Post by Fred HallPost by ::Y-Not::Post by Fred Hall: >>>>>>>>
: >>>>253_34/?
: >>hub=
: >Canada
: >
: >
: >--
: >SS~ :)
: >
: >I am trying to find myself. If I should return before I come back,
: >please
: >ask
: >me to wait.
: >
: > . .
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: > } 6 6 {
: > =. Y ,=
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: > Meow
: >
: Hey 'Sweet Treat'!
Hey Plop. Do you have oral and anal sex with YOUR kid too ? I'll bet you do.
We don't know if he has any kids, so your bet isn't appropriate.
: You're a freak too!
Being a freak is better than being an asshole that wants to have sex with a
little boy who has no say in the matter. :(
Absolutely right! If you're talking about doing it.
Of course, we don't personally know anyone who actually DOES have sex
with children. If we did, they wouldn't survive our "attention". Also,
how many in these groups have said they want to? When you see that
happen, please let me know. It's my job to help them choose not to.
Having a sexual desire can't be controlled, but acting on it is a
choice that doesn't have to be made. Rape is still rape, no matter the
ages or genders of the people involved.
: Nobody applauds you. And you don't make any difference.
I'm not here to make a difference, only to bring baby fucking scum like you
to the surface.
Why do anything at all, if you don't want to make a difference? I think
you're fibbing a little. :-)
Well, I admit to wanting to make a difference, and many people have
said I have. This is why I'm disliked by people who don't want that.
"Scum ... to the surface" is a good visual, but misapplied here. All
you bring to the "surface" is people who care enough to reply to you.
Caring people don't abuse children, so your actions here aren't going
to achieve your stated goal. Actually, you cause the real abusers to
say away, which is against BOTH our goals.
: Loved boys don't always become boylovers.
: Like abused or raped kids don't always become abusers or rapists.
Thank you for your opinion, shitball.
The available research says he's right.
There are many factors that go into creating a rapist/molester.
Contrary to popular media portrayals, personal history doesn't play a
major part in it, but it can reinforce the other causes of it, to some
extent. Basically, a person has to like the suffering of their victims,
or at least be indifferent to it. These people are mostly born with
this kind of sociopathy, which is entirely separate from any sexual
feelings they may have. A person's sexuality may influence their choice
of targets, but it's their sociopathy that causes them to harm people.
This kind of sociopathy occurs, even though it's relatively rare, in
ALL kinds of people, irrespective of any arbitrary sexual
categorizations. If we talk percentages (estimated afflicted divided by
the estimated population of that category), heterosexual males would
have the most occurrences of this condition, by far.
Actually, what I say is that the lot of you disgusting shitheads make me just
about sick enough to stay the fuck away from my
'puter. Then I watch my nightly news and see that some boylover loves
to the point of sharing him in a sexual way with other
sick fucks just like YOU.
You have noble feelings, but you act on them ignobly.
You feel so strongly, you need a target on which to act them out, so
you pick on the people here who seem to be the closest to being those
who commit the crimes that so outrage you. It's wrong. Posters here
don't do that. Of course, there are visitors to these groups, by the
hundreds, maybe thousands, who DO commit crimes against children, but
they don't post, so you'll never see them. The people you post against
here, don't deserve to be abused for what they don't do, just because
the real molesters aren't available to you to receive your abuse.
Some Moslems attack and kill Americans. Would you agree with and
support the Americans who attack innocent American Moslems, because
they belong to the same general "group" as the suicide bombers?
I sure hope not, but you're doing the same kind of thing here. You are
attacking a whole class of people who don't have a choice about how
they feel, just because a very few of them act on those feelings. There
is more to this. Boy LOVERS, don't harm children, because that wouldn't
be love. Almost all the child molesters aren't BLs, or have much sexual
attraction to children. It's mostly about availability, power and
control, and rarely about real sexual feelings, just as it is with
adult rape.
: "But I said: "I Wonder If This Poor Innocent Kid Will Grow Up
: To Be A Pedophile"."
Wrong. I said..
"I Wonder If This Poor Innocent Kid Will Grow Up To Be A Pedophile ?"
See the difference (?). It was a question, not a statement.
This was probably just a typo, and not anything to get upset about.
BUT, since you did ask, and the original post with the article link was
without abuse, I'm answering it here.
: Don't use an abused or raped kid for that purpose.
Actually, we don't know that. It's reported that he said that so he
could sell the boy into sexual slavery (this happens a lot more than
people realize, all over the world), but that could have been nothing
more than a salesman's lies. He wanted to be a pimp.
