A sparrow flies south for the winter
(too old to reply)
Fred Hall
2005-06-02 04:49:23 UTC
On Wed, 01 Jun 2005 18:47:47 -0500, Lil Stinker NP-g07
A sparrow decides that it is too hard a flight to go south in the
winter and refuses to migrate when the other birds leave. Winter sets
in and finally gets so bad that even the sparrow realizes he needs to
head south. But he is no sooner in flight than ice forms on his wings
and he falls to the ground. There on the cold, hard ground he is
freezing to death until a cow comes by and flops on him. The warm of
the cow's droppings began to warm him up and he feels so good he jumps
up and starts singing. The farm cat hears him and pulls him out of his
messy condition, cleans him up and eats him!
[1] Not everybody who shits on you is your enemy.
[2] Not everybody who gets you out of shit is your friend.
[3] If, and when, you do get out of shit keep your mouth shut!
You kiddie fuckers had the chance to get out of the text froups, but
you were too stupid to do it.

I predict a nuclear winter for all you pedoscum sparrows.
Lil Stinker NP-g07
"just havin' fun!"

For those who complain about too much old light,
here's some kooky new light from the WTS:


Pope Frogbutt I
2005-06-02 19:36:04 UTC
Post by Fred Hall
On Wed, 01 Jun 2005 18:47:47 -0500, Lil Stinker NP-g07
A sparrow decides that it is too hard a flight to go south in the
winter and refuses to migrate when the other birds leave. Winter sets
in and finally gets so bad that even the sparrow realizes he needs to
head south. But he is no sooner in flight than ice forms on his wings
and he falls to the ground. There on the cold, hard ground he is
freezing to death until a cow comes by and flops on him. The warm of
the cow's droppings began to warm him up and he feels so good he jumps
up and starts singing. The farm cat hears him and pulls him out of his
messy condition, cleans him up and eats him!
[1] Not everybody who shits on you is your enemy.
[2] Not everybody who gets you out of shit is your friend.
[3] If, and when, you do get out of shit keep your mouth shut!
You kiddie fuckers had the chance to get out of the text froups, but
you were too stupid to do it.
I predict a nuclear winter for all you pedoscum sparrows.
Lil Stinker NP-g07
"just havin' fun!"
For those who complain about too much old light,
The pedotards are just too fucking stupid to have any idea of what they
could soon be hit with.
Meet the f'loons:

Lady Motown: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=185542
Deggie: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181922
Pam: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=180995
Kenny: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181357
John: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181326
Keesha: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181273

"HIAY HU WANTZ 2 FEELL MAI TITS?////" - Britney Spears discovers the
Fred Hall
2005-06-02 20:14:11 UTC
Post by Pope Frogbutt I
Post by Fred Hall
On Wed, 01 Jun 2005 18:47:47 -0500, Lil Stinker NP-g07
A sparrow decides that it is too hard a flight to go south in the
winter and refuses to migrate when the other birds leave. Winter sets
in and finally gets so bad that even the sparrow realizes he needs to
head south. But he is no sooner in flight than ice forms on his wings
and he falls to the ground. There on the cold, hard ground he is
freezing to death until a cow comes by and flops on him. The warm of
the cow's droppings began to warm him up and he feels so good he jumps
up and starts singing. The farm cat hears him and pulls him out of his
messy condition, cleans him up and eats him!
[1] Not everybody who shits on you is your enemy.
[2] Not everybody who gets you out of shit is your friend.
[3] If, and when, you do get out of shit keep your mouth shut!
You kiddie fuckers had the chance to get out of the text froups, but
you were too stupid to do it.
I predict a nuclear winter for all you pedoscum sparrows.
Lil Stinker NP-g07
"just havin' fun!"
For those who complain about too much old light,
The pedotards are just too fucking stupid to have any idea of what they
could soon be hit with.
A couple of them got smart and dropped out of sight. The abc kiddie
fucker sent word he was worried about his security, so he wouldn't be
posting *for a while.*

