(too old to reply)
2005-05-13 22:08:01 UTC
I just want you to know than I'm right now downloading and forwarding every single picture from your "Subject99" set.

A certain lady at a certain FBI email address is getting an eyefull of this poor little redheaded boy. She told me that the most
effective way to deal with you pedos, is to forward as attachment, and that NO ONE is anon when they post to usenet, that every
single person can be found with very little work.

It would seem to some that this is alotta work for me to do this, but it's worth it. I want this lady to see this kids penis, his
ass, his balls, his tortured eyes, his bruises, and the fact that he's not even old enough to grow pubic hair.

You stupid, sick, fucking child raper.

Knock knock.

2005-05-13 22:46:08 UTC
Ah, And a certain lady at the FBI is wondering why
you are here in this newsgroup forwarding things.

Eyefull, huh? Must be a small reward (heh,heh).

What's your deffinition of pornography... really!

Jesse Helms..... I know it when I see it... HA!

2005-05-14 20:46:35 UTC
Softee wrote:
:: Ah, And a certain lady at the FBI is wondering why
:: you are here in this newsgroup forwarding things.

To take things like you out of commission.

:: Eyefull, huh? Must be a small reward (heh,heh).

A very large fellow named Bubba will hace a small reward for you, softeeboi.

(heh heh)

:: What's your deffinition of pornography... really!


:: Jesse Helms..... I know it when I see it... HA!

WTF would you write to me about some politician from teh US?

:: Softeeboi.
SS~ :)
2005-05-13 23:02:04 UTC
Uh, and to second, over the past 10 years, there
have been at least 20 suck asses who've said the
same thing about everything I've posted.

Again, Uh, I'm still here :-)

I skirt the boundries. Slinging the bowl.


I's know's how to skirt the bowl SAAA!

I's know's my leagals SAAA!

I's know's where I's be livin!

And again's, whys you be here?

I's be under your thumb.... NOT!

Pope Frogbutt I
2005-05-13 23:56:59 UTC
Post by Softee
Uh, and to second, over the past 10 years, there
have been at least 20 suck asses who've said the
same thing about everything I've posted.
Again, Uh, I'm still here :-)
I skirt the boundries. Slinging the bowl.
I's know's how to skirt the bowl SAAA!
I's know's my leagals SAAA!
I's know's where I's be livin!
And again's, whys you be here?
I's be under your thumb.... NOT!
You should just fucking kill yourself and get it over with, loser.
Meet the f'loons:

Lady Motown: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=185542
Deggie: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181922
Pam: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=180995
Kenny: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181357
John: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181326
Keesha: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181273

"HIAY HU WANTZ 2 FEELL MAI TITS?////" - Britney Spears discovers the
Steve Leyland
2005-05-14 02:30:30 UTC
Softee wrote:
: Uh, and to second, over the past 10 years, there
: have been at least 20 suck asses who've said the
: same thing about everything I've posted.

so you freely admit that you've been posting child porn for 10 years; you
are one sick fuck.
: Again, Uh, I'm still here :-)

don't count on it for too much longer, pedo...
: I skirt the boundries. Slinging the bowl.

you wouldn't be interested in fucking me, scumbag, I am over the age of 12.
: I's know's how to skirt the bowl SAAA!
: I's know's my leagals SAAA!
: I's know's where I's be livin!

AFAIK child porn is illegal everywhere, and rightly so.
: And again's, whys you be here?

ask Rolex.
: I's be under your thumb.... NOT!

you's soon to be under bubba as his bitch in jail, kiddie fucker.
: Softee
Steve Leyland
mhm32x16 Smeeter#24 WSD#41
flower: three 6 four 9 five 8 eight 9
em ess en: my 1st name at purgatory dot org
Alcatroll Labs Inc (bongwater maintenance dept)


A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.
"My suggestion is to completely ignore idiots like Leland. They are the
lowest form of pond scum. People like him have tried unsuccessfully in
the past to disrupt the newsgroup. The best medicine is to completely
ignore them. As I'm sure you'll see, they're most intelligent response
is to yell nasty names. Other than that, they have nothing."

JG, netKKKop, alt.sailing.asa
"Warning to all:
Steve Leyland is a trolling twat of the highest order. Killfile the
muppet now and move on. Even the briefest of searches on his past
UseNet posts will reveal the truth. You have been warned. *plonk*"

Bear, netKKKop, uk.rec.motorcycles
"I didn't delete any part of your meaningless, pointless, worthless
post in order to clearly demonstrate that you are the nemesis of
Usenet: the crossposting, non-editing, diagram-creating worthless,
dickless, brainless, gutless, mindless, ball-less, spineless, flaccid,
obese, fish-belly pale, ugly, VD-ridden, moronic, bald, hunch-backed,
flat-footed, odoriferous, obnoxious, fecal-smelling, buck-toothed,
physically handicapped, fungus-infected, HIV positive, mud-packing,
masturbating, whining, simpering, self-important, arrogant, egomaniacal
POS that takes up more bandwidth than a despicable binary-poster, and
for no apparent reason beyond seeing his own defecatory vomitus
slithering down the screen in vile green rivulets."

Admiral Halsey, alt.sailing.asa
"I went to the Garden of Love,
And saw what I never had seen;
A Chapel was built in the midst,
Where I used to play on the green.

And the gates of this Chapel were shut
And "Thou shalt not," writ over the door;
So I turned to the Garden of Love
That so many sweet flowers bore.

And I saw it was filled with graves,
And tombstones where flowers should be;
And priests in black gowns were walking their rounds,
And binding with briars my joys and desires."

William Blake.
"When the Earth has been ravaged and the animals are dying, a tribe of
people from all races, creeds and colours shall put their faith in
deeds, not words, and make the land green again. They shall be known as
Warriors of the Rainbow, protectors of the environment."

Native American prophecy

|\ _.-'~~""'~`'~)
/, ~-,__,,,.'~ ,-;;--''
|,4) ./ ' ; ;/'
'-~~;'@ ( ; ;
_.--'' _.-_..' .;.'
(,_..----''' (,..--''

2005-05-14 20:47:12 UTC
Softee wrote:
:: Uh, and to second, over the past 10 years, there
:: have been at least 20 suck asses who've said the
:: same thing about everything I've posted.

K00k much?

:: Again, Uh, I'm still here :-)

Yes. One post, two replies from softeeboi.

:: I skirt the boundries. Slinging the bowl.

Is this your way of asking me out, kiddie fucker? 'Cuz I'm not a ten year old boy.

:: I's know's how to skirt the bowl SAAA!
:: I's know's my leagals SAAA!
:: I's know's where I's be livin!
:: And again's, whys you be here?
:: I's be under your thumb.... NOT!

Now, if you swim off with my hook, I'm going to be quite perturbed. ;-)

Scratch that. We all know Suckerfish don't put up much of a fight. Just fuck off and die.
SS~ :)
Pope Frogbutt I
2005-05-14 00:09:28 UTC
Post by S.Shortcake
I just want you to know than I'm right now downloading and forwarding
every single picture from your "Subject99" set.
A certain lady at a certain FBI email address is getting an eyefull
of this poor little redheaded boy. She told me that the most
effective way to deal with you pedos, is to forward as attachment,
and that NO ONE is anon when they post to usenet, that every
single person can be found with very little work.
It would seem to some that this is alotta work for me to do this, but
it's worth it. I want this lady to see this kids penis, his
ass, his balls, his tortured eyes, his bruises, and the fact that
he's not even old enough to grow pubic hair.
You stupid, sick, fucking child raper.
Knock knock.
LOL! I don't normally respond to such stupidness...but LOL! An FBI
agent told you to download and forward nude pics of boys?! ROFLMAO!
Go ahead pal....LOL....I think I need to change my pants...I peed
myself laughing too hard.
At least learn to crosspost, you cowardly little fuckdip.
Meet the f'loons:

Lady Motown: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=185542
Deggie: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181922
Pam: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=180995
Kenny: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181357
John: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181326
Keesha: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181273

"HIAY HU WANTZ 2 FEELL MAI TITS?////" - Britney Spears discovers the
2005-05-14 04:08:09 UTC
Post by S.Shortcake
I just want you to know than I'm right now downloading and forwarding every
single picture from your "Subject99" set.
A certain lady at a certain FBI email address is getting an eyefull of this
poor little redheaded boy. She told me that the most
effective way to deal with you pedos, is to forward as attachment, and that
NO ONE is anon when they post to usenet, that every
single person can be found with very little work.
It would seem to some that this is alotta work for me to do this, but it's
worth it. I want this lady to see this kids penis, his
ass, his balls, his tortured eyes, his bruises, and the fact that he's not
even old enough to grow pubic hair.
You stupid, sick, fucking child raper.
Knock knock.
Hey SS, think we could get the name of that agent? "She" needs to be
told she's exceeding her authority. She has no legal basis with which
to request a civilian to break the law. This also interferes with the
chain of custody, making the pictures of little value as evidence of

Have you *looked* at those pictures? I haven't, but from what I've
read, this poster doesn't post what would be against the law where he