The problem with the "news" about these things, is that we rarely have
the whole story. All we have is what the authorities tell the media, to
justify what they do, and we see only the part of that which will make
the story most attention grabbing. We have no way of knowing how much
of it, if any, is actually true, until the court transcripts are
released, and even then we may never know it all. Remember, suspects
are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, and even then might
still be innocent. You will appreciate this very personally, if you are
ever falsely accused of a crime. Remember what happened to the hero in
the Olympic bombing in Atlanta.
I've been reported on numerous times, including on some front pages of
large newspapers. For good things, not bad. :-)
I KNOW how inaccurate the news media can be, even when they WANT to be
accurate. They usually get about 70% of any particular story right, on
their best days. On their worst days, even a parrot wouldn't want the
paper on the bottom of his cage.
: If you do you're nothing but a creep yourself!
P-K-B, fuckwit.
: Plop is cordially invited to eat shit and die.
These last group of comments aren't nice, and serve no useful purpose.
Speaking about sociopathy, well, check around these groups. Can you
spot any? :-)
Who has more, BLs, or you Trolls? And by this, who is more likely to
commit a personal crime?
A revealing test of a person's character, is how they respond to
animosity that's directed at them. Do they respond with more of it? Or
do they respond with less, and even with love? Or worse, do they
initiate it? Do they stick to the truth, or do they lie? Do those who
express animosity, EXPECT others to reply with the same, and so much
so, they even see it when it isn't there (projection)? Or much better,
do they give help to those who dislike them?
Of these kinds of people, who would you prefer to have as a close
friend? Friends seek people to be friends with, who have attributes
they like. This being so, what kind of friends do YOU attract, and are
they really the ones you most want?
You are such a fraud, Y-Tard. If your stated goal is helping these
kiddie fucking scum be good boys, why don't you get them into the
binary groups?
Obviouslly you don't love me. :-)
But, a little respect from you could be helpful to you, if you want to
be taken seriouslly by a professional who is just doing his job.
Why would I give a shit what you think?
An interesting question, that you really should find out about. Why, we
don't know, but you do care, or you wouldn't be communicating with me.
Post by Fred HallPost by ::Y-Not::I tried to get them to leave aavfff. I almost succeeded, but the time I
asked for wasn't given to me. ONE Troll agreed, but others didn't, and
went on a rampage, and flooded other groups, creating a well justified
backlash. You Trolls brought this on yourselves. YOU now have to be the
ones to fix it, by fixing your own behavior.
Really pathetic, Y-Tard. Pedophiles, such as the ones you protect,
are scum of the earth, hated by most.
Lots of people are hated. Just look around. The world is full of hate.
Just because someone else hates, that's no reason for YOU to hate.
There are people who hate blacks, who hate whites, who hate people of
different faiths, who hate lawyers (well that might be a little
justified - hey, I'm not perfect!), who hate psychologists (I get
that), and people who hate Trolls. is there any rational person who
thinks hate is GOOD?
The Nazis exterminated 12 million people, including Jews, Catholics,
homosexuals, the congenitally disabled, dwarfs, giants, blacks, and
anyone who didn't look like they wanted their "pure" mongrel race to
look like. They justified their hate with the "science" of eugenics. It
was just a rationalization. They would have created any justification
for the hate they needed their people to have, to mirror their own, and
to cause the us-against-them mentality to support them in power.
Ah, power. That's the real reason for hate. Hate gives those who hate,
the feeling of POWER, that is quite addictive, and it's used to justify
the most destructive things humanity can do, because it's the way
people can do whatever they want to others, letting their hate drown
out their consciences.
I don't hate anyone. Not since I was 12, and that was myself, for
negligently causing a loved one to take her own life. I learned then
that hate is a disease, the worst we can have. It harms everyone, but
the person who hates, is harmed the most.
I don't actually protect anyone but children, here, and in real life.
What I do here is to guide the children who visit these groups to be
good people who don't harm others. Going by the results, I've been
pretty good with this. The other way I help protect children, is to
help the BLs to not to choose to harm them. I've been reasonably
successful in this, also. Not spectacularly, because I'm not in contact
with all who read my posts, but I have some evidence that I've made a
significant difference over the years. You are interfering with this
Post by Fred HallPost by ::Y-Not::Post by Fred HallWhy is it so important to remain in the text groups?
The offer was made that if the pedoscum took their shit to binary
froups, we would leave them alone. If they persist in posting to text
groups, this war will be escalated. And soon.