They deserve everything that's about to be thrown at them.
Pope Frogbutt I
2005-06-02 23:30:51 UTC
Post by Fred Hall
Post by Pope Frogbutt I
Post by Fred Hall
On Wed, 01 Jun 2005 18:47:47 -0500, Lil Stinker NP-g07
A sparrow decides that it is too hard a flight to go south in the
winter and refuses to migrate when the other birds leave. Winter sets
in and finally gets so bad that even the sparrow realizes he needs to
head south. But he is no sooner in flight than ice forms on his wings
and he falls to the ground. There on the cold, hard ground he is
freezing to death until a cow comes by and flops on him. The warm of
the cow's droppings began to warm him up and he feels so good he jumps
up and starts singing. The farm cat hears him and pulls him out of his
messy condition, cleans him up and eats him!
[1] Not everybody who shits on you is your enemy.
[2] Not everybody who gets you out of shit is your friend.
[3] If, and when, you do get out of shit keep your mouth shut!
You kiddie fuckers had the chance to get out of the text froups, but
you were too stupid to do it.
I predict a nuclear winter for all you pedoscum sparrows.
Lil Stinker NP-g07
"just havin' fun!"
For those who complain about too much old light,
The pedotards are just too fucking stupid to have any idea of what they
could soon be hit with.
A couple of them got smart and dropped out of sight. The abc kiddie
fucker sent word he was worried about his security, so he wouldn't be
posting *for a while.*
They deserve everything that's about to be thrown at them.
KidWhacker is pissing his pants in fear too. He was around for the first
one and knows what's going to happen to the ones who try to stick it out.
Meet the f'loons:

Lady Motown: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=185542
Deggie: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181922
Pam: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=180995
Kenny: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181357
John: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181326
Keesha: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181273