If you're going to bully people, at least do it right. You shame your
fellow Trolls by attacking the wrong poster, and the wrong pictures,
and by the way, you look stupid doing that. But, if you like people
laughing at you...
When you step in the middle of things,
wipe your shoes when you leave.
Fred Hall
2005-05-14 05:10:24 UTC
Post by :*Referee*:
Post by S.Shortcake
I just want you to know than I'm right now downloading and forwarding every
single picture from your "Subject99" set.
A certain lady at a certain FBI email address is getting an eyefull of this
poor little redheaded boy. She told me that the most
effective way to deal with you pedos, is to forward as attachment, and that
NO ONE is anon when they post to usenet, that every
single person can be found with very little work.
It would seem to some that this is alotta work for me to do this, but it's
worth it. I want this lady to see this kids penis, his
ass, his balls, his tortured eyes, his bruises, and the fact that he's not
even old enough to grow pubic hair.
You stupid, sick, fucking child raper.
Knock knock.
Hey SS, think we could get the name of that agent?
Very soon you can meet face to face, baby raper.
Post by :*Referee*:
"She" needs to be
told she's exceeding her authority. She has no legal basis with which
to request a civilian to break the law. This also interferes with the
chain of custody, making the pictures of little value as evidence of
You hope.
Post by :*Referee*:
Have you *looked* at those pictures? I haven't, but from what I've
read, this poster doesn't post what would be against the law where he
Yeah, you've looked, kiddie fucker.
Post by :*Referee*:
If you're going to bully people, at least do it right. You shame your
fellow Trolls by attacking the wrong poster, and the wrong pictures,
and by the way, you look stupid doing that.
No more stupid than you look, Y Not. The truth is revealed, faux
Post by :*Referee*:
But, if you like people
laughing at you...
No one is laughing at you kiddie fuckers. We wish you'd kill yourself
and save the taxpayers some money.
Post by :*Referee*:
I am,
A total fucking moron.


For those who complain about too much old light,
here's some kooky new light from the WTS:


Steve Leyland
2005-05-14 08:32:44 UTC
:*Referee*: wrote:
: In article <d638g6$a8e$***@shpxurnq.databasix.com>, S.Shortcake
: <***@ofthe.dragonlover> wrote:
:: I just want you to know than I'm right now downloading and
:: forwarding every single picture from your "Subject99" set.
:: A certain lady at a certain FBI email address is getting an eyefull
:: of this poor little redheaded boy. She told me that the most
:: effective way to deal with you pedos, is to forward as attachment,
:: and that NO ONE is anon when they post to usenet, that every
:: single person can be found with very little work.
:: It would seem to some that this is alotta work for me to do this,
:: but it's worth it. I want this lady to see this kids penis, his
:: ass, his balls, his tortured eyes, his bruises, and the fact that
:: he's not even old enough to grow pubic hair.
:: You stupid, sick, fucking child raper.
:: Knock knock.
:: --
:: SS
: Hey SS, think we could get the name of that agent? "She" needs to be
: told she's exceeding her authority. She has no legal basis with which
: to request a civilian to break the law. This also interferes with the
: chain of custody, making the pictures of little value as evidence of
: posting.

apparently it only took one forwarded binary attachment for the FBI to
rekindle their interest in your little boy rapists club. very soon you'll
hear the sweet sound of your doors breaking in at dawn then you'll all be in
jail where you so clearly belong.
: Have you *looked* at those pictures? I haven't, but from what I've
: read, this poster doesn't post what would be against the law where he
: lives.

the last time you sickos invaded text froups circa 2001, I downloaded *one*
binary image to check it out. it contained a pic of a baby perhaps 3 years
old with some sick bastard's penis in his anus. the look of pain on that
poor baby's face actually made me question how on earth a human being could
do something like that to such an innocent.
but then I realised, you so-called BL pedos aren't human.
if you can look at images like that and find them even slightly erotic
instead of fucking disgusting, you really should put a pistol in your mouth
and pull the trigger.
if it would help, I could post other methods of suicide if you don't have
access to a gun.
: If you're going to bully people, at least do it right. You shame your
: fellow Trolls by attacking the wrong poster, and the wrong pictures,

STFU, all pictures of naked children are wrong and illegal.
surely you don't actually expect us to look at your sick filth to check the

: and by the way, you look stupid doing that. But, if you like people
: laughing at you...

nono, *you* are the one who looks fucking stupid. and I'm not laughing,
trust me.


Steve Leyland
mhm32x16 Smeeter#24 WSD#41
flower: three 6 four 9 five 8 eight 9
em ess en: my 1st name at purgatory dot org
Alcatroll Labs Inc (bongwater maintenance dept)


A single death is a tragedy. A million deaths is a statistic.
"My suggestion is to completely ignore idiots like Leland. They are the
lowest form of pond scum. People like him have tried unsuccessfully in
the past to disrupt the newsgroup. The best medicine is to completely
ignore them. As I'm sure you'll see, they're most intelligent response
is to yell nasty names. Other than that, they have nothing."

JG, netKKKop, alt.sailing.asa
"Warning to all:
Steve Leyland is a trolling twat of the highest order. Killfile the
muppet now and move on. Even the briefest of searches on his past
UseNet posts will reveal the truth. You have been warned. *plonk*"

Bear, netKKKop, uk.rec.motorcycles
"I didn't delete any part of your meaningless, pointless, worthless
post in order to clearly demonstrate that you are the nemesis of
Usenet: the crossposting, non-editing, diagram-creating worthless,
dickless, brainless, gutless, mindless, ball-less, spineless, flaccid,
obese, fish-belly pale, ugly, VD-ridden, moronic, bald, hunch-backed,
flat-footed, odoriferous, obnoxious, fecal-smelling, buck-toothed,
physically handicapped, fungus-infected, HIV positive, mud-packing,
masturbating, whining, simpering, self-important, arrogant, egomaniacal
POS that takes up more bandwidth than a despicable binary-poster, and
for no apparent reason beyond seeing his own defecatory vomitus
slithering down the screen in vile green rivulets."

Admiral Halsey, alt.sailing.asa
"I went to the Garden of Love,
And saw what I never had seen;
A Chapel was built in the midst,
Where I used to play on the green.

And the gates of this Chapel were shut
And "Thou shalt not," writ over the door;
So I turned to the Garden of Love
That so many sweet flowers bore.

And I saw it was filled with graves,
And tombstones where flowers should be;
And priests in black gowns were walking their rounds,
And binding with briars my joys and desires."

William Blake.
"When the Earth has been ravaged and the animals are dying, a tribe of
people from all races, creeds and colours shall put their faith in
deeds, not words, and make the land green again. They shall be known as
Warriors of the Rainbow, protectors of the environment."

Native American prophecy

|\ _.-'~~""'~`'~)
/, ~-,__,,,.'~ ,-;;--''
|,4) ./ ' ; ;/'
'-~~;'@ ( ; ;
_.--'' _.-_..' .;.'
(,_..----''' (,..--''

2005-05-14 12:35:04 UTC
Post by Steve Leyland
:: I just want you to know than I'm right now downloading and
:: forwarding every single picture from your "Subject99" set.
:: A certain lady at a certain FBI email address is getting an eyefull
:: of this poor little redheaded boy. She told me that the most
:: effective way to deal with you pedos, is to forward as attachment,
:: and that NO ONE is anon when they post to usenet, that every
:: single person can be found with very little work.
:: It would seem to some that this is alotta work for me to do this,
:: but it's worth it. I want this lady to see this kids penis, his
:: ass, his balls, his tortured eyes, his bruises, and the fact that
:: he's not even old enough to grow pubic hair.
:: You stupid, sick, fucking child raper.
:: Knock knock.
:: --
:: SS
: Hey SS, think we could get the name of that agent? "She" needs to be
: told she's exceeding her authority. She has no legal basis with which
: to request a civilian to break the law. This also interferes with the
: chain of custody, making the pictures of little value as evidence of
: posting.
apparently it only took one forwarded binary attachment for the FBI to
rekindle their interest in your little boy rapists club. very soon you'll
hear the sweet sound of your doors breaking in at dawn then you'll all be in
jail where you so clearly belong.
: Have you *looked* at those pictures? I haven't, but from what I've
: read, this poster doesn't post what would be against the law where he
: lives.
the last time you sickos invaded text froups circa 2001, I downloaded *one*
binary image to check it out. it contained a pic of a baby perhaps 3 years
old with some sick bastard's penis in his anus. the look of pain on that
poor baby's face actually made me question how on earth a human being could
do something like that to such an innocent.
but then I realised, you so-called BL pedos aren't human.
if you can look at images like that and find them even slightly erotic
instead of fucking disgusting, you really should put a pistol in your mouth
and pull the trigger.
if it would help, I could post other methods of suicide if you don't have
access to a gun.
One image causes you to condemn a whole series of newsgroups? Are you
serious? Would you hold everyone responsible for all the spam, too?
As I recall, being on the Troll side at that time, the BLs were up in
arms against the baby-rape posters. They do try to police themselves.
Post by Steve Leyland
: If you're going to bully people, at least do it right. You shame your
: fellow Trolls by attacking the wrong poster, and the wrong pictures,
STFU, all pictures of naked children are wrong and illegal.
surely you don't actually expect us to look at your sick filth to check the
I have pictures of myself that were taken when I was a baby, with not a
stitch of clothes on. As a kid, I was totally embarrassed when my
mother insisted on showing them to all my friends. Oh how I wished they
were illegal, and that my mother, who would have killed the warden, was
put behind bars for what she did to me. But alas, they weren't illegal
then, and unfortunately for the potential parent caused embarrassment
of all the children of today, they aren't illegal now.
Child pornography is illegal in most places, but the definition of it
varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. The US Supreme Court has
ruled that it's defined by "community standards", but they neglected to
tell us what the hell that is. I've prosecuted such cases. It's not
always as clear cut as you might think.