What difference does it make where they are, if they are in Usenet at
Because some of us are realistic. It is a fact that the kiddie
fuckers will find some way or another to share their sick desires.
They will never be stopped. We know this. Because we know this, the
offer has been made: If the pedoscum move to a suitable binary group,
I think most of us will leave them be, and allow LE to take whatever
steps are necessary.
This isn't logical, nor is it in concert with the reality you state. If
you drive them out of the groups, they will use the less convenient P2P
systems, and I won't be able to reach them.
LEA doesn't want that. They want to SEE this community survive, so they
can maintain a watch on the pornography that is being shared, so they
can go after the people who are actually creating new porn themselves,
and posting it in real time. This was done twice. The purps are in
prison, BECAUSE they posted evidence of their crimes. That is how they
were caught, and BLs HELPED that to happen.
Actually, that was kind of awkward, the last time that happened, and
it's what caused many of them to start fighting with me. But not for
the reason you might imagine!
I wanted the very objectionable posts to continue. The BLs were
outraged at this, and wanted them stopped. Since I couldn't tell them
why I wanted them to continue, beyond quoting "free speech", or the
situation could have been ruined, they attacked me quite viciously.
This was an alternative part of my plan. While they were attacking me,
they stopped bothering the poster, enabling him to continue posting his
horrible pictures, that occasionally showed parts of his own body. I
was requested, through various cooperating real life groups, to try to
keep the molester posting until they could create a body composite of
him that could be used to positively identify him as the poster and the
abuser when he was captured. They needed this evidence because the
child victims were two young to be useful witnesses, and his pictures
may have been encrypted in his computer. They already knew where he was
located, but they needed enough evidence to put him away for good. The
BLs fought me for a week, until our goal was met for the evidence, and
then the purp was arrested. The situation was a success.
Until the arrest, I took the BLs outraged abuse with a lot less
fighting back than some thought I would do, having seen me in action in
previous Troll wars. Some wondered, until I then told them the truth,
and then I really tore into them for being such shortsighted stupid
fools. Caught them by surprise. :-)
Some of them still haven't got over that, and still dislike me because
of that situation.
The point is, the authorities WANT this stuff to be posted, and the
groups left alone for it to happen, and I've been asked to help it
continue. I agreed to do that for their good reasons, and for MINE.
Most modern psychologists are of the opinion that mild child
pornography doesn't cause pedophiles to commit crimes, but can actually
LOWER the incidences of such crimes, among the people who use these
images to satisfy their sexual urges, who are then less likely to seek
new real life victims. With the pedophiles I've treated, this IS the
case. If they didn't have their porn, I'm SURE they would have harmed
children, those pedophiles who weren't able to control their urges as
much as most of them do.
It's the chicken and the egg thing. Porn doesn't create the urge to do
the actions depicted in image, the urge is already there, that causes
them to view the porn. It also don't make the urge greater, not when
they are exhausted after ah, squirting all over themselves!
Yes, children were most likely harmed in the making of some porn, but
that was already done, and can't be undone. If what was already created
can help other children to be safer, by allowing those who might want
to harm them to expend their ah, energies on images, I'm in favor of
that. Most psychologists in this subject area agree with this, but
because they don't want to lose their funding and jobs, because this is
SO politically incorrect, we sure aren't going to say this in public!
Post by Fred HallPost by ::Y-Not::You seem to be suffering from some strange Usenet obsession that only
some peculiar Trolls have. Well, I've got some news for you. Most of
you Trolls will still attack them, wherever they are, and have been
doing that for years, so why should they "move" anywhere, just to
satisfy some disturbed ravings, when nothing will improve for them?
I can't speak for anyone but myself, but I give my word that if the
kiddie fuckers move to a binary froup, I won't follow them. I know
Froggy has said the same thing, and I believe Leyland did also.
Leyland I believe, but Froggy I don't, not with his history. As for
you, why should I believe someone who calls me names? :-)
That sure isn't a great way to gain my respect!
Post by Fred HallSure, they'll be attacked in the binary froups also, but hey, welcome
to Usenet. Trolling isn't pedo specific. However, I think it's safe
to say an organized attack would not take place if they move to the
binary groups. Again, I can only speak for myself.
Right, about that self-speak, and that's why there isn't going to be
any ordered solution to this.
Post by Fred HallPost by ::Y-Not::Come on, admit it. Be just a little honest for once. You need someone
to hate, and they're it.
