1
:::: Link2
:::: Link3
:::: Link4
:::: Inmate Information for TERRY A HERZOG
:::: Inmate Register Number : 03247-060
:::: Name : TERRY A HERZOG
:::: Age : 56
:::: Race : WHITE
:::: Date Released : 2/13/02
:::: Domain name:
:::: Registrant:
:::: Terry Herzog (ZZJ5A) ***
:::: 671 Waycross Road Suite B
:::: Cincinnati, OH 45240
:::: United States
:::: Phone: (513)4031888
:::: Administrative Contact:
:::: Terry Herzog (ZZJ5A) ***
:::: 671 Waycross Road Suite B
:::: Cincinnati, OH 45240
:::: United States
:::: Phone: (513)4031888
:::: Technical Contact:
:::: A+ Net (AD384-ORG) ***
:::: A+Net Internet Services
:::: 10350 Barnes Canyon Road
:::: San Diego, CA 92121
:::: United States
:::: Phone: (858) 410-6900
:::: Billing Contact:
:::: Terry Herzog (ZZJ5A) ***
:::: 671 Waycross Road Suite B
:::: Cincinnati, OH 45240
:::: United States
:::: Phone: (513)4031888
:::: Record last updated on 2004-05-20 00:00:00
:::: Record created on 2002-06-18 00:00:00
:::: Record expires on 2006-06-18 00:00:00
:::: Domain servers in listed order:
:::: Registration Service Provider:
:::: ***
:::: (858) 410-6929
:::: Registrar: NAMES4EVER,
:::: The usenet poster known as TeRRy among his many aliases (GOD, I
:::: Smack Da Wereo Bitch,Ý, zipperhead,Phillip, phil, dr. phil,
:::: ***,***,
:::: warden
:::: willy, Waldo, I Am Waldo, ozzy sucks, etc.) is a well known gay
:::: pedophile and convicted sexualpredator. He has spent time in
:::: federal prison for his crimes againstchildren which, in his sick
:::: and twisted mind, was to him a vacation. he was busted for sending
:::: child porn of little boys to an FBI agent.
:::: Kiddie porn case brings 12 charges
:::: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
:::: Grand jury indicts Springfield Twp. man
:::: The Cincinnati Enquirer
:::: A federal grand jury has charged Terry A. Herzog with sending 12
:::: sexually explicit computer images of young boys across state lines
:::: from his Springfield Township home.
:::: Grand jurors also charged him with possession of files of similar
:::: pornographic computer images involving boys under age 18.
:::: The 13-count indictment, handed up in Cincinnati on Wednesday, said
:::: most of the pictures showed boys under 18 lasciviously displaying
:::: their genitals.
:::: Remaining images involved underage boys engaged in sexual acts,
:::: grand jurors said.
:::: A spokesman for the U.S. attorney said Thursday that Mr. Herzog,
:::: now 51, has not been arrested. Instead, he will receive a summons
:::: through attorney H. Louis Sirkin.
:::: Neither Mr. Herzog nor Mr. Sirkin could be reached for comment on
:::: Thursday.
:::: The spokesman would not say whether the boys were Tristate
:::: residents, nor would he say how many were pictured or what their
:::: ages were.
:::: Mr. Herzog was indicted under kiddie porn laws that have a
:::: five-year statute of limitations.
:::: Grand jurors said the pornographic images were transmitted between
:::: Aug. 10 and Oct. 23, 1994, and the files were in Mr. Herzog's
:::: possession in September 1995, when his home was searched.
:::: The delay in prosecuting him reflected agents' difficulty finding
:::: the images in Mr. Herzog's confiscated Power MacIntosh 8100
:::: computer, an FBI spokeswoman said on Thursday.
:::: Mr. Herzog's home was one of 125 searched nationally in September
:::: 1995 as part of the FBI's continuing "Innocent Images Project."