Freedom of expression is protected by the Constitution. This applies to
photographs, if they are determined to have "artistic" value. This is
illustrated by what happened in the controversial Maplethorpe
Exhibition. There was a picture of a naked 9 year old boy climbing on
an easy chair. It raised quite a stir. It was accused of being child
pornography, but after a lot of official inquiries, it was determined
that the boy was a naturist (nudist). His whole family was, and had
consented to have photographs taken of the family members in their
usual lack of attire. The ruling was that it wasn't pornography, and
that it was legal art. For myself, I didn't think it was anything more
than a glorified family snapshot. Maybe I lack the artistic sense to
see it differently.

As it stands now, in most places in the US, pictures of naked people of
any age are legal, if the subjects are engaging in "normal" public
activities. This specifically applies to naturists and family pictures.
Posed pictures that do not have the subjects in sexually suggestive
positions, may be considered art, and not pornography, depending on
which "community standards" are used to evaluate them, and they are
changing from day to day. It can be very frustrating to prosecute these

Did you know that the State of Rhode Island passed a law including
digitally created images, that have never had any part of a real human
in them, in the definitions of pornography? The Supreme Court had
previously ruled that digitally created images were exempt from the
pornography rules. Y Not posted about that last year. I don't know if
the State law has been tested yet. I just now remembered it. I should
look into it. Maybe.
Post by Steve Leyland
: and by the way, you look stupid doing that. But, if you like people
: laughing at you...
nono, *you* are the one who looks fucking stupid. and I'm not laughing,
trust me.
Trust you? I don't think so. Not until you know what you're talking
What good is attacking these people, if you can't stick to the truth?
Don't you want to be better than they are? There are more than enough
reasons to attack them, without you having to be so lazy that you have
to make them up.
Post by Steve Leyland
Oh boy did you get that wrong! I'm the guy who puts crime-in-alls in
there for Bubba to play with. If I can prove anyone here is committing
a crime in my jurisdiction, I'll prosecute the pants off them, to make
it more convenient for Bubba. But I'm not going to harass the whole
population into being MORE secure! That would be really stupid. Oh,
isn't that what you're doing? Oops! The best way to get them is to
leave them alone in the newsgroups. Let them get complacent and feel
safe. They're so stupid, they'll let down their guard and post
something that gives them away. When they do that, the other BLs who
are too stupid to have any brains at all, will make *sure* I know about
it, by fighting over who gets to tell the idiot he's exposing himself
to all the LEAs who are already finding out where he lives.

I actually support their security measures. I want them to feel safe.
The smart ones *will* be safe. I don't mind that, because they're also
smart enough not to molest children. It's the stupid ones who do that,
and they're also too stupid to follow the advice of the groups'
"security experts". I don't much care about the porn on their
computers, it's probably all encrypted, I'm after more important
fishies. I want to get the dangerous sharks, the MOLESTERS, off of the
kids, and into Bubba's not so tender mercies. While we work from
different sides of the issue, Y Not wants the same thing. That's why I
support what he does, and why the stupid BLs hate both of us. We could
be a good tag team, except that I don't think either of us would look
good in tights.

So, lets see of you understood what I said. If you want these "pedos"
to be put in a "correctional facility" (politically correct name for
"prison", as if that'll make them into country clubs), don't scare them
into protecting themselves from being caught. Now do you get it?
You've got them so scared, they're tossing you some of their own
numbers, to keep you wolves at bay. You're harassment is actually
making them safer and more secure, out of fear.
Will knowing this now, make you stop? I DON'T THINK SO.
I don't think you can control yourselves that much, even if you knew
what you were doing. I know. I used to be one of you.
SO, now WHO'S laughing at WHO? :-)

I'm REFEREE, that's WHO!
When you step in the middle of things,
wipe your shoes when you leave.
2005-05-14 20:51:29 UTC
:*Referee*: wrote:
:: In article <d64d35$pr$***@valis.databasix.com>, Steve Leyland
:: <***@meow.org.invalid> wrote:
::: :*Referee*: wrote:
:::: In article <d638g6$a8e$***@shpxurnq.databasix.com>, S.Shortcake
:::: <***@ofthe.dragonlover> wrote:
::::: I just want you to know than I'm right now downloading and
::::: forwarding every single picture from your "Subject99" set.
::::: A certain lady at a certain FBI email address is getting an
::::: eyefull of this poor little redheaded boy. She told me that the
::::: most effective way to deal with you pedos, is to forward as
::::: attachment, and that NO ONE is anon when they post to usenet,
::::: that every single person can be found with very little work.
::::: It would seem to some that this is alotta work for me to do this,
::::: but it's worth it. I want this lady to see this kids penis, his
::::: ass, his balls, his tortured eyes, his bruises, and the fact that
::::: he's not even old enough to grow pubic hair.
::::: You stupid, sick, fucking child raper.
::::: Knock knock.
::::: --
::::: SS
:::: Hey SS, think we could get the name of that agent? "She" needs to
:::: be told she's exceeding her authority. She has no legal basis with
:::: which to request a civilian to break the law. This also interferes
:::: with the chain of custody, making the pictures of little value as
:::: evidence of posting.
::: apparently it only took one forwarded binary attachment for the FBI
::: to rekindle their interest in your little boy rapists club. very
::: soon you'll hear the sweet sound of your doors breaking in at dawn
::: then you'll all be in jail where you so clearly belong.
:::: Have you *looked* at those pictures? I haven't, but from what I've
:::: read, this poster doesn't post what would be against the law where
:::: he lives.
::: the last time you sickos invaded text froups circa 2001, I
::: downloaded *one* binary image to check it out. it contained a pic
::: of a baby perhaps 3 years old with some sick bastard's penis in his
::: anus. the look of pain on that poor baby's face actually made me
::: question how on earth a human being could do something like that to
::: such an innocent.
::: but then I realised, you so-called BL pedos aren't human.
::: if you can look at images like that and find them even slightly
::: erotic instead of fucking disgusting, you really should put a
::: pistol in your mouth and pull the trigger.
::: if it would help, I could post other methods of suicide if you
::: don't have access to a gun.
:: One image causes you to condemn a whole series of newsgroups? Are you
:: serious? Would you hold everyone responsible for all the spam, too?
:: As I recall, being on the Troll side at that time, the BLs were up in
:: arms against the baby-rape posters. They do try to police themselves.
:::: If you're going to bully people, at least do it right. You shame
:::: your fellow Trolls by attacking the wrong poster, and the wrong
:::: pictures,
::: STFU, all pictures of naked children are wrong and illegal.
::: surely you don't actually expect us to look at your sick filth to
::: check the content?
:: I have pictures of myself that were taken when I was a baby, with
:: not a stitch of clothes on. As a kid, I was totally embarrassed when
:: my mother insisted on showing them to all my friends.

Are you, as a part of the human race, (and that is me being_very_generous), actually saying that a pic of a cute 3 month old trying
to balance on its tummy, bare bum, feet up in the air, bright eyes and drool, whatever, is as bad as, or worse than what these sick
fucking pukes post?

You are insane, and as sick as the rest of the pedos.