"HIAY HU WANTZ 2 FEELL MAI TITS?////" - Britney Spears discovers the
Pope Frogbutt I
2005-06-02 23:34:25 UTC
You would know all about why I'm here, if you had read my posts in
aavfff when you first started this stupid Trolling. I'm here to help
people to choose not to harm children. The people who post here
don't harm anyone, and would be eager to destroy anyone who did. I
my interaction with them to help them to get along, to encourage
participation so more can be reached, and to speak to the lurkers
may be harming children RIGHT NOW, who don't want to expose
to what YOU do here.
This is a better, clearer statement of mission than the one you've put
out before. It is consistent with it, but much more succinct. Kudos.
Of course that's one person's opinion.
There are a few problems with it, but I believe the intent is
heartfelt. Perhaps I'm naive.
Much of what you do does not help people to get along. It does not
encourage participation. Trollers aside your interactions with me and
others in the 'discussion' groups worked against participation. You
have a tendancy to exagerate, be supercilious (talk down to people)
make claims about expertise in areas that seem doubtful, but in any
case are areas where there is other expertise in these groups.
Again, that is my opinion, but it does seem to be shared and in many
cases by folks who, I think, have similar aims to yours.
Just something to think about...
clink, clink....my 2 cents worth.
Take Care,
This helps?
A united front doesn't seem to be what you desire. It looks like
opposition to me, incompetently disguised as "help".
Just as you always do, you're doing exactly what you falsely accuse me
of doing.
Again, that is my opinion, but it does seem to be shared and in many
cases by folks who, I think, have similar aims to yours.
And who would that be? Those who truly WORK for the same goals as I do,
and I know who they are, don't oppose me. Some did before, but they
learned better, when they started to do the same things I do.
"Many cases"? Get real! Of all the people who COULD post against me,
how many actually do, of the people who MAY "have similar aims"?
None, actually.
Just something to think about...
But then if you could do that, you wouldn't have posted this
opposition, in the middle of my work. Ever thought of email? I know you
have. That you didn't reserve this for it, shows your intent quite
There is nothing new in my post. If you weren't able to understand it
before, it's because you didn't care to try. Keep your "kudos" to
I don't post for your pleasure or approval, and don't have any desire
for it. I don't post for immediate appeasement. That doesn't work for
the long run, which is what is more important. I've been doing this for
over six years here, and many years before that, in real life. I keep
learning and improving, and I've had lots of practice finding out what
works for my goals, and what doesn't. YOU haven't done any of this. If
you had, you would have found out, like the few people who have done
some of it, like Z, that they would have to post exactly like I do, and
get the same opposition from people who think they know everything and
can't understand these processes, and don't really want to. I've always
been willing to explain what I do and why, to people who really want to
know. I've even conducted training sessions. Of course you don't care
about that.
You haven't a clue how difficult what I do is. How do you get people,
who come here for FUN, to read and pay attention to things they don't
want to see? Think about THAT one.
Your copied "security" posts go unnoticed. Why do you think that is?
Hint; why do you think I mostly post in contentious situations? For an
intelligent person, this explains everything, especially if you REALY
study the post to which you just replied.
I could explain more, but you SHOULDN'T need it. If you were open to
learning, we wouldn't have this problem.
What I do takes a great deal of difficult WORK. I have to read and
STUDY all the posts in these groups, completely understand them, and
the social interactions involved, and the personalities that create
them and their motivations that they hardly ever realize themselves.
Then I have to create posts that address the immediate issues,
tailoring the post to the particular personalities involved, to get the
message across that they don't want to see, and at the same time try to
speak to everyone else in a way that each individual could understand
and accept, who I may never "meet", who comes from I know not where,
with any number of language and social incompatibilities. And at the
SAME TIME, I have to keep the posts in line with my long term goals,
and write them in a way that will cause people to READ them, and use
some "techniques" that will cause the readers to retain some of the
information, even if they consciously reject it. Those who have
collaborated with me on some posts, in IMs, know quite a lot about
this. I also have to deal with contentious interferers, who always want
to ruin everything with their selfish egocentric ignorance, in a way
that USES what they do to my advantage.
Can YOU do all this? Absolutely not. You don't even understand the
scope of this. The way you're going, you never will. Change that.
Usenet is a very peculiar environment that few people even try to
understand. It's NOT like real life. Communication is very different
here, and so are the expressed personalities. We have to learn and
adjust to this, or we don't do things well.
What you've expressed of what you think I do, is very shallow. It's too
bad you are satisfied enough with this that you choose to express it as
you have. If you want to do better, STUDY my posts, and the situations
they are in, VERY carefully, keeping in mind the framework in which I
operate. The more you do, the more you will realize how much you've
missed. If you really want to know, that is, and if you can get beyond
your own biases.
My posts have many levels to them, and are engineered to draw different
responses from different kinds of people. There are things in them for
almost every level of intelligence, and every conceivable attitude.
What an individual gets out of my posts, tells me quite a lot about who
they are. It shown me their level of effective intelligence, their
attitudes and motivations, and more things about their personalities,
especially their biases and level of disassociation (indicated by how
much they misunderstand).
Psychologists test. It's ALWAYS part of everything I do.
Consider this; What do YOUR replies to me, tell people who read them
(and mine) about YOU? And is that what you really want them to see?
What will you get from THIS post? :-)
If you want to learn, I'll help, if you can make the commitment for it.
Others have. Otherwise, just don't bother me with more nonsense. I had
great hopes for you, that you could understand some of this. You've
severely dissapointed me, often. Fix that.
If you have some personal issues with me and how I write, get over it.
It's necessary for what I do, in this odd environment, for what needs
to be done. It's not as if I actually enjoy it. I have to make my posts
work for everyone. I can't narrow things down just to stroke your
fragile ego, because other people will misunderstand and interfere.
In other words, don't be a baby. Grow UP!
Remember, I didn't post what you replied to, to YOU.
You chose to reply to me, IN PUBLIC, knowing full well what you would
likely get from me. Better accept what you got, with good grace, or
look kind of foolish.
If this post is too long for you, not "succinct" enough for you, I
recommend remedial reading lessons. The post to which you replied, was
for a Troll with obviously limited intelligence. Do you want to be
classed with HIM?
Have a really nice day. :-)
Y Not
"The extent of a man's ignorance
is not measured in what he doesn't know,
but in what he refuses to learn."
(borrowed with permission from oDDz Bodtkin, who shares the stars.)
Why the fuck are you still here making a damned fool of your ignorant
self, Y-Tard? If you had half a living brain cell you would be hiding
under your bed pissing your panties like Rolex the Retard is.
Meet the f'loons:

Lady Motown: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=185542
Deggie: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181922
Pam: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=180995
Kenny: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181357
John: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181326
Keesha: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181273

"HIAY HU WANTZ 2 FEELL MAI TITS?////" - Britney Spears discovers the
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