You are truly delusional, Y-Tard. It has nothing to do with looking
for someone to hate, but rather hating the pedoscum who spend their
evenings wanking to pictures of pre-pubescent boys.
Well, you just sort of proved me right. :-)
Hate is hate, and it WILL be justified by those who project it.
I will be more likely to believe you, because haters are NEVER to be
trusted, because they have to lie to themselves in their
rationalizations, and to others to support their actions, when you give
up the hate, and act with reason.
Post by Fred HallPost by ::Y-Not::I don't care what groups they are in, if they aren't claimed by their
original owners. Don't you remember I tried to get them to leave aavfff
as soon as they started posting there?
Yep, you did.
Again, true. But Rolex and the idiot *Lookin*, decided to escalate
the war, and take it into auk. Now that was incredibly stupid. But,
as you've often posted, the BL's are incredibly stupid.
Isn't it strange when we agree? :-)
KidHacker and Referee (a former one of you) also tried to get them to
Post by Fred HallPost by ::Y-Not::If you're so
hot about being a net-cop about fantom
Spell checker broke? How unlike you, Y-Tard.
When you write perfectly, then you will have the moral right to
critique my writing. I've said as much to the BLs. They objected.
There goes the name calling again. Do you really need to be so juvenile?
Post by Fred HallPost by ::Y-Not::"Usenet" customs, then you
should support the custom of taking over unused groups, other than your
own, which should rightly remain yours. Well, haven't YOU done that? Do
you only post in just your own groups?
All text groups are there for me to post in. Your BL idiots want to
post binaries, I do not.
Not all of them do.
Post by Fred HallPost by ::Y-Not::About posting in text groups. I do that. I very rarely post files in
them, though. Actually, you Trolls have posted more files in text
groups than I have. It doesn't seem very fitting for you guys to break
the very rule that you claim is the reason you attack people.
Why should anyone believe lying Trolls?
Who gives a fuck what kiddie fuckers believe, other than you?
Not the most intelligent statement here. If you want someone to do
something, you NEED to pay attention to what they think of those
things. Besides, I was speaking here for myself, not the BLs.
I prefer to work with reason and logic, so I pointed out some of it to
Post by Fred HallPost by ::Y-Not::Why should you care what groups people use, if you aren't using them,
unless it's just a fake excuse to abuse the the people who do?
Not only are they pedoscum, they are net abusers. What about the mom
n pop NSP's? The text only servers? They can't afford to have kiddie
fucker binaries clogging up their servers.
Sorry, this doesn't make any sense, with all the issues.
Text only servers don't have binaries to clog them up.
The amount of binaries the BLs post, are completely insignificant,
compared to just the MP3 that are posted, not to mention all the
regular movies and pirate software being posted. And THIS doesn't take
into consideration the popularity of those MAJOR download categories!
Got the latest Star Wars movie yet? Got the new Adobe Creative Suite
yet? How many millions of downloaders have? BL binary activity isn't a
molecule in the ocean, compared to the activity that's going on all
over Usenet.
Ask the NSPs who they think is most abusing their systems, and they
will say the spammers, and the crossposting Trolls. Yes, YOU! :-)
I'm not guessing (I rarely do that), I asked.
With these imaginary, and very flimsy justifications, you again prove
that I'm right, that it's your need to bully people that drives you,
not Usenet reasons that don't exist.
Post by Fred HallPost by ::Y-Not::Some of the non binary groups these people use, they have been using
for over six years. You aren't going to get them to leave them, just
because you want to be some fake Usenet policeman who doesn't even obey
his own "laws".
I don't give a damn how long they've been using them. I think if your
statement is examined, it will be seen that at least twice in the last
5 years attempts were made to drive them out. So, they didn't post
there undisturbed for six consecutive years, now did they?
Irrelevant. Trolls have always disturbed them.
Post by Fred HallPost by ::Y-Not::They will never leave the Fort, which was founded by a twelve year old
for him and his friends.
To what part? The founder? That's the original reason I was asked to
watch over the Fort. An "authority" noticed that children with WebTV
were posting in that group, and some of them even posted pictures of
themselves, and later, some of them even posted their own movies. I
have proof of who some of them are, and am still in personal contact
with some of them. Some of them know who I am in real life.
Children visit these groups quite often. Remember these two things:
1. Children have computers and internet connections, and their parents
haven't a clue about what they are doing with them. They WILL use them
to explore their sexuality whenever and however they can, and there
isn't anything that can be really done to stop that.