:::: The indictment did not indicate why Mr. Herzog became a target, but
:::: those familiar with the probe suggested he transmitted the images
:::: involved in the indictment "to the wrong people." Whether
:::: recipients were federal agents or kiddie porn aficionados who
:::: cooperated with prosecutors was unclear.
:::: Other cities where 1995 raids took place included Dayton, New York
:::: City, Dallas, Miami and Newark.
:::: People who posted child pornography pictures on the America Online
:::: computer service or repeatedly copied or downloaded the pictures
:::: were among those being served with the warrants, the Justice
:::: Department said then.
:::: Pornographic evidence collected elsewhere during the raids included
:::: pictures of children, ages 2-13, who were forced to pose in real
:::: and simulated sex acts with adults, animals and other children.
:::: Man pleads guilty to child porn
:::: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
:::: Feds: He hid images with encryption
:::: The Cincinnati Enquirer
:::: A Forest Park resident pleaded guilty Monday to possession of child
:::: pornography after the FBI defeated his efforts to hide dozens of
:::: images on his computer hard drive.
:::: Terry A. Herzog, 52, of Waycross Road was released on his promise
:::: to return to court in a couple of months when U.S. District Judge
:::: Susan J. Dlott sentences him.
:::: Tuesday, his attorney, H. Louis Sirkin, said this was Mr. Herzog's
:::: first child pornography offense and he probably faces eight to 18
:::: months in prison.
:::: U.S. Attorney Sharon J. Zealey and Sheri A. Farrar, agent in charge
:::: of Cincinnati's FBI office, reconstructed the investigation this
:::: way:
:::: . An undercover Florida law enforcement agent received child
:::: pornography through American Online several times in 1994 from Mr.
:::: Herzog.
:::: . Mr. Herzog hid his identity with a screen name and turned to
:::: encryption to hide dozens of pornographic files on his hard drive
:::: when he learned the FBI was asking about him.
:::: . After the FBI's national anti- porn program, "Innocent Images,"
:::: cracked the AOL screen name, Cincinnati agents searched Mr.
:::: Herzog's home and seized his Macintosh computer in September 1995.
:::: . Agents realized that Mr. Herzog had encrypted the contents of his
:::: hard drive, and they sent the computer to the FBI's Computer
:::: Analysis Response Team in Washington, D.C. There, the encryption
:::: was cracked and dozens of Internet images - of minors in sexually
:::: explicit conduct - were found.
:::: "I'm glad the bureau stuck with it," Ms. Zealey said. "It wasn't an
:::: easy case."
:::: Tuesday, Agent Edward P. Woods said the delay between search and
:::: plea included two years to get to Mr. Herzog's machine and past the
:::: passwords and encoding protecting the illicit secret.
:::: There also were months of negotiations leading to Monday's court
:::: appearance.
:::: Even so, Mr. Sirkin called the four years between search and
:::: indictment and more than five years since the case began
:::: "unconscionable."
:::: AOL is not a defendant. Federal law generally exempts such Internet
:::: providers from crimes committed by customers, just as it does not
:::: hold telephone companies accountable for crimes committed by
:::: callers.
:::: Internet news group header
:::: Path:
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:::: 3feed!!!elnk-nf2-pas!!st
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:::: From: +GOD+ <***>
:::: Newsgroups:
:::: Subject: Re: BWHAHAHAA
:::: Organization: Heaven
:::: References: <***>
:::: <waldo-***>
:::: <***> <AJbvc.490$***@clgrps13>
:::: User-Agent: MT-NewsWatcher/3.4 (PPC Mac OS X)
:::: Message-ID: <god-***>
:::: Lines: 31
:::: Date: Wed, 02 Jun 2004 03:50:19 GMT
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:::: NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 01 Jun 2004 20:50:19 PDT
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:::: X-Received-Date: Wed, 02 Jun 2004 03:50:19 GMT (attbi_s52)
:::: *~*~*
SS~ :)
I am trying to find myself. If I should return before I come back, please ask me to wait.
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