FROGGIE !! Re: rolex pic
(too old to reply)
2005-05-22 19:46:18 UTC
***@republican.org wrote:
: On 20-May-2005, The_bear <***@cave.com> wrote:
:: I have been around a very very long time and I would think nothing of
:: fucking your world.
: Whew! Go ahead Steve. Make his day. It would make for some
: interesting reading in the newspaper.
: "Man found with his arms and legs severed with a chain saw and his
: open wounds cauterized with a torch so he wouldn't bleed to death. He
: also had his tongue cut out and cauterized. His eyeballs were missing
: and his ear drums were punctured with a #2 pencil. When asked what
: happened to him, the man just laid there."
: Maybe I'll come visit you Stevie, in the extended care facility. It
: would be fun to tickle your nose with a feather.

Frogbutt, this thing is looking for you.
SS~ :)

No matter how many times you've had it, if it's
offered take it, because it'll never be quite the same again.

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Pope Frogbutt I
2005-05-23 00:47:33 UTC
Post by S.Shortcake
:: I have been around a very very long time and I would think nothing of
:: fucking your world.
: Whew! Go ahead Steve. Make his day. It would make for some
: interesting reading in the newspaper.
: "Man found with his arms and legs severed with a chain saw and his
: open wounds cauterized with a torch so he wouldn't bleed to death. He
: also had his tongue cut out and cauterized. His eyeballs were missing
: and his ear drums were punctured with a #2 pencil. When asked what
: happened to him, the man just laid there."
: Maybe I'll come visit you Stevie, in the extended care facility. It
: would be fun to tickle your nose with a feather.
Frogbutt, this thing is looking for you.
He looks like a real sick piece of shit.
Meet the f'loons:

Lady Motown: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=185542
Deggie: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181922
Pam: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=180995
Kenny: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181357
John: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181326
Keesha: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181273

"HIAY HU WANTZ 2 FEELL MAI TITS?////" - Britney Spears discovers the
2005-05-23 05:21:52 UTC
Pope Frogbutt I wrote:
: "S.Shortcake" <***@ofthe.dragonlover> wrote in news:d6qomn$d0j$1
: @dimpledchad.databasix.com:
:: ***@republican.org wrote:
::: On 20-May-2005, The_bear <***@cave.com> wrote:
:::: I have been around a very very long time and I would think nothing
:::: of fucking your world.
::: Whew! Go ahead Steve. Make his day. It would make for some
::: interesting reading in the newspaper.
::: "Man found with his arms and legs severed with a chain saw and his
::: open wounds cauterized with a torch so he wouldn't bleed to death.
::: He also had his tongue cut out and cauterized. His eyeballs were
::: missing and his ear drums were punctured with a #2 pencil. When
::: asked what happened to him, the man just laid there."
::: Maybe I'll come visit you Stevie, in the extended care facility. It
::: would be fun to tickle your nose with a feather.
:: Frogbutt, this thing is looking for you.
: He looks like a real sick piece of shit.

Yessir, it does so. Teh chainsaw bit made me think of you. :)
SS~ :)

No matter how many times you've had it, if it's
offered take it, because it'll never be quite the same again.

. .
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Pope Frogbutt I
2005-05-24 02:23:56 UTC
Post by S.Shortcake
:::: I have been around a very very long time and I would think nothing
:::: of fucking your world.
::: Whew! Go ahead Steve. Make his day. It would make for some
::: interesting reading in the newspaper.
::: "Man found with his arms and legs severed with a chain saw and his
::: open wounds cauterized with a torch so he wouldn't bleed to death.
::: He also had his tongue cut out and cauterized. His eyeballs were
::: missing and his ear drums were punctured with a #2 pencil. When
::: asked what happened to him, the man just laid there."
::: Maybe I'll come visit you Stevie, in the extended care facility. It
::: would be fun to tickle your nose with a feather.
:: Frogbutt, this thing is looking for you.
: He looks like a real sick piece of shit.
Yessir, it does so. Teh chainsaw bit made me think of you. :)
Me or the old girlfriend using it on me?
Meet the f'loons:

Lady Motown: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=185542
Deggie: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181922
Pam: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=180995
Kenny: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181357
John: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181326
Keesha: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181273

"HIAY HU WANTZ 2 FEELL MAI TITS?////" - Britney Spears discovers the
2005-05-24 03:45:33 UTC
Pope Frogbutt I wrote:
: "S.Shortcake" <***@ofthe.dragonlover> wrote in news:d6rr1p$r55$1
: @snarf.databasix.com:
:: Pope Frogbutt I wrote:
::: "S.Shortcake" <***@ofthe.dragonlover> wrote in
::: news:d6qomn$d0j$1 @dimpledchad.databasix.com:
:::: ***@republican.org wrote:
::::: On 20-May-2005, The_bear <***@cave.com> wrote:
:::::: I have been around a very very long time and I would think
:::::: nothing of fucking your world.
::::: Whew! Go ahead Steve. Make his day. It would make for some
::::: interesting reading in the newspaper.
::::: "Man found with his arms and legs severed with a chain saw and his
::::: open wounds cauterized with a torch so he wouldn't bleed to death.
::::: He also had his tongue cut out and cauterized. His eyeballs were
::::: missing and his ear drums were punctured with a #2 pencil. When
::::: asked what happened to him, the man just laid there."
::::: Maybe I'll come visit you Stevie, in the extended care facility.
::::: It would be fun to tickle your nose with a feather.
:::: Frogbutt, this thing is looking for you.
::: He looks like a real sick piece of shit.
:: Yessir, it does so. Teh chainsaw bit made me think of you. :)
: Me or the old girlfriend using it on me?

Oh Baby *that* is way beyond kinky! ... you.
SS~ :)

I am trying to find myself. If I should return before I come back, please ask me to wait.

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