2. BLs are born that way. This means that there are children who are
BLs. The Fort is the ONLY place where they can go, because it's easy to
find, to learn about themselves, and be guided to become good citizens
who don't harm other people.
PLEASE don't take the Fort away from them, because it's VITAL to their
future, and to the safety of the children they might otherwise grow up
to molest.
Post by Fred HallPost by ::Y-Not::It's mostly for text posts. Some people do
post files, but I long ago gave up on getting them to stop that. My
discussion group is just for text files, but you seem to want me to
leave that one, too. You aren't very even-handed in your "enforcement".
Tough shit.
Try a laxative.
Post by Fred HallPost by ::Y-Not::*I* can't "get them" to do anything by just telling them. You can SEE
that. I defend them from you, and yet they attack me.
Because they are incredibly stupid.
Well, that condition isn't exactly exclusive to just them.
YOU haven't yet shown me that you are much different, in this regard.
Sorry about that, but the truth often hurts.
At least you are able to communicate in a useful way, which puts you
way above most Trolls, who don't seem to be able to read all that well.
Post by Fred HallPost by ::Y-Not::I defend them
from themselves and each other, and they attack me for it. (I don't
really "defend" anyone, although it can look like it. I defend truth,
ethics and honor.)
Why would you keep trying to do such a thankless job? Perhaps because
you are one of them.
They don't think I am, and definitely don't want me to be. :-)
I do this because it's a job I volunteered for, when it was asked of
me, many years ago, because it was known that I cared deeply about
protecting children, and that I was qualified to do this.
I'm still here because of that commitment. Because of major health
concerns, I've had to significantly cut back on my usenet activities.
Unfortunately, some passive/aggressive BLs want me to stay and spar
with them, and you Trolls are interfering with my work, necessitating
my efforts with you.
I get no enjoyment out of my work here, except for reading a few jokes.
Typing is very painful for me. I'd LOVE to be able to quit doing all of
this, but the children, well, what better reason is there to keep on
living, but to help protect them?
Post by Fred HallPost by ::Y-Not::What chance does ANYONE else have to "get them" to
do anything they don't want to do? Absolutely none! Definitely not by
what you are doing. Exactly the same chance anyone has, to try to get
YOU to leave your own groups.
This is why the Fort must become a smoking crater.
Craters shouldn't smoke. It's bad for their health.
See my comments above, about the Fort.
Post by Fred HallPost by ::Y-Not::Usenet is anarchy. People come here to be
free to do what they want to do, to be the ultimate individual. No one
is going to give that up, for the vacuous whim of another.
They can exercise their Usenet freedom in a binary, or binaries,
Hmm, what part of "freedom" don't you understand? You restrict them,
they don't have it. YOU wouldn't tolerate that. Neither will anyone
else in Usenet. You mentioned being realistic. Let me know when you
Post by Fred HallVacuous whim, indeed.
Truth is truth. I've proved how it is, to you. Tough ah, manure.
Post by Fred HallPost by ::Y-Not::You KNOW
this, especially in yourself. If you agree to some sort of deal, there
is absolutely no reason to believe that any other Troll will agree to
it, and I KNOW some won't, because they will refuse to give up their
individuality, so why should those you are attacking even try to
appease even one of you?
Of course there's no guarantee. As I said before, I think many would
go along with a deal that included the kiddie fuckers moving to the
binary groups. Of course, as you suggest, there will be some who
follow the pedoscum to their new home, but that's Usenet. I think you
can avert the worst by moving.
That could have been so in the past, and it mostly was, but not now.
Times have changed, because people have changed. Realistically, I don't
believe that what you say will happen, nor do I think do the BLs.
Post by Fred HallPost by ::Y-Not::That is if they would give up their own
individual Usenet right to do what they want. Who would? Well, there
MAY be a way. We'll get to that later.
Usenet is also the great equalizer. Every weapon and tactic that is
once used, is available to everyone who wants to use it. This makes our
little internet playground like a bunch of isolated individual
sandboxes, where all we can do is toss little grains of colored sand
(text messages) over at each other. Oh how they hurt! NOT. Don't you
realize how ridiculous all this is? Come on, take a step back (watch
the sand), and really take an overview look at this. Don't you see how
childish all this is?
Not really. These cockroach pedoscum are afraid of the light, they
are afraid of LE. Already a couple of the kiddie fuckers have dropped
out, or morphed, or found someplace else to go. What you've witnessed
so far has just been the casual probing of the kiddie fuckers. Were
you here for the previous pedo wars? They were nothing compared to
what is about to be unleashed.