Oh how I
:: wished they were illegal, and that my mother, who would have killed
:: the warden, was put behind bars for what she did to me. But alas,
:: they weren't illegal then, and unfortunately for the potential
:: parent caused embarrassment of all the children of today, they
:: aren't illegal now.
:: Child pornography is illegal in most places, but the definition of it
:: varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. The US Supreme Court has
:: ruled that it's defined by "community standards", but they neglected
:: to tell us what the hell that is. I've prosecuted such cases. It's
:: not always as clear cut as you might think.
:: Freedom of expression is protected by the Constitution. This applies
:: to photographs, if they are determined to have "artistic" value.
:: This is illustrated by what happened in the controversial Maplethorpe
:: Exhibition. There was a picture of a naked 9 year old boy climbing on
:: an easy chair. It raised quite a stir. It was accused of being child
:: pornography, but after a lot of official inquiries, it was determined
:: that the boy was a naturist (nudist). His whole family was, and had
:: consented to have photographs taken of the family members in their
:: usual lack of attire. The ruling was that it wasn't pornography, and
:: that it was legal art. For myself, I didn't think it was anything
:: more than a glorified family snapshot. Maybe I lack the artistic
:: sense to see it differently.
:: As it stands now, in most places in the US, pictures of naked people
:: of any age are legal, if the subjects are engaging in "normal" public
:: activities. This specifically applies to naturists and family
:: pictures. Posed pictures that do not have the subjects in sexually
:: suggestive positions, may be considered art, and not pornography,
:: depending on which "community standards" are used to evaluate them,
:: and they are changing from day to day. It can be very frustrating to
:: prosecute these cases.
:: Did you know that the State of Rhode Island passed a law including
:: digitally created images, that have never had any part of a real
:: human in them, in the definitions of pornography? The Supreme Court
:: had previously ruled that digitally created images were exempt from
:: the pornography rules. Y Not posted about that last year. I don't
:: know if the State law has been tested yet. I just now remembered it.
:: I should look into it. Maybe.
:::: and by the way, you look stupid doing that. But, if you like people
:::: laughing at you...
::: nono, *you* are the one who looks fucking stupid. and I'm not
::: laughing, trust me.
:: Trust you? I don't think so. Not until you know what you're talking
:: about.
:: What good is attacking these people, if you can't stick to the truth?
:: Don't you want to be better than they are? There are more than enough
:: reasons to attack them, without you having to be so lazy that you
:: have to make them up.
:::: I am, REFEREE
::: You are, BUBBA'S BITCH.
:: Oh boy did you get that wrong! I'm the guy who puts crime-in-alls in
:: there for Bubba to play with. If I can prove anyone here is
:: committing a crime in my jurisdiction, I'll prosecute the pants off
:: them, to make it more convenient for Bubba. But I'm not going to
:: harass the whole population into being MORE secure! That would be
:: really stupid. Oh, isn't that what you're doing? Oops! The best way
:: to get them is to leave them alone in the newsgroups. Let them get
:: complacent and feel safe. They're so stupid, they'll let down their
:: guard and post something that gives them away. When they do that,
:: the other BLs who are too stupid to have any brains at all, will
:: make *sure* I know about it, by fighting over who gets to tell the
:: idiot he's exposing himself to all the LEAs who are already finding
:: out where he lives.
:: I actually support their security measures. I want them to feel safe.
:: The smart ones *will* be safe. I don't mind that, because they're
:: also smart enough not to molest children. It's the stupid ones who
:: do that, and they're also too stupid to follow the advice of the
:: groups' "security experts". I don't much care about the porn on their
:: computers, it's probably all encrypted, I'm after more important
:: fishies. I want to get the dangerous sharks, the MOLESTERS, off of
:: the kids, and into Bubba's not so tender mercies. While we work from
:: different sides of the issue, Y Not wants the same thing. That's why
:: I support what he does, and why the stupid BLs hate both of us. We
:: could be a good tag team, except that I don't think either of us
:: would look good in tights.
:: So, lets see of you understood what I said. If you want these "pedos"
:: to be put in a "correctional facility" (politically correct name for
:: "prison", as if that'll make them into country clubs), don't scare
:: them into protecting themselves from being caught. Now do you get it?
:: You've got them so scared, they're tossing you some of their own
:: numbers, to keep you wolves at bay. You're harassment is actually
:: making them safer and more secure, out of fear.
:: Will knowing this now, make you stop? I DON'T THINK SO.
:: I don't think you can control yourselves that much, even if you knew
:: what you were doing. I know. I used to be one of you.
:: SO, now WHO'S laughing at WHO? :-)
SS~ :)
Pope Frogbutt I
2005-05-16 03:37:38 UTC
Post by :*Referee*:
Post by Steve Leyland
:: I just want you to know than I'm right now downloading and
:: forwarding every single picture from your "Subject99" set.
:: A certain lady at a certain FBI email address is getting an
:: eyefull of this poor little redheaded boy. She told me that the
:: most effective way to deal with you pedos, is to forward as
:: attachment, and that NO ONE is anon when they post to usenet, that
:: every single person can be found with very little work.
:: It would seem to some that this is alotta work for me to do this,
:: but it's worth it. I want this lady to see this kids penis, his
:: ass, his balls, his tortured eyes, his bruises, and the fact that
:: he's not even old enough to grow pubic hair.
:: You stupid, sick, fucking child raper.
:: Knock knock.
:: --
:: SS
: Hey SS, think we could get the name of that agent? "She" needs to
: be told she's exceeding her authority. She has no legal basis with
: which to request a civilian to break the law. This also interferes
: with the chain of custody, making the pictures of little value as
: evidence of posting.
apparently it only took one forwarded binary attachment for the FBI
to rekindle their interest in your little boy rapists club. very soon
you'll hear the sweet sound of your doors breaking in at dawn then
you'll all be in jail where you so clearly belong.
: Have you *looked* at those pictures? I haven't, but from what I've
: read, this poster doesn't post what would be against the law where
: he lives.
the last time you sickos invaded text froups circa 2001, I downloaded
*one* binary image to check it out. it contained a pic of a baby
perhaps 3 years old with some sick bastard's penis in his anus. the
look of pain on that poor baby's face actually made me question how
on earth a human being could do something like that to such an
innocent. but then I realised, you so-called BL pedos aren't human.
if you can look at images like that and find them even slightly
erotic instead of fucking disgusting, you really should put a pistol
in your mouth and pull the trigger.
if it would help, I could post other methods of suicide if you don't
have access to a gun.
One image causes you to condemn a whole series of newsgroups? Are you
serious? Would you hold everyone responsible for all the spam, too?
As I recall, being on the Troll side at that time, the BLs were up in
arms against the baby-rape posters. They do try to police themselves.
Post by Steve Leyland
: If you're going to bully people, at least do it right. You shame
: your fellow Trolls by attacking the wrong poster, and the wrong
: pictures,
STFU, all pictures of naked children are wrong and illegal.
surely you don't actually expect us to look at your sick filth to
check the content?
I have pictures of myself that were taken when I was a baby, with not
a stitch of clothes on. As a kid, I was totally embarrassed when my
mother insisted on showing them to all my friends. Oh how I wished
they were illegal, and that my mother, who would have killed the
warden, was put behind bars for what she did to me. But alas, they
weren't illegal then, and unfortunately for the potential parent
caused embarrassment of all the children of today, they aren't illegal
now. Child pornography is illegal in most places, but the definition
of it varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. The US Supreme Court
has ruled that it's defined by "community standards", but they
neglected to tell us what the hell that is. I've prosecuted such
cases. It's not always as clear cut as you might think.
Freedom of expression is protected by the Constitution. This applies
to photographs, if they are determined to have "artistic" value. This
is illustrated by what happened in the controversial Maplethorpe
Exhibition. There was a picture of a naked 9 year old boy climbing on
an easy chair. It raised quite a stir. It was accused of being child
pornography, but after a lot of official inquiries, it was determined
that the boy was a naturist (nudist). His whole family was, and had
consented to have photographs taken of the family members in their
usual lack of attire. The ruling was that it wasn't pornography, and
that it was legal art. For myself, I didn't think it was anything more
than a glorified family snapshot. Maybe I lack the artistic sense to
see it differently.
As it stands now, in most places in the US, pictures of naked people
of any age are legal, if the subjects are engaging in "normal" public
activities. This specifically applies to naturists and family
pictures. Posed pictures that do not have the subjects in sexually
suggestive positions, may be considered art, and not pornography,
depending on which "community standards" are used to evaluate them,
and they are changing from day to day. It can be very frustrating to
prosecute these cases.
Did you know that the State of Rhode Island passed a law including
digitally created images, that have never had any part of a real human
in them, in the definitions of pornography? The Supreme Court had
previously ruled that digitally created images were exempt from the
pornography rules. Y Not posted about that last year. I don't know if
the State law has been tested yet. I just now remembered it. I should
look into it. Maybe.
Post by Steve Leyland
: and by the way, you look stupid doing that. But, if you like people
: laughing at you...
nono, *you* are the one who looks fucking stupid. and I'm not
laughing, trust me.
Trust you? I don't think so. Not until you know what you're talking
What good is attacking these people, if you can't stick to the truth?
Don't you want to be better than they are? There are more than enough
reasons to attack them, without you having to be so lazy that you have
to make them up.
Post by Steve Leyland
Oh boy did you get that wrong! I'm the guy who puts crime-in-alls in
there for Bubba to play with. If I can prove anyone here is committing
a crime in my jurisdiction, I'll prosecute the pants off them, to make
it more convenient for Bubba. But I'm not going to harass the whole
population into being MORE secure! That would be really stupid. Oh,
isn't that what you're doing? Oops! The best way to get them is to
leave them alone in the newsgroups. Let them get complacent and feel
safe. They're so stupid, they'll let down their guard and post
something that gives them away. When they do that, the other BLs who
are too stupid to have any brains at all, will make *sure* I know
about it, by fighting over who gets to tell the idiot he's exposing
himself to all the LEAs who are already finding out where he lives.
I actually support their security measures. I want them to feel safe.
The smart ones *will* be safe. I don't mind that, because they're also
smart enough not to molest children. It's the stupid ones who do that,
and they're also too stupid to follow the advice of the groups'
"security experts". I don't much care about the porn on their
computers, it's probably all encrypted, I'm after more important
fishies. I want to get the dangerous sharks, the MOLESTERS, off of the
kids, and into Bubba's not so tender mercies. While we work from
different sides of the issue, Y Not wants the same thing. That's why I
support what he does, and why the stupid BLs hate both of us. We could
be a good tag team, except that I don't think either of us would look
good in tights.
So, lets see of you understood what I said. If you want these "pedos"
to be put in a "correctional facility" (politically correct name for
"prison", as if that'll make them into country clubs), don't scare
them into protecting themselves from being caught. Now do you get it?
You've got them so scared, they're tossing you some of their own
numbers, to keep you wolves at bay. You're harassment is actually
making them safer and more secure, out of fear.
Will knowing this now, make you stop? I DON'T THINK SO.
I don't think you can control yourselves that much, even if you knew
what you were doing. I know. I used to be one of you.
SO, now WHO'S laughing at WHO? :-)
I'm REFEREE, that's WHO!
Fuck off, Y-Tard.
Meet the f'loons:

Lady Motown: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=185542
Deggie: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181922
Pam: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=180995
Kenny: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181357
John: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181326
Keesha: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181273

"HIAY HU WANTZ 2 FEELL MAI TITS?////" - Britney Spears discovers the
Steve Leyland
2005-05-17 02:31:29 UTC
Pope Frogbutt I wrote:
:":*Referee*:" <***@foundling.invalid> wrote in
: news:140520050833115428%***@foundling.invalid:
:: In article <d64d35$pr$***@valis.databasix.com>, Steve Leyland
:: <***@meow.org.invalid> wrote:
::: :*Referee*: wrote:
:::: In article <d638g6$a8e$***@shpxurnq.databasix.com>, S.Shortcake
:::: <***@ofthe.dragonlover> wrote:
::::: I just want you to know than I'm right now downloading and
::::: forwarding every single picture from your "Subject99" set.
::::: A certain lady at a certain FBI email address is getting an
::::: eyefull of this poor little redheaded boy. She told me that the
::::: most effective way to deal with you pedos, is to forward as
::::: attachment, and that NO ONE is anon when they post to usenet, that
::::: every single person can be found with very little work.
::::: It would seem to some that this is alotta work for me to do this,
::::: but it's worth it. I want this lady to see this kids penis, his
::::: ass, his balls, his tortured eyes, his bruises, and the fact that
::::: he's not even old enough to grow pubic hair.
::::: You stupid, sick, fucking child raper.
::::: Knock knock.
::::: --
::::: SS
:::: Hey SS, think we could get the name of that agent? "She" needs to
:::: be told she's exceeding her authority. She has no legal basis with
:::: which to request a civilian to break the law. This also interferes
:::: with the chain of custody, making the pictures of little value as
:::: evidence of posting.
::: apparently it only took one forwarded binary attachment for the FBI
::: to rekindle their interest in your little boy rapists club. very
::: soon you'll hear the sweet sound of your doors breaking in at dawn
::: then you'll all be in jail where you so clearly belong.
:::: Have you *looked* at those pictures? I haven't, but from what I've
:::: read, this poster doesn't post what would be against the law where
:::: he lives.
::: the last time you sickos invaded text froups circa 2001, I
::: downloaded *one* binary image to check it out. it contained a pic
::: of a baby perhaps 3 years old with some sick bastard's penis in his
::: anus. the look of pain on that poor baby's face actually made me
::: question how on earth a human being could do something like that to
::: such an innocent. but then I realised, you so-called BL pedos
::: aren't human. if you can look at images like that and find them
::: even slightly erotic instead of fucking disgusting, you really
::: should put a pistol in your mouth and pull the trigger.
::: if it would help, I could post other methods of suicide if you don't
::: have access to a gun.
:: One image causes you to condemn a whole series of newsgroups? Are you
:: serious? Would you hold everyone responsible for all the spam, too?

ah yes, the spam is the reason you avoid posting in clearly labelled
alt.binaries.* groups isn't it? so what about the casual innocent browser of
usenet who sees one of these alt.fan.* groups you lot feebly attempt to hide
in and curiously downloads a binary? not to mention the fact that it is net
abuse to post binaries in a text group.
go to alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.boys or something equally as obvious to
post your sick pedo filth. the spam argument just doesn't hunt. you can post
a killfile tutorial.

:: As I recall, being on the Troll side at that time, the BLs were up in
:: arms against the baby-rape posters. They do try to police themselves.

BLs are pedophiles, lets' face the facts and cut the bullshit? OK,
everyone's sexuality is different and there's no harm in that, but grown men
looking at images of naked young boys is just plain fucking wrong.
:::: If you're going to bully people, at least do it right. You shame
:::: your fellow Trolls by attacking the wrong poster, and the wrong
:::: pictures,
::: STFU, all pictures of naked children are wrong and illegal.
::: surely you don't actually expect us to look at your sick filth to
::: check the content?
:: I have pictures of myself that were taken when I was a baby, with not
:: a stitch of clothes on. As a kid, I was totally embarrassed when my
:: mother insisted on showing them to all my friends. Oh how I wished
:: they were illegal, and that my mother, who would have killed the
:: warden, was put behind bars for what she did to me. But alas, they
:: weren't illegal then, and unfortunately for the potential parent
:: caused embarrassment of all the children of today, they aren't
:: illegal now. Child pornography is illegal in most places, but the
:: definition of it varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. The US
:: Supreme Court has ruled that it's defined by "community standards",
:: but they neglected to tell us what the hell that is. I've prosecuted
:: such cases. It's not always as clear cut as you might think.

did your mother post your baby pics on usenet for creepy old pedo guys like
rolex to jerk off to? perhaps you'd have felt differently had that been the
:: Freedom of expression is protected by the Constitution. This applies
:: to photographs, if they are determined to have "artistic" value. This
:: is illustrated by what happened in the controversial Maplethorpe
:: Exhibition. There was a picture of a naked 9 year old boy climbing on
:: an easy chair. It raised quite a stir. It was accused of being child
:: pornography, but after a lot of official inquiries, it was determined
:: that the boy was a naturist (nudist). His whole family was, and had
:: consented to have photographs taken of the family members in their
:: usual lack of attire. The ruling was that it wasn't pornography, and
:: that it was legal art. For myself, I didn't think it was anything
:: more than a glorified family snapshot. Maybe I lack the artistic
:: sense to see it differently.

no doubt despite this dubious legal approval, rolex and his ilk were wanking
their shrivelled dicks off to it as soon as it got posted in your ever so
secret hideaway pedo text groups.
:: As it stands now, in most places in the US, pictures of naked people
:: of any age are legal, if the subjects are engaging in "normal" public
:: activities. This specifically applies to naturists and family
:: pictures. Posed pictures that do not have the subjects in sexually
:: suggestive positions, may be considered art, and not pornography,
:: depending on which "community standards" are used to evaluate them,
:: and they are changing from day to day. It can be very frustrating to
:: prosecute these cases.
:: Did you know that the State of Rhode Island passed a law including
:: digitally created images, that have never had any part of a real
:: human in them, in the definitions of pornography? The Supreme Court
:: had previously ruled that digitally created images were exempt from
:: the pornography rules. Y Not posted about that last year. I don't
:: know if the State law has been tested yet. I just now remembered it.
:: I should look into it. Maybe.
:::: and by the way, you look stupid doing that. But, if you like people
:::: laughing at you...
::: nono, *you* are the one who looks fucking stupid. and I'm not
::: laughing, trust me.
:: Trust you? I don't think so. Not until you know what you're talking
:: about.
:: What good is attacking these people, if you can't stick to the truth?
:: Don't you want to be better than they are? There are more than enough
:: reasons to attack them, without you having to be so lazy that you
:: have to make them up.

I will continue to attack until you all start posting in a clearly named
group in the alt.binaries.* hierarchy. terribly sorry if this inconveniences
any pedos in their dowloading of images of children to masturbate to.
:::: I am, REFEREE
::: You are, BUBBA'S BITCH.
:: Oh boy did you get that wrong! I'm the guy who puts crime-in-alls in
:: there for Bubba to play with. If I can prove anyone here is
:: committing a crime in my jurisdiction, I'll prosecute the pants off
:: them, to make it more convenient for Bubba. But I'm not going to
:: harass the whole population into being MORE secure! That would be
:: really stupid. Oh, isn't that what you're doing? Oops! The best way
:: to get them is to leave them alone in the newsgroups. Let them get
:: complacent and feel safe. They're so stupid, they'll let down their
:: guard and post something that gives them away. When they do that,
:: the other BLs who are too stupid to have any brains at all, will
:: make *sure* I know about it, by fighting over who gets to tell the
:: idiot he's exposing himself to all the LEAs who are already finding
:: out where he lives.

LEA are clearly doing nothing about these pedos. remember the last wars in
I was told leave it, we will deal with them.. 5 years later and still going
I'd say they've had more than enough time and have failed, now its time for
fluffy to take over and turn the light on these cockroaches of usenet.
:: I actually support their security measures. I want them to feel safe.
:: The smart ones *will* be safe. I don't mind that, because they're
:: also smart enough not to molest children. It's the stupid ones who
:: do that, and they're also too stupid to follow the advice of the
:: groups' "security experts". I don't much care about the porn on their
:: computers, it's probably all encrypted, I'm after more important
:: fishies. I want to get the dangerous sharks, the MOLESTERS, off of
:: the kids, and into Bubba's not so tender mercies. While we work from
:: different sides of the issue, Y Not wants the same thing. That's why
:: I support what he does, and why the stupid BLs hate both of us. We
:: could be a good tag team, except that I don't think either of us
:: would look good in tights.

or socks even?
:: So, lets see of you understood what I said. If you want these "pedos"
:: to be put in a "correctional facility" (politically correct name for
:: "prison", as if that'll make them into country clubs), don't scare
:: them into protecting themselves from being caught. Now do you get it?
:: You've got them so scared, they're tossing you some of their own
:: numbers, to keep you wolves at bay. You're harassment is actually
:: making them safer and more secure, out of fear.
:: Will knowing this now, make you stop? I DON'T THINK SO.
:: I don't think you can control yourselves that much, even if you knew
:: what you were doing. I know. I used to be one of you.
:: SO, now WHO'S laughing at WHO? :-)

I think I have made my position perfectly clear already. post your pedo pics
in a suitably named alt.binaries.* group and I won't bother anyone there.
stay in alt.fan.* and we WILL trash every one of those groups.
that is a promise.
your choice. I'd sincerely prefer you to take my advice.
:: I'm REFEREE, that's WHO!

and I am meow.
: Fuck off, Y-Tard.
Steve Leyland
mhm32x16 Smeeter#24 WSD#41
flower: three 6 four 9 five 8 eight 9
em ess en: my 1st name at purgatory dot org
Alcatroll Labs Inc (bongwater maintenance dept)


Chickens: The only animals you eat before they are born and after they
are dead.
"My suggestion is to completely ignore idiots like Leland. They are the
lowest form of pond scum. People like him have tried unsuccessfully in
the past to disrupt the newsgroup. The best medicine is to completely
ignore them. As I'm sure you'll see, they're most intelligent response
is to yell nasty names. Other than that, they have nothing."

JG, netKKKop, alt.sailing.asa
"Warning to all:
Steve Leyland is a trolling twat of the highest order. Killfile the
muppet now and move on. Even the briefest of searches on his past
UseNet posts will reveal the truth. You have been warned. *plonk*"

Bear, netKKKop, uk.rec.motorcycles
"I didn't delete any part of your meaningless, pointless, worthless
post in order to clearly demonstrate that you are the nemesis of
Usenet: the crossposting, non-editing, diagram-creating worthless,
dickless, brainless, gutless, mindless, ball-less, spineless, flaccid,
obese, fish-belly pale, ugly, VD-ridden, moronic, bald, hunch-backed,
flat-footed, odoriferous, obnoxious, fecal-smelling, buck-toothed,
physically handicapped, fungus-infected, HIV positive, mud-packing,
masturbating, whining, simpering, self-important, arrogant, egomaniacal
POS that takes up more bandwidth than a despicable binary-poster, and
for no apparent reason beyond seeing his own defecatory vomitus
slithering down the screen in vile green rivulets."

Admiral Halsey, alt.sailing.asa
"I went to the Garden of Love,
And saw what I never had seen;
A Chapel was built in the midst,
Where I used to play on the green.

And the gates of this Chapel were shut
And "Thou shalt not," writ over the door;
So I turned to the Garden of Love
That so many sweet flowers bore.

And I saw it was filled with graves,
And tombstones where flowers should be;
And priests in black gowns were walking their rounds,
And binding with briars my joys and desires."

William Blake.
"When the Earth has been ravaged and the animals are dying, a tribe of
people from all races, creeds and colours shall put their faith in
deeds, not words, and make the land green again. They shall be known as
Warriors of the Rainbow, protectors of the environment."

Native American prophecy

|\ _.-'~~""'~`'~)
/, ~-,__,,,.'~ ,-;;--''
|,4) ./ ' ; ;/'
'-~~;'@ ( ; ;
_.--'' _.-_..' .;.'
(,_..----''' (,..--''

Pope Frogbutt I
2005-05-17 18:30:54 UTC
Post by S.Shortcake
::::: I just want you to know than I'm right now downloading and
::::: forwarding every single picture from your "Subject99" set.
::::: A certain lady at a certain FBI email address is getting an
::::: eyefull of this poor little redheaded boy. She told me that the
::::: most effective way to deal with you pedos, is to forward as
::::: attachment, and that NO ONE is anon when they post to usenet,
::::: that every single person can be found with very little work.
::::: It would seem to some that this is alotta work for me to do this,
::::: but it's worth it. I want this lady to see this kids penis, his
::::: ass, his balls, his tortured eyes, his bruises, and the fact that
::::: he's not even old enough to grow pubic hair.
::::: You stupid, sick, fucking child raper.
::::: Knock knock.
::::: --
::::: SS
:::: Hey SS, think we could get the name of that agent? "She" needs to
:::: be told she's exceeding her authority. She has no legal basis with
:::: which to request a civilian to break the law. This also interferes
:::: with the chain of custody, making the pictures of little value as
:::: evidence of posting.
::: apparently it only took one forwarded binary attachment for the FBI
::: to rekindle their interest in your little boy rapists club. very
::: soon you'll hear the sweet sound of your doors breaking in at dawn
::: then you'll all be in jail where you so clearly belong.
:::: Have you *looked* at those pictures? I haven't, but from what I've
:::: read, this poster doesn't post what would be against the law where
:::: he lives.
::: the last time you sickos invaded text froups circa 2001, I
::: downloaded *one* binary image to check it out. it contained a pic
::: of a baby perhaps 3 years old with some sick bastard's penis in his
::: anus. the look of pain on that poor baby's face actually made me
::: question how on earth a human being could do something like that to
::: such an innocent. but then I realised, you so-called BL pedos
::: aren't human. if you can look at images like that and find them
::: even slightly erotic instead of fucking disgusting, you really
::: should put a pistol in your mouth and pull the trigger.
::: if it would help, I could post other methods of suicide if you
::: don't have access to a gun.
:: One image causes you to condemn a whole series of newsgroups? Are
:: you serious? Would you hold everyone responsible for all the spam,
:: too?
ah yes, the spam is the reason you avoid posting in clearly labelled
alt.binaries.* groups isn't it? so what about the casual innocent
browser of usenet who sees one of these alt.fan.* groups you lot
feebly attempt to hide in and curiously downloads a binary? not to
mention the fact that it is net abuse to post binaries in a text
group. go to alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.boys or something equally
as obvious to post your sick pedo filth. the spam argument just
doesn't hunt. you can post a killfile tutorial.
There are all kinds of binary groups, including ones with pedo or
pedophile in the name, that have little or no spam.
Post by S.Shortcake
:: As I recall, being on the Troll side at that time, the BLs were up
:: in arms against the baby-rape posters. They do try to police
:: themselves.
BLs are pedophiles, lets' face the facts and cut the bullshit? OK,
everyone's sexuality is different and there's no harm in that, but
grown men looking at images of naked young boys is just plain fucking
:::: If you're going to bully people, at least do it right. You shame
:::: your fellow Trolls by attacking the wrong poster, and the wrong
:::: pictures,
::: STFU, all pictures of naked children are wrong and illegal.
::: surely you don't actually expect us to look at your sick filth to
::: check the content?
:: I have pictures of myself that were taken when I was a baby, with
:: not a stitch of clothes on. As a kid, I was totally embarrassed when
:: my mother insisted on showing them to all my friends. Oh how I
:: wished they were illegal, and that my mother, who would have killed
:: the warden, was put behind bars for what she did to me. But alas,
:: they weren't illegal then, and unfortunately for the potential
:: parent caused embarrassment of all the children of today, they
:: aren't illegal now. Child pornography is illegal in most places, but
:: the definition of it varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. The
:: US Supreme Court has ruled that it's defined by "community
:: standards", but they neglected to tell us what the hell that is.
:: I've prosecuted such cases. It's not always as clear cut as you
:: might think.
did your mother post your baby pics on usenet for creepy old pedo guys
like rolex to jerk off to? perhaps you'd have felt differently had
that been the case?
:: Freedom of expression is protected by the Constitution. This applies
:: to photographs, if they are determined to have "artistic" value.
:: This is illustrated by what happened in the controversial
:: Maplethorpe Exhibition. There was a picture of a naked 9 year old
:: boy climbing on an easy chair. It raised quite a stir. It was
:: accused of being child pornography, but after a lot of official
:: inquiries, it was determined that the boy was a naturist (nudist).
:: His whole family was, and had consented to have photographs taken of
:: the family members in their usual lack of attire. The ruling was
:: that it wasn't pornography, and that it was legal art. For myself, I
:: didn't think it was anything more than a glorified family snapshot.
:: Maybe I lack the artistic sense to see it differently.
no doubt despite this dubious legal approval, rolex and his ilk were
wanking their shrivelled dicks off to it as soon as it got posted in
your ever so secret hideaway pedo text groups.
:: As it stands now, in most places in the US, pictures of naked people
:: of any age are legal, if the subjects are engaging in "normal"
:: public activities. This specifically applies to naturists and family
:: pictures. Posed pictures that do not have the subjects in sexually
:: suggestive positions, may be considered art, and not pornography,
:: depending on which "community standards" are used to evaluate them,
:: and they are changing from day to day. It can be very frustrating to
:: prosecute these cases.
:: Did you know that the State of Rhode Island passed a law including
:: digitally created images, that have never had any part of a real
:: human in them, in the definitions of pornography? The Supreme Court
:: had previously ruled that digitally created images were exempt from
:: the pornography rules. Y Not posted about that last year. I don't
:: know if the State law has been tested yet. I just now remembered it.
:: I should look into it. Maybe.
:::: and by the way, you look stupid doing that. But, if you like
:::: people laughing at you...
::: nono, *you* are the one who looks fucking stupid. and I'm not
::: laughing, trust me.
:: Trust you? I don't think so. Not until you know what you're talking
:: about.
:: What good is attacking these people, if you can't stick to the
:: truth? Don't you want to be better than they are? There are more
:: than enough reasons to attack them, without you having to be so lazy
:: that you have to make them up.
I will continue to attack until you all start posting in a clearly
named group in the alt.binaries.* hierarchy. terribly sorry if this
inconveniences any pedos in their dowloading of images of children to
masturbate to.
They think they're hiding in the non binary groups, yet all they do bring
shit down on themselves.
Post by S.Shortcake
:::: I am, REFEREE
::: You are, BUBBA'S BITCH.
:: Oh boy did you get that wrong! I'm the guy who puts crime-in-alls in
:: there for Bubba to play with. If I can prove anyone here is
:: committing a crime in my jurisdiction, I'll prosecute the pants off
:: them, to make it more convenient for Bubba. But I'm not going to
:: harass the whole population into being MORE secure! That would be
:: really stupid. Oh, isn't that what you're doing? Oops! The best way
:: to get them is to leave them alone in the newsgroups. Let them get
:: complacent and feel safe. They're so stupid, they'll let down their
:: guard and post something that gives them away. When they do that,
:: the other BLs who are too stupid to have any brains at all, will
:: make *sure* I know about it, by fighting over who gets to tell the
:: idiot he's exposing himself to all the LEAs who are already finding
:: out where he lives.
LEA are clearly doing nothing about these pedos. remember the last
wars in 2001?
I was told leave it, we will deal with them.. 5 years later and still
going on.
I'd say they've had more than enough time and have failed, now its
time for fluffy to take over and turn the light on these cockroaches
of usenet.
:: I actually support their security measures. I want them to feel
:: safe. The smart ones *will* be safe. I don't mind that, because
:: they're also smart enough not to molest children. It's the stupid
:: ones who do that, and they're also too stupid to follow the advice
:: of the groups' "security experts". I don't much care about the porn
:: on their computers, it's probably all encrypted, I'm after more
:: important fishies. I want to get the dangerous sharks, the
:: MOLESTERS, off of the kids, and into Bubba's not so tender mercies.
:: While we work from different sides of the issue, Y Not wants the
:: same thing. That's why I support what he does, and why the stupid
:: BLs hate both of us. We could be a good tag team, except that I
:: don't think either of us would look good in tights.
or socks even?
:: So, lets see of you understood what I said. If you want these
:: "pedos" to be put in a "correctional facility" (politically correct
:: name for "prison", as if that'll make them into country clubs),
:: don't scare them into protecting themselves from being caught. Now
:: do you get it? You've got them so scared, they're tossing you some
:: of their own numbers, to keep you wolves at bay. You're harassment
:: is actually making them safer and more secure, out of fear.
:: Will knowing this now, make you stop? I DON'T THINK SO.
:: I don't think you can control yourselves that much, even if you knew
:: what you were doing. I know. I used to be one of you.
:: SO, now WHO'S laughing at WHO? :-)
I think I have made my position perfectly clear already. post your
pedo pics in a suitably named alt.binaries.* group and I won't bother
anyone there. stay in alt.fan.* and we WILL trash every one of those
groups. that is a promise.
your choice. I'd sincerely prefer you to take my advice.
:: I'm REFEREE, that's WHO!
and I am meow.
: Fuck off, Y-Tard.
Meet the f'loons:

Lady Motown: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=185542
Deggie: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181922
Pam: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=180995
Kenny: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181357
John: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181326
Keesha: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181273

"HIAY HU WANTZ 2 FEELL MAI TITS?////" - Britney Spears discovers the
Steve Leyland
2005-05-18 05:54:58 UTC
Pope Frogbutt I wrote:
: "Steve Leyland" <***@meow.org.invalid> wrote
: in news:d6bl28$g69$***@valis.databasix.com:
:: Pope Frogbutt I wrote:
:: :":*Referee*:" <***@foundling.invalid> wrote in
::: news:140520050833115428%***@foundling.invalid:
:::: In article <d64d35$pr$***@valis.databasix.com>, Steve Leyland
:::: <***@meow.org.invalid> wrote:
::::: :*Referee*: wrote:
:::::: In article <d638g6$a8e$***@shpxurnq.databasix.com>, S.Shortcake
:::::: <***@ofthe.dragonlover> wrote:
::::::: I just want you to know than I'm right now downloading and
::::::: forwarding every single picture from your "Subject99" set.
::::::: A certain lady at a certain FBI email address is getting an
::::::: eyefull of this poor little redheaded boy. She told me that the
::::::: most effective way to deal with you pedos, is to forward as
::::::: attachment, and that NO ONE is anon when they post to usenet,
::::::: that every single person can be found with very little work.
::::::: It would seem to some that this is alotta work for me to do
::::::: this, but it's worth it. I want this lady to see this kids
::::::: penis, his ass, his balls, his tortured eyes, his bruises, and
::::::: the fact that he's not even old enough to grow pubic hair.
::::::: You stupid, sick, fucking child raper.
::::::: Knock knock.
::::::: --
::::::: SS
:::::: Hey SS, think we could get the name of that agent? "She" needs to
:::::: be told she's exceeding her authority. She has no legal basis
:::::: with which to request a civilian to break the law. This also
:::::: interferes with the chain of custody, making the pictures of
:::::: little value as evidence of posting.
::::: apparently it only took one forwarded binary attachment for the
::::: FBI to rekindle their interest in your little boy rapists club.
::::: very soon you'll hear the sweet sound of your doors breaking in
::::: at dawn then you'll all be in jail where you so clearly belong.
:::::: Have you *looked* at those pictures? I haven't, but from what
:::::: I've read, this poster doesn't post what would be against the
:::::: law where he lives.
::::: the last time you sickos invaded text froups circa 2001, I
::::: downloaded *one* binary image to check it out. it contained a pic
::::: of a baby perhaps 3 years old with some sick bastard's penis in
::::: his anus. the look of pain on that poor baby's face actually made
::::: me question how on earth a human being could do something like
::::: that to such an innocent. but then I realised, you so-called BL
::::: pedos aren't human. if you can look at images like that and find
::::: them even slightly erotic instead of fucking disgusting, you
::::: really should put a pistol in your mouth and pull the trigger.
::::: if it would help, I could post other methods of suicide if you
::::: don't have access to a gun.
:::: One image causes you to condemn a whole series of newsgroups? Are
:::: you serious? Would you hold everyone responsible for all the spam,
:::: too?
:: ah yes, the spam is the reason you avoid posting in clearly labelled
:: alt.binaries.* groups isn't it? so what about the casual innocent
:: browser of usenet who sees one of these alt.fan.* groups you lot
:: feebly attempt to hide in and curiously downloads a binary? not to
:: mention the fact that it is net abuse to post binaries in a text
:: group. go to alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.boys or something equally
:: as obvious to post your sick pedo filth. the spam argument just
:: doesn't hunt. you can post a killfile tutorial.
: There are all kinds of binary groups, including ones with pedo or
: pedophile in the name, that have little or no spam.

agreed. I'll even cmsg a few new ones for them if it rids them from
:::: As I recall, being on the Troll side at that time, the BLs were up
:::: in arms against the baby-rape posters. They do try to police
:::: themselves.
:: BLs are pedophiles, lets' face the facts and cut the bullshit? OK,
:: everyone's sexuality is different and there's no harm in that, but
:: grown men looking at images of naked young boys is just plain fucking
:: wrong.
:::::: If you're going to bully people, at least do it right. You shame
:::::: your fellow Trolls by attacking the wrong poster, and the wrong
:::::: pictures,
::::: STFU, all pictures of naked children are wrong and illegal.
::::: surely you don't actually expect us to look at your sick filth to
::::: check the content?
:::: I have pictures of myself that were taken when I was a baby, with
:::: not a stitch of clothes on. As a kid, I was totally embarrassed
:::: when my mother insisted on showing them to all my friends. Oh how I
:::: wished they were illegal, and that my mother, who would have killed
:::: the warden, was put behind bars for what she did to me. But alas,
:::: they weren't illegal then, and unfortunately for the potential
:::: parent caused embarrassment of all the children of today, they
:::: aren't illegal now. Child pornography is illegal in most places,
:::: but the definition of it varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.
:::: The US Supreme Court has ruled that it's defined by "community
:::: standards", but they neglected to tell us what the hell that is.
:::: I've prosecuted such cases. It's not always as clear cut as you
:::: might think.
:: did your mother post your baby pics on usenet for creepy old pedo
:: guys like rolex to jerk off to? perhaps you'd have felt differently
:: had that been the case?
:::: Freedom of expression is protected by the Constitution. This
:::: applies to photographs, if they are determined to have "artistic"
:::: value. This is illustrated by what happened in the controversial
:::: Maplethorpe Exhibition. There was a picture of a naked 9 year old
:::: boy climbing on an easy chair. It raised quite a stir. It was
:::: accused of being child pornography, but after a lot of official
:::: inquiries, it was determined that the boy was a naturist (nudist).
:::: His whole family was, and had consented to have photographs taken
:::: of the family members in their usual lack of attire. The ruling was
:::: that it wasn't pornography, and that it was legal art. For myself,
:::: I didn't think it was anything more than a glorified family
:::: snapshot. Maybe I lack the artistic sense to see it differently.
:: no doubt despite this dubious legal approval, rolex and his ilk were
:: wanking their shrivelled dicks off to it as soon as it got posted in
:: your ever so secret hideaway pedo text groups.
:::: As it stands now, in most places in the US, pictures of naked
:::: people of any age are legal, if the subjects are engaging in
:::: "normal" public activities. This specifically applies to naturists
:::: and family pictures. Posed pictures that do not have the subjects
:::: in sexually suggestive positions, may be considered art, and not
:::: pornography, depending on which "community standards" are used to
:::: evaluate them, and they are changing from day to day. It can be
:::: very frustrating to prosecute these cases.
:::: Did you know that the State of Rhode Island passed a law including
:::: digitally created images, that have never had any part of a real
:::: human in them, in the definitions of pornography? The Supreme Court
:::: had previously ruled that digitally created images were exempt from
:::: the pornography rules. Y Not posted about that last year. I don't
:::: know if the State law has been tested yet. I just now remembered
:::: it. I should look into it. Maybe.
:::::: and by the way, you look stupid doing that. But, if you like
:::::: people laughing at you...
::::: nono, *you* are the one who looks fucking stupid. and I'm not
::::: laughing, trust me.
:::: Trust you? I don't think so. Not until you know what you're talking
:::: about.
:::: What good is attacking these people, if you can't stick to the
:::: truth? Don't you want to be better than they are? There are more
:::: than enough reasons to attack them, without you having to be so
:::: lazy that you have to make them up.
:: I will continue to attack until you all start posting in a clearly
:: named group in the alt.binaries.* hierarchy. terribly sorry if this
:: inconveniences any pedos in their dowloading of images of children to
:: masturbate to.
: They think they're hiding in the non binary groups, yet all they do
: bring shit down on themselves.

with a mere 2 mouse clicks I can type any poster nym or email addy and find
all their posts in any groups. hiding is no longer possible for anyone.
:::::: I am, REFEREE
::::: You are, BUBBA'S BITCH.
:::: Oh boy did you get that wrong! I'm the guy who puts crime-in-alls
:::: in there for Bubba to play with. If I can prove anyone here is
:::: committing a crime in my jurisdiction, I'll prosecute the pants off
:::: them, to make it more convenient for Bubba. But I'm not going to
:::: harass the whole population into being MORE secure! That would be
:::: really stupid. Oh, isn't that what you're doing? Oops! The best way
:::: to get them is to leave them alone in the newsgroups. Let them get
:::: complacent and feel safe. They're so stupid, they'll let down their
:::: guard and post something that gives them away. When they do that,
:::: the other BLs who are too stupid to have any brains at all, will
:::: make *sure* I know about it, by fighting over who gets to tell the
:::: idiot he's exposing himself to all the LEAs who are already finding
:::: out where he lives.
:: LEA are clearly doing nothing about these pedos. remember the last
:: wars in 2001?
:: I was told leave it, we will deal with them.. 5 years later and still
:: going on.
:: I'd say they've had more than enough time and have failed, now its
:: time for fluffy to take over and turn the light on these cockroaches
:: of usenet.
:::: I actually support their security measures. I want them to feel
:::: safe. The smart ones *will* be safe. I don't mind that, because
:::: they're also smart enough not to molest children. It's the stupid
:::: ones who do that, and they're also too stupid to follow the advice
:::: of the groups' "security experts". I don't much care about the porn
:::: on their computers, it's probably all encrypted, I'm after more
:::: important fishies. I want to get the dangerous sharks, the
:::: MOLESTERS, off of the kids, and into Bubba's not so tender mercies.
:::: While we work from different sides of the issue, Y Not wants the
:::: same thing. That's why I support what he does, and why the stupid
:::: BLs hate both of us. We could be a good tag team, except that I
:::: don't think either of us would look good in tights.
:: or socks even?
:::: So, lets see of you understood what I said. If you want these
:::: "pedos" to be put in a "correctional facility" (politically correct
:::: name for "prison", as if that'll make them into country clubs),
:::: don't scare them into protecting themselves from being caught. Now
:::: do you get it? You've got them so scared, they're tossing you some
:::: of their own numbers, to keep you wolves at bay. You're harassment
:::: is actually making them safer and more secure, out of fear.
:::: Will knowing this now, make you stop? I DON'T THINK SO.
:::: I don't think you can control yourselves that much, even if you
:::: knew what you were doing. I know. I used to be one of you.
:::: SO, now WHO'S laughing at WHO? :-)
:: I think I have made my position perfectly clear already. post your
:: pedo pics in a suitably named alt.binaries.* group and I won't bother
:: anyone there. stay in alt.fan.* and we WILL trash every one of those
:: groups. that is a promise.
:: your choice. I'd sincerely prefer you to take my advice.
:::: I'm REFEREE, that's WHO!
:: and I am meow.
::: Fuck off, Y-Tard.
Steve Leyland
mhm32x16 Smeeter#24 WSD#41
flower: three 6 four 9 five 8 eight 9
em ess en: my 1st name at purgatory dot org
Alcatroll Labs Inc (bongwater maintenance dept)


The action required to sustain human life is primarily intellectual:
Everything man needs has to be discovered by his mind and produced by
his effort. - Ayn Rand
"My suggestion is to completely ignore idiots like Leland. They are the
lowest form of pond scum. People like him have tried unsuccessfully in
the past to disrupt the newsgroup. The best medicine is to completely
ignore them. As I'm sure you'll see, they're most intelligent response
is to yell nasty names. Other than that, they have nothing."

JG, netKKKop, alt.sailing.asa
"Warning to all:
Steve Leyland is a trolling twat of the highest order. Killfile the
muppet now and move on. Even the briefest of searches on his past
UseNet posts will reveal the truth. You have been warned. *plonk*"

Bear, netKKKop, uk.rec.motorcycles
"I didn't delete any part of your meaningless, pointless, worthless
post in order to clearly demonstrate that you are the nemesis of
Usenet: the crossposting, non-editing, diagram-creating worthless,
dickless, brainless, gutless, mindless, ball-less, spineless, flaccid,
obese, fish-belly pale, ugly, VD-ridden, moronic, bald, hunch-backed,
flat-footed, odoriferous, obnoxious, fecal-smelling, buck-toothed,
physically handicapped, fungus-infected, HIV positive, mud-packing,
masturbating, whining, simpering, self-important, arrogant, egomaniacal
POS that takes up more bandwidth than a despicable binary-poster, and
for no apparent reason beyond seeing his own defecatory vomitus
slithering down the screen in vile green rivulets."

Admiral Halsey, alt.sailing.asa
"I went to the Garden of Love,
And saw what I never had seen;
A Chapel was built in the midst,
Where I used to play on the green.

And the gates of this Chapel were shut
And "Thou shalt not," writ over the door;
So I turned to the Garden of Love
That so many sweet flowers bore.

And I saw it was filled with graves,
And tombstones where flowers should be;
And priests in black gowns were walking their rounds,
And binding with briars my joys and desires."

William Blake.
"When the Earth has been ravaged and the animals are dying, a tribe of
people from all races, creeds and colours shall put their faith in
deeds, not words, and make the land green again. They shall be known as
Warriors of the Rainbow, protectors of the environment."

Native American prophecy

|\ _.-'~~""'~`'~)
/, ~-,__,,,.'~ ,-;;--''
|,4) ./ ' ; ;/'
'-~~;'@ ( ; ;
_.--'' _.-_..' .;.'
(,_..----''' (,..--''

2005-05-14 20:48:06 UTC
:*Referee*: wrote:
:: In article <d638g6$a8e$***@shpxurnq.databasix.com>, S.Shortcake
:: <***@ofthe.dragonlover> wrote:
::: I just want you to know than I'm right now downloading and
::: forwarding every single picture from your "Subject99" set.
::: A certain lady at a certain FBI email address is getting an eyefull
::: of this poor little redheaded boy. She told me that the most
::: effective way to deal with you pedos, is to forward as attachment,
::: and that NO ONE is anon when they post to usenet, that every
::: single person can be found with very little work.
::: It would seem to some that this is alotta work for me to do this,
::: but it's worth it. I want this lady to see this kids penis, his
::: ass, his balls, his tortured eyes, his bruises, and the fact that
::: he's not even old enough to grow pubic hair.
::: You stupid, sick, fucking child raper.
::: Knock knock.
::: --
::: SS
:: Hey SS, think we could get the name of that agent? "She" needs to be
:: told she's exceeding her authority. She has no legal basis with which
:: to request a civilian to break the law. This also interferes with the
:: chain of custody, making the pictures of little value as evidence of
:: posting.
:: Have you *looked* at those pictures? I haven't, but from what I've
:: read, this poster doesn't post what would be against the law where he
:: lives.
:: If you're going to bully people, at least do it right. You shame your
:: fellow Trolls by attacking the wrong poster, and the wrong pictures,
:: and by the way, you look stupid doing that. But, if you like people
:: laughing at you...
:: I am, Catch O' The Day.

A great day for a good old fashioned fishfry.
On the menu today: Big Mouth Bass.

(Sidenote to Mr. Leyland. It's time. ;) )
SS~ :)
Pope Frogbutt I
2005-05-16 03:35:01 UTC
":*Referee*:" <***@foundling.invalid> wrote in news:140520050006341577%***@foundling.invalid:

Post by :*Referee*:
You're a kook.
Meet the f'loons:

Lady Motown: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=185542
Deggie: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181922
Pam: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=180995
Kenny: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181357
John: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181326
Keesha: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181273

"HIAY HU WANTZ 2 FEELL MAI TITS?////" - Britney Spears discovers the
2005-05-14 20:47:37 UTC
Fruity FeNToN (NP-f46) wrote:
:: On 13-May-2005, "S.Shortcake" <***@ofthe.dragonlover> wrote:
::: I just want you to know than I'm right now downloading and
::: forwarding every single picture from your "Subject99" set.
::: A certain lady at a certain FBI email address is getting an eyefull
::: of this poor little redheaded boy. She told me that the most
::: effective way to deal with you pedos, is to forward as attachment,
::: and that NO ONE is anon when they post to usenet, that every
::: single person can be found with very little work.
::: It would seem to some that this is alotta work for me to do this,
::: but it's worth it. I want this lady to see this kids penis, his
::: ass, his balls, his tortured eyes, his bruises, and the fact that
::: he's not even old enough to grow pubic hair.
::: You stupid, sick, fucking child raper.
::: Knock knock.
::: --
::: SS
:: LOL! I don't <SLAP>

I ain't your pal, pedo scum.
SS~ :) Damn it was a great day for fishing!