I was there. That was then, this is now.
About being afraid, well, with the way the US (I live in it) is going,
ALL people who value individual freedom should be afraid, VERY afraid.
LE wants these groups to continue, for the reasons I mention. Those who
interfere with what they want, well, fear is sometimes a good thing.
Post by Fred HallPost by ::Y-Not::Post by Fred HallTake care,
Y Not
"If we want to judge others unfairly,
what right do we have to complain,
when that is done to us?"
For those who complain about too much old light,
The ONLY rules in the "alt" hierarchy of Usenet, are those established
by those who grant us access to it, our Usenet Service Providers. They
are the ONLY ones with the power to ENFORCE any Usenet rules they set,
and that is just for their own customers. ANY other so called Usenet
"rules" or "laws" in the "alt" groups, are just the imaginary creations
of self-inflated power hungry egomaniacs with delusions of grandeur,
who would never consider obeying their own rules, which are ONLY for
OTHER people, and never for themselves.
Hmm, was that a bit too strong? :-) It's still true, though.
Because what you've wrote about rules and laws pertaining to Usenet is
true, we will be able to unleash an assault unprecedented in Usenet
history, and there's nothing the kiddie fuckers can do about it.
Yes there is. They can do whatever you can do. I myself can post as
anyone I want to. I can copy the headers of most posters, and use most
servers to post through, and without paying for them. Think about what
this really means. I can do a lot of Usenet things that can't be done
without some very high level connections. I don't, usually, but that
could change. How many others are around that can do the same? For the
sake of all of Usenet, I hope we don't have to find out.
Post by Fred HallPost by ::Y-Not::There are many companies, such as Microsoft and Adobe, that have many
official newsgroups. They don't have "binaries" in their names. Do you
want to bet that they don't have binary posts in them? Are you going to
try to make them leave those groups too? You would, if this issue was
actually real, and not just a flimsy excuse to be a bully.
Please stop avoiding the true issues.
Good description of that you are doing. :-)
Post by Fred Hall1) The people you defend are regarded by most as monsters, unfit to
live in a civilized society.
This is really funny, coming from you.
Usenet isn't "civilized", or there wouldn't be Trolls.
Post by Fred Hall2) The kiddie fuckers are abusing the net by posting binaries in text
groups, putting a strain on small NSP's. Giganews, Supernews, no
problem. The carry the binaries anyway.
No they aren't abusing. NSPs say what Usenet abuse is, not you. But YOU
are abusing Usenet by your Trolling crossposts. Complain about yourself
first. Not just charity, begins at home.
Post by Fred Hall3) You know, Y-Tard, your kiddie fuckers were for the most part left
alone until they challenged Fluffy. I guess after the various wars
with the pedoscum, many of us would rather just exterminate them at
this point. Nothing to do with bullying. Your scum came looking for
us this time. Kind of like the Punic wars. Finally Rome got sick of
the Carthaginians, laid waste to their Fort, and sowed salt all around
it so nothing would ever grow there again.
Picturesque, but false. Usenet isn't anything like that. But there may
have been some Trolls roman around, engaging in a few pubic wars.
I agree that they shouldn't have posted there, but that can't be
changed now. You will do what you NEED to do, to express your hate, and
your need to be a bully. This will be true, until you provide reasons
for what you do, that make sense.
Post by Fred HallThat's where we're at.
Well, it's on my computer screen at the moment. :-)
Post by Fred Hall[Rest of Y-Tard Pedo Apologetics snipped]
Ball's in your court, fuckhead.
Keep your hands of my b..., well, they're kind of sensitive.
Do you really have to be so insulting? Do you think this makes you
superior somehow? That's childish.
About the "court" business, well, I do some consulting in that area,
and I don't mean sports! :-)
Post by Fred Hall--
For those who complain about too much old light,
I've been working too much, so I have to let this go a little. Anyway,
I've said pretty much all I have to say about this. If anyone wants to
discuss some science, I'll try to oblige, but I don't have time for
more arguments.
Note to the Fort:
I haven't visited the Fort since I last replied to Duey. I've been
viewing these threads and posting to them, from another group, so I
haven't seen any replies that aren't crossposted, or any other posts in
other groups, as well. I just haven't had time. I'll try to look in the
Fort tomorrow, especially if some people don't want me to. :-)
Take care,
Y Not
"Hate denies reason.
Love doesn't